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Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue a 'pedo' in baseless attack


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Just now, KonKorat said:

Vern attacked him first,Elon Musk offered to help,they could of said no!I didn’t see anyone else put their hand up and did what Elon Musk did in just a short time.And For Elon Musk to say what he said is very low of him and very unprofessional.

'KonKorat': could you, possibly, be another victim of 'modern media'?

Do you really think that Musk character simply came in the news with his 'big thingy' (as that is what it looks like, to remain polite), by the work of the force of gravity? Or do you realise this was, from well before day-one we got aware of it, a well orchestrated PR action (for his nowadays quite 'tainted' name in industry), organised by his promotion team?

US, SA, up to you, but the kind of fake making aTrump puke all over the holy Twitter's wings.

It seems the Thai 'authorities' at first fell in the trap a bit, but as their own face-enhancing... PR-show (anyone thinking they cared any bit for the life of 'just' 13 for anything else, I call a fool) ran about getting the boys and their silly trainer out, alive, big-ego-Elon soon considered a disturbance with his show-off-maxi-rigid-condom, ...in the reality of the ongoing critical salvation operation where there was no time at all for trial-and-error with his toy, was visibly stepped on his painfull toe/ego.

The rest can be read everywhere, ...especially his ill temper and vulgarity.

The next BIG financial crash...? It's in the air for some time anyway. I wouldn't shed a tear (except for all the greedy idiots and other believers who have invested any money with this con-artist, ...the US taxpayers, unasked about it, in the front row).

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Just now, Hummin said:

You pay tax in US? Really? And he manage to steal your tax money? Amazing,,,,,,,,,,, Your country going bankrupt because of Mr Musk? Really? That is a joke, and you know it!

'Hummin': go on living from the nectar of the flowers (...according to your avatar), real life is too cruel for you, many bad persons around, you know, even maybe some you do admire...

Edited by bangrak
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18 minutes ago, bangrak said:

'Hummin': go on living from the nectar of the flowers (...according to your avatar), real life is too cruel for you, many bad persons around, you know, even maybe some you do admire...

Funny guy!

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Why is the whole of society going bonkers? Everyday there is something in the headlines that just beggars belief.

Im happy, no, very happy to say this remark says much more about Musk than the diver (obviously)


Sue him and send him a photo of yourself rolling around in his money

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10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Seems to me that Vern is not media savvy (why would he be) and that CNN got exactly the controversial interview they were seeking.



And the clip i saw started with Vern saying the comment.

meaning whatever was asked/said by the reporter before was carefully clipped out and  could have been a factor in what Vern said.


The shrewd interviewer will have a skill of getting the sensational comments from people who maybe are not aware of these journos tricks

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10 hours ago, carmine said:

What knowledge of physics is required to know a 5'6" submarine won't go through 15" gaps!!!

Scaled down this can be tested by trying to flush an 8" vibrator through the (approximately 2") u bend in the hong nahm. 

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19 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

Mr Musk is just a narcistic and egomanic genius who can't stand it if he get's criticized. Then he does not know anything else but retort with insults. 


But... he is in a boat with Donald Trump in all that, except that Trump definitely is NO genius, no matter what he claims


Sad that this is the current "Best" America has to "offer" to the world, can add Maxine Waters to that group also

.....and I was just going to write that he's a spoilt brat who, by his actions, proves to us all that he's a <deleted>.

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17 hours ago, carmine said:

Only 20% i believe.


I really hope that this doesn't turn into an "American" thing because its not, its about Elon Musk who just happens to be an American.  And i doubt he's to everyones choosing in the States either for that matter!!

Actually, Americans can duck this one out. He  is a South African with  South African citizenship. He moved to Canada for his university education, and obtained Canadian citizenship. So blame Canada as well. He's only been a US  citizen since 2002.

Know what? There is lots of  stereotypical blame to go around; the South African arrogance and bullying, the Canadian smugness and bloated sense of moral superiority and of course the American in your face pushiness. He's just a smorgasbord of  anger and hate.   ?

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33 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Actually, Americans can duck this one out. He  is a South African with  South African citizenship. He moved to Canada for his university education, and obtained Canadian citizenship. So blame Canada as well. He's only been a US  citizen since 2002.

Know what? There is lots of  stereotypical blame to go around; the South African arrogance and bullying, the Canadian smugness and bloated sense of moral superiority and of course the American in your face pushiness. He's just a smorgasbord of  anger and hate.   ?

Actually, Elon Musk's statement would never had exist except in his own head if it was not for twitter so we should know where to address the  blame….:whistling:


With all Technology available it should be an easy task to prevent. Something easy as a built-in sensor on the tastature who recognize anger by a sudden change in typing force could automaticly made a delay in sending with a requirement to retype so the sender was given a second thought prior to publish...:smile:

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12 minutes ago, nausea said:

What's interesting here is the logic in his head that led to this insult - Western guy living in Thailand, must be a pedo.

So it means that you have never in Your life said something that you actually didnt meant….??….I honestly have my doubts...:whistling:


Yes, Musk is a well known individ. Yes, he should have a bigger responsibility than others for what he say and do in Public, at least is this Our expactions.


When this is said, at the end of the day, Elon is as well just a human being as the rest of us with errors and shortcomings, but there is no reason for not address any apology in this setting and that applies to both of them as they both have acted as children far beyound what could be expected  where one started, one responded where the wisest will end it….





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1 minute ago, ttrd said:

So it means that you have never in Your life said something that you actually didnt meant….??….I honestly have my doubts...:whistling:


Yes, Musk is a well known individ. Yes, he should have a bigger responsibility than others for what he say and do in Public, at least is this Our expactions.


When this is said, at the end of the day, Elon is as well just a human being as the rest of us with errors and shortcomings, but there is no reason for not address any apology in this setting and that applies to both of them as they both have acted as children far beyound what could be expected  where one started, one responded where the wisest will end it….





we all have to pay for mistakes


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10 minutes ago, ttrd said:

So it means that you have never in Your life said something that you actually didnt meant….??….I honestly have my doubts...:whistling:


Yes, Musk is a well known individ. Yes, he should have a bigger responsibility than others for what he say and do in Public, at least is this Our expactions.


When this is said, at the end of the day, Elon is as well just a human being as the rest of us with errors and shortcomings, but there is no reason for not address any apology in this setting and that applies to both of them as they both have acted as children far beyound what could be expected  where one started, one responded where the wisest will end it….





Of course, but publically naming someone as a paedophile is entirely different, there is no worse crime, IMHO, that a man can be accused of.


Mud sticks and Unsworth should sue.

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14 hours ago, grollies said:

...I personally hope Big Vern now sues Musk for, let's say, $100m.

Okay, I'll use creative interpretation also then...


Messing with kids is wrong, but if there's money involved (like $100m) then it's okay(?).


Money has nothing to do with this issue (well, apparently it does, but it shouldn't).  It's about caring for others, helping in the best way one can, empathy, and being a human with integrity.  What happens on media rarely produces anything any of us want.


Stepping back to take the macro view, both parties are trying to do the right thing for the football lads, where the f does all this other stuff come in to assist that?

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3 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

Calling someone a Pedo is bang out of line and in my opinion puts the recipient at risk of some drongo believing it. I backed Musk recently in debate and now regret that.

I think the public reaction is split based on interests - are you a scientist I belive you would understad Elons reaction based on Your knowledge of all the work behind and not pay to much attention at the pedo comment...


Are you a foreigner reside in Thailand then the rocket in the ass means less and it will be just focused on the pedo statement as this is something you can be identified with - actually not more complicated than that….


BTW - Those 2 foolish statements has already got far more attention that they deserve and hopefully will soon come to an end... :wai:

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2 minutes ago, outofafrica said:

Are you a foreigner reside in Thailand then the rocket in the ass means less and it will be just focused on the pedo statement as this is something you can be identified with - actually not more complicated than that….

Keep it up.

Your looking more smarter in every post.

Fair Dinkum, mate  :cheesy:

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If someone called me a pedo if i couldn’t physically find them I would sue them 100 %


one of the worse insults you can call someone 


unless it’s backed up with some evidence and someone is actually a pedo like caught by one of these pedo traps 

or found with indeacent images of children in their phones 


but to call someone you don’t like a pedo just out of jelousy on the media for the world to see is a real nasty thing to do and in fact the accuser should be treated as a pedo. Give his medicine back to him 


I mean what does it say because he didn’t get to Thailand to use us water toy


if he had got to Thailand then maybe he would have to brand himself a pedo going by his logic 

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2 hours ago, nausea said:

What's interesting here is the logic in his head that led to this insult - Western guy living in Thailand, must be a pedo.

that should be is, where is not here is 

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Very disappointing and disappointed. I guess we should always be cautious when someone or something appears to be too good to be true, regardless of whether we like/agree with them or their mission or not. 


I've said this before, but when you get people who actually are selfless and genuinely working for the benefit of others, they will NEVER voluntarily tell you about it. If they do, you should be suspicious, because this goes very much against the same instinct that makes these people unselfish. Any aid worker claiming great works almost inevitably turns out to be a shameless self-promoter or conman, whereas you'll never hear about the ones who just keep their heads down and grind. Mother Theresa, Greg Mortensen, Lance Armstrong are the most high profile examples of this. Musk can be given more latitude for self-promotion as his enterprise is capitalist, but it is cracks in the facade like this that reveal the true person inside to be just another rich guy whose ego is so large it can't take any criticism.

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1 hour ago, Shiver said:

Okay, I'll use creative interpretation also then...


Messing with kids is wrong, but if there's money involved (like $100m) then it's okay(?).


I think you are struggling with your comprehension skill set.

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Sad, disappointing and totally unnecessary rhetoric from a public figure. I admit to saying many stupid things in moments of anger or arrogance but his words echo to far more ears than the voice of most humans. Hope he apologizes and he and Vern sit down and reconcile this petty but very public dispute.  

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20 hours ago, Hummin said:

So, how is mr Musk doing on the stock marked today? Anyone notice his last verbal stunt? Anyone noticed his Thailand stunt at all, and did it influence any of his value at all? 

It apears that they are short selling  his company, Tesla, well some people are ... betting it to go down. But this has been happening for a while I think. ??? I just saw this briefly.


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