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Trump invites Putin to Washington despite U.S. uproar on Helsinki summit


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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

Trump makes me think of a dog obsessively chasing its tail,   circling around one side and around the other .. Trump accuses Putin. then he clears him, then he accuses him again, . now he invites him

" Trump: I’ll be Putin’s ‘worst nightmare’ if talks fail, unlike ‘patsy’ Obama . “I think he knows that,” Trump said. “I’ll be his worst nightmare. But I don’t think it’ll be that way. I actually think we’ll have a good relationship.” 




Donald Trump is pictured. | Getty Images

Trump's need to compare himself and his actions to previous president really tells that he is not in par as a world leader. Even he doesn't believe in his own abilities and he tries to hide it with childish remarks of others.


Trump is a teenager trying to blow his own trumpet to look cool.  We all know how cool that behaviour looks to more mature people. 

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" During their press conference in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, President Donald Trump hinted at Russian President Vladimir Putin's desire to work together to combat election meddling together, saying "he has an interesting idea. Trump and Putin could be reigniting talks to create a cybersecurity task force, an idea experts shot down last year. "


Putin himself reportedly told Russian diplomats that he made a proposal for a referendum in eastern Ukraine, but agreed not to mention it until Trump had a chance to "mull it over." So of course the Russian leader mentioned it, likely in order to force Trump's hand in this overheated environment and make him take Putin's side."




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The results of Putin-Trump meeting are now starting to become reality. Slowly first and with more force later on... depending how the audience reacts.


Julia Davis


#Russia's state TV host claims Trump was fine w/ Putin's offer of holding a referendum in E Ukraine, but needed time to sell it to Europe. Host claims to be quoting Bloomberg, but article doesn't contain such info. She could be quoting Antonov, who frequently appears on the show.


This is how it starts.

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Face it, folks.

"trump" is compromised by Putin.

"trump" fans -- I can't fathom how they can continue to back such a traitor. 

He should do the honorable thing and just resign. Then I would have a tiny bit of respect for it. Short of that -- NEVER.


We might never get clear evidence that Trump made a secret deal with the Kremlin. It would be great to see his tax returns, and perhaps Mueller has evidence of private collusion that we have yet to see. These details matter. But in a larger sense, everything we need to know about Trump’s strange relationship with Russia is already out in the open. As The Donald himself might say, there’s something going on.


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26 minutes ago, oilinki said:

The results of Putin-Trump meeting are now starting to become reality. Slowly first and with more force later on... depending how the audience reacts.


Julia Davis


This is how it starts.


Legalisation of Crimea is rolling out by Putinists, very, very fast now.


Italian minister of internal affairs:




Salvini: “L’annessione russa della Crimea è legittima. Per l’Africa serve un piano Marshall” dlvr.it/Qc8gr4

Salvini: "The Russian annexation of Crimea is legitimate. For Africa We need a Marshall plan " dlvr.it/Qc8gr4




This is Putin's dream. All these little putinists are coming out to yell Putin's message to the World. All this backed by Trump. 


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1 minute ago, oilinki said:


Legalisation of Crimea is rolling out by Putinists, very, very fast now.


Italian minister of internal affairs:




This is Putin's dream. All these little putinists are coming out to yell Putin's message to the World. All this backed by Trump. 


coalition of supremacists

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5 minutes ago, Opl said:

coalition of supremacists

More like Coalition of narcissists.


These people don't care about anyone else but themselves. 


Patriotism etc ism's are just vessels for them to ride to the sunset. 


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"“After Coats indirectly rebuked Trump’s Helsinki performance on Monday, senior administration officials were concerned that the intelligence director could perhaps resign and so implored Trump to reassure Coats and calm the waters.-- @ChrisMegerian: “Dan Coats says he starts his mornings by asking his staff to ‘tell me the bad things that happened since I fell asleep.’”


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31 minutes ago, Basil B said:

A meeting where no one took notes...


It must be emphasised to Putin Trump was speaking for himself, not America.

The whole point of Trump not taking notes, nor having others around during his 'leaders' meetings, starting from Kim's meeting, was well planned in advanced. The idea did not come from Trump.


It was tactical play by Russia, way ahead in advance. Good chess playing by Russia, thinking few moves ahead.


Make the general public become used to the idea that Trump does not have others around him, while he talks with Kim Jong Un or other World leaders. Then use the already published idea while meeting with Putin. 


On Russian side: Make sure that Putin mentions some criminating facts about Trump during Putin-Trump meeting, so that Trump can't release the recordings, he might have done during the one-on-one meeting with Putin. These compromising facts are not pipi-tapes related, but financial related.


Meanwhile Putin naturally recorded everything during their meeting. Records which can be released.. if Trump doesn't play along. 


If Trump have records, he can't use them as he was already 'burned' during the talks. It's all or nothing game. 


At this point Putin has all the power over Trump. All the power over Trump. Putin is the only one who has publishable records of the meeting at this point. 


It's easy for Putin to play a USA president who have done financial crimes, doesn't have a spine nor reputation of being for the ordinary US people. 


That's where we are now. 


Ah.. Crimea got lost to Russia already. At least the ideological transformation is in full swing right this moment. In next few months the US sanctions towards Russia will be lifted. With the speed we saw Italy's Russian pet, their Interior minister saying things, lifting sanctions might happen even faster.




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cleaning and reforming the text
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Russia sends Syrian refugee proposal to U.S. after Trump summit. Russia’s Defence Ministry said it had sent Washington a proposal for drawing up a joint action plan to bring Syrian refugees back to the places they lived before the war broke out in 2011. preliminary assessments indicated 890,000 refugees could return to Syria from Lebanon in the near future, 300,000 from Turkey and 200,000 from European Union countries. "


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Putin's poodle didn't sell out and humiliate the USA enough in Finland? Now more? God help us. 




Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?

Lawmakers must keep the American people informed of the current danger, writes a Republican congressman from Texas.

By Will Hurd

Mr. Hurd, a former C.I.A. officer, is a congressman from the 23rd District of Texas.


The president’s failure to defend the United States intelligence community’s unanimous conclusions of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and condemn Russian covert counterinfluence campaigns and his standing idle on the world stage while a Russian dictator spouted lies confused many but should concern all Americans. By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad.




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12 hours ago, oilinki said:

More like Coalition of narcissists.


These people don't care about anyone else but themselves. 


Patriotism etc ism's are just vessels for them to ride to the sunset. 


Both, to me

- Trump's promise to his base is the return to a white-male-dominated order ( MAGA=MAWA)

- Putin helped Trump win the 2016 election and Trump is helping him MRGA

- Salvini is the far-right populist in chief  of the League (former "Northern League") now Italy deputy Prime Minister and Minister of yhe Interior 

All fuel Identity politics agendas and white-nationalist propaganda threats to minorities, rejection of migrants, etc.. to win élections and stay in power, even for themselves first above their countries interests, they form a coalition, a bit like the Visegrad countries   

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13 hours ago, oilinki said:

Good chess playing by Russia, thinking few moves ahead.


To paraphrase a late-night host...


Putin is playing chess, while Trump is eating his checkers.


A KGB Colonel always trumps a KFC Colonel...




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22 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Trump has always been, and remains a good negotiator. Diplomatically embracing your adversary to find solutions is prudent. Look for a joint solution on the Syria conflict. 

Coats also praised Trump's negociating skills...



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55 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Trump has always been, and remains a good negotiator. Diplomatically embracing your adversary to find solutions is prudent. Look for a joint solution on the Syria conflict. 

Trump hypes himself, he doesn't negotiate.  What has he negotiated since becoming President other than photo ops?

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

Diplomatically embracing your adversary to find solutions is prudent.


As long as it's only "embracing". 


And the solutions aren't just how he can satisfy Putin's wishes.


17 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Trump has always been, and remains a good negotiator.


I'd like to see an example of this. Look, I know he says it all the time, but when has he ever negotiated anything of substance? Maybe the "air-rights" for Trump Tower, but even that deal carried the stench of corruption in 1979.


His two-bit, 1950's used car salesmanship seems to appeal to the rubes and suckers, but anyone with half a brain sees right through that lame "skill".




The president wouldn’t know a good deal if it grabbed him by the p--sy.


For all of his adult life, and probably a good portion of his childhood, Donald Trump has been telling people he’s a genius businessman, a habit he continued to great effect on the campaign trail. “We need a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal,” he said while announcing his candidacy in 2015. “I’m a negotiator. I’ve done very well over the years through negotiation,” he claimed during a Republican debate in 2016. As president, Trump told voters, he would rip up existing agreements his loser predecessors had struck and use his singular set of skills to forge new, better (bilateral!) deals for the U.S., just like he had done over the course of his career. Unfortunately, the 45th president has hit a couple major roadblocks in his attempt to do so—stemming primarily from the fact that he is actually a terrible negotiator who hasn’t struck the kind of deal he spoke about on the campaign trail in some four decades.





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22 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


As long as it's only "embracing". 


And the solutions aren't just how he can satisfy Putin's wishes.



I'd like to see an example of this. Look, I know he says it all the time, but when has he ever negotiated anything of substance? Maybe the "air-rights" for Trump Tower, but even that deal carried the stench of corruption in 1979.


His two-bit, 1950's used car salesmanship seems to appeal to the rubes and suckers, but anyone with half a brain sees right through that lame "skill".




The president wouldn’t know a good deal if it grabbed him by the p--sy.


For all of his adult life, and probably a good portion of his childhood, Donald Trump has been telling people he’s a genius businessman, a habit he continued to great effect on the campaign trail. “We need a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal,” he said while announcing his candidacy in 2015. “I’m a negotiator. I’ve done very well over the years through negotiation,” he claimed during a Republican debate in 2016. As president, Trump told voters, he would rip up existing agreements his loser predecessors had struck and use his singular set of skills to forge new, better (bilateral!) deals for the U.S., just like he had done over the course of his career. Unfortunately, the 45th president has hit a couple major roadblocks in his attempt to do so—stemming primarily from the fact that he is actually a terrible negotiator who hasn’t struck the kind of deal he spoke about on the campaign trail in some four decades.





I'm not sure how this happened in your reply, but I am definitely not the one who posted Trump is a good negotiator.

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12 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

This is what Trump wants people to believe. Actually, he's a terrible negotiator. He negotiated his father's business into bankruptcy, the casino business into bankruptcy, the Plaza Hotel into bankruptcy, and Trump airlines into bankruptcy. What saved were some possibly dodgy payments from Russians and that TV show which misrepresented what he really was a genius at: hucksterism.

Not to mention one of most notorious con man scams -- "trump" fake university. He deserves to be Bernie Madoff's cellmate. Get on with it! 

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not to mention one of most notorious con man scams -- "trump" fake university. He deserves to be Bernie Madoff's cellmate. Get on with it! 

How long is it going to take? We've being hearing that he's going to be thrown out of office, thrown in jail any day now for over a year.

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7 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

How long is it going to take? We've being hearing that he's going to be thrown out of office, thrown in jail any day now for over a year.

Really? You've been hearing that he's going to be thrown out of office any day now? Can you cite specific instances?

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 Now I hear that Putin's visit is to coincide with Trump's military parade.

Seeing the direction the  Muller investigation is taking , if I was Trump I would not be making any long term official plans.

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27 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

How long is it going to take? We've being hearing that he's going to be thrown out of office, thrown in jail any day now for over a year.

Mueller is building an iron clad case for which there will be no escape, no wiggle room.

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8 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Mueller is building an iron clad case for which there will be no escape, no wiggle room.

I so hope you're right.  My bet is that he'll show the Trump organization was engaged in money laundering and sanctions busting. 

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