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Thaksin son summoned in fraud probe


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36 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I read and read and read some more,  but my conclusion is that Taksin family is hated by a lot.  He's accused of something along the lines of  borrowing money and it being approved by way of bribe or giving his own companies contracts. Something like that.  I can never get clear indication.  Perhaps someone here can clearly state to me what illegal things he's done wrong.  I'm open minded so will happily accept. 

Ill give you an example of 1 of his cases .. Thaksin force a bank to loan money to a company. The bank had to do so at an interest rate that was too low. The bank lost 670 million baht. The company who got that loan bought products from Thaksins company.


That is 100% corruption, forcing a bank to give out a loan below cost price making them lose money so that company could buy stuff from Thaksin his companies. If the bank had done so at normal rates it would not have been corruption but by forcing them to do so at low rates forcing them to make a loss while he himself benefited from the transactions the foreign company did with his company. 


That is just one of many things the guy did


Oh.. did I mention he gave a cake box full of money to judges that were due to give a verdict on one of his cases ? later he claimed it was an honest mistake and he normally carried money in cake boxes. (I wonder who believes that) I mean bribing a judge is not a minor thing in any country.

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ill give you an example of 1 of his cases .. Thaksin force a bank to loan money to a company. The bank had to do so at an interest rate that was too low. The bank lost 670 million baht. The company who got that loan bought products from Thaksins company.


That is 100% corruption, forcing a bank to give out a loan below cost price making them lose money so that company could buy stuff from Thaksin his companies. If the bank had done so at normal rates it would not have been corruption but by forcing them to do so at low rates forcing them to make a loss while he himself benefited from the transactions the foreign company did with his company. 


That is just one of many things the guy did


Oh.. did I mention he gave a cake box full of money to judges that were due to give a verdict on one of his cases ? later he claimed it was an honest mistake and he normally carried money in cake boxes. (I wonder who believes that) I mean bribing a judge is not a minor thing in any country.


Plus the loan was granted (unethically) to a company which had previously defaulted on major loans.



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23 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ill give you an example of 1 of his cases .. Thaksin force a bank to loan money to a company. The bank had to do so at an interest rate that was too low. The bank lost 670 million baht. The company who got that loan bought products from Thaksins company.


That is 100% corruption, forcing a bank to give out a loan below cost price making them lose money so that company could buy stuff from Thaksin his companies. If the bank had done so at normal rates it would not have been corruption but by forcing them to do so at low rates forcing them to make a loss while he himself benefited from the transactions the foreign company did with his company. 


That is just one of many things the guy did


Oh.. did I mention he gave a cake box full of money to judges that were due to give a verdict on one of his cases ? later he claimed it was an honest mistake and he normally carried money in cake boxes. (I wonder who believes that) I mean bribing a judge is not a minor thing in any country.

There is where I get stuck. How was the bank FORCED to give the loan? Bribery? Threats?

What was the company's name that got the loan and then purchased products?

What were the products/services that were purchased?

Is there any sign of documents/invoices available to public?


If the bank lost money? how? Did the company that took the loan not pay back the money? 


As for the cake box. Hard to prove with evidence I guess but Is there any video evidence showing Thaksin speaking and  agreeing there was a cake box and there was money in it? 




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20 minutes ago, stud858 said:

There is where I get stuck. How was the bank FORCED to give the loan? Bribery? Threats?

What was the company's name that got the loan and then purchased products?

What were the products/services that were purchased?

Is there any sign of documents/invoices available to public?


If the bank lost money? how? Did the company that took the loan not pay back the money? 


As for the cake box. Hard to prove with evidence I guess but Is there any video evidence showing Thaksin speaking and  agreeing there was a cake box and there was money in it? 




He threatened the bank he was PM..  (that is the whole point abuse of power to serve own needs)

I don't know the name you can look it up

Telecom products as that was his company

The bank lost money because they were forced to loan below cost price. (you know the interest percentage). Do you understand what that means ? He forced a lower as normal interest rate on the loan.


The cake box was easy.. the judges actually got the box from Thaksin. Thaksin agreed there was money in the cake box but his excuse was that he had 2 cake boxes and mixed them up.. sending the one with money to the judges... right.. (i am sure you are not that stupid that you believe him,)

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The real crime was that Taksin's policies redistributed wealth to working people outside of Bkk. The establishment could never forgive that. Such policies are common in the western world. His and his sister's policies improved the well-being of working people more than any government before or since.




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4 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

The real crime was that Taksin's policies redistributed wealth to working people outside of Bkk. The establishment could never forgive that. Such policies are common in the western world. His and his sister's policies improved the well-being of working people more than any government before or since.




Then why i see people in Thailand living in the gutter. Why there are 2500 people responding on 4 applications in Thai government. Why hardworking rice farmers get less for their rice.

Why many Thai girls HAVE to work in prostitution to support whole family. Why Taksin and family has billions in the banks. WHy Thai government is based on rich people.

In fact why Thai feel to have USA way in government, fact all western ways. I wouldnt know any government in any country working on good home improvement.

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15 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

The real crime was that Taksin's policies redistributed wealth to working people outside of Bkk. The establishment could never forgive that. Such policies are common in the western world. His and his sister's policies improved the well-being of working people more than any government before or since.





The reality is not as simple as what you describe.



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31 minutes ago, robblok said:

He threatened the bank he was PM..  (that is the whole point abuse of power to serve own needs)

I don't know the name you can look it up

Telecom products as that was his company

The bank lost money because they were forced to loan below cost price. (you know the interest percentage). Do you understand what that means ? He forced a lower as normal interest rate on the loan.


The cake box was easy.. the judges actually got the box from Thaksin. Thaksin agreed there was money in the cake box but his excuse was that he had 2 cake boxes and mixed them up.. sending the one with money to the judges... right.. (i am sure you are not that stupid that you believe him,)

So it was just a verbal threat,  like, you better approve this loan or there will be trouble kind of threat? 

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2 minutes ago, stud858 said:

So it was just a verbal threat,  like, you better approve this loan or there will be trouble kind of threat? 

I don't know the exact nature of the threat, but obviously its been substantiated and proven. Do you think that people would normally put threats in writing ?. Anyway I guess you still feel its fabricated.. if that was the case his lawyers would have gotten it kicked out long ago. Thaksin is a rich man, with really good lawyers, are you saying they are incompetent  ?

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6 minutes ago, stud858 said:

So it was just a verbal threat,  like, you better approve this loan or there will be trouble kind of threat? 

Now your starting to understand. But perhaps it was even more simple, just 'approve this loan'.


In his day nobody would have dared to question his instructions. 


By the way it's already been through the courts, to process the folks involved from the bank, most of them are in jail.


So it seems it was more than just a verbal threat.



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1 hour ago, stud858 said:

There is where I get stuck. How was the bank FORCED to give the loan? Bribery? Threats?

What was the company's name that got the loan and then purchased products?

What were the products/services that were purchased?

Is there any sign of documents/invoices available to public?


If the bank lost money? how? Did the company that took the loan not pay back the money? 


As for the cake box. Hard to prove with evidence I guess but Is there any video evidence showing Thaksin speaking and  agreeing there was a cake box and there was money in it? 




Your thinking way too much. But do some more reading and you will get clear answers to your points, all of which have been the subject of numerous media reports and numerous threads here on TV over several years.


Your not on a winner, move to another subject. 



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35 minutes ago, robblok said:

I don't know the exact nature of the threat, but obviously its been substantiated and proven. Do you think that people would normally put threats in writing ?. Anyway I guess you still feel its fabricated.. if that was the case his lawyers would have gotten it kicked out long ago. Thaksin is a rich man, with really good lawyers, are you saying they are incompetent  ?

Not incompetent, Maybe his lawyers don't have as much power as the prosecutors. 

Without knowing the nature of the threat I cannot come to a conclusion whether Thaksin is guilty of something or he is being head hunted.  So there it is,  when I'm made aware of facts regarding the threat I can continue with further questioning ,otherwise  case closed and Thaksin you are free to leave. 

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42 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Now your starting to understand. But perhaps it was even more simple, just 'approve this loan'.


In his day nobody would have dared to question his instructions. 


By the way it's already been through the courts, to process the folks involved from the bank, most of them are in jail.


So it seems it was more than just a verbal threat.



If that was the case,  bank should suffer the consequence. The bank should have said no. Thaksin can ask any bank to give a loan to anyone.  Not against the law.  Bad etiquette,  but not illegal or corrupt in my opinion.

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54 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Your thinking way too much. But do some more reading and you will get clear answers to your points, all of which have been the subject of numerous media reports and numerous threads here on TV over several years.


Your not on a winner, move to another subject. 



I'll give up. I'm feeling like the full details are impossible unless I was personally involved in person when things took place.  Whats left is media and political reports of which I don't trust unless there is video or document evidence.  

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8 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I'll give up. I'm feeling like the full details are impossible unless I was personally involved in person when things took place.  Whats left is media and political reports of which I don't trust unless there is video or document evidence.  

Let me add another intrigue to the case. It also involved the USA State Department and the IPSTAR system manufacturer Loral in US and how they eluded the Myanmar sanction by using Shin to sell the technology. 


The strategy to be friendly with the Myanmar junta government was a policy pursued by the Thaksin, Samak and the military. The loan was 3% and lower rates can at 1-2% can be obtained from international lenders. As you said, have an open mind on those political reports and prosecuting corruption agencies like the NACC. 

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1 hour ago, stud858 said:

If that was the case,  bank should suffer the consequence. The bank should have said no. Thaksin can ask any bank to give a loan to anyone.  Not against the law.  Bad etiquette,  but not illegal or corrupt in my opinion.

Your funny an other Thaksin defender.. you forget how much power the man had. 

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27 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Let me add another intrigue to the case. It also involved the USA State Department and the IPSTAR system manufacturer Loral in US and how they eluded the Myanmar sanction by using Shin to sell the technology. 


The strategy to be friendly with the Myanmar junta government was a policy pursued by the Thaksin, Samak and the military. The loan was 3% and lower rates can at 1-2% can be obtained from international lenders. As you said, have an open mind on those political reports and prosecuting corruption agencies like the NACC. 



Again defending Thaksin.. well done.. but you should be honest.


Do you think you get lower rates if you have defaulted before on loans. Because that was the case for this company. Those kind of things are taken into account when calculating an appropriate interest percentage. Its called a risk calculation. 


Fact remains in the articles they stated the bank made a 640 million baht loss on the loan. So unless you have proof the news articles were false.. 

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2 hours ago, stud858 said:

If that was the case,  bank should suffer the consequence. The bank should have said no. Thaksin can ask any bank to give a loan to anyone.  Not against the law.  Bad etiquette,  but not illegal or corrupt in my opinion.

Wasn't a case of ask, it was tell, well proven.


Pity you didn't do some further reading.



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1 hour ago, My Thai Life said:

You're missing the point. It's the selective nature of the judicial process, and the way it's used  to stifle democracy that is the real issue. 



The  mother of all diversions, and not surprisingly 'loved' by el. 



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3 hours ago, stud858 said:

Not incompetent, Maybe his lawyers don't have as much power as the prosecutors. 

Without knowing the nature of the threat I cannot come to a conclusion whether Thaksin is guilty of something or he is being head hunted.  So there it is,  when I'm made aware of facts regarding the threat I can continue with further questioning ,otherwise  case closed and Thaksin you are free to leave. 


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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Your funny an other Thaksin defender.. you forget how much power the man had. 

I'm not pro anything other than pro wanting to know facts.  Give me the facts and then I can decide.  And if it's saying read more will give you more facts,  I say it ain't so.  reading more facts give you more facts,  but I can't find em. 

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5 hours ago, stud858 said:

I'm not pro anything other than pro wanting to know facts.  Give me the facts and then I can decide.  And if it's saying read more will give you more facts,  I say it ain't so.  reading more facts give you more facts,  but I can't find em. 

Bottom line:


It's all been reported many times before with lots of details, you can 'insist' all you like but the reality is there's no need whatever for anybody on TV to prove anything to you. 



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12 hours ago, stud858 said:

There is where I get stuck. How was the bank FORCED to give the loan? Bribery? Threats?

What was the company's name that got the loan and then purchased products?

What were the products/services that were purchased?

Is there any sign of documents/invoices available to public?


If the bank lost money? how? Did the company that took the loan not pay back the money? 


As for the cake box. Hard to prove with evidence I guess but Is there any video evidence showing Thaksin speaking and  agreeing there was a cake box and there was money in it? 

The reason you're stuck is because you haven't had your junta lobotomy that allows you to register fanboy nonsense as fact.


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