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PM defends Kingdom’s conscription system


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7 hours ago, jimster said:

The draft needs to end. No way my male children (who are Thai citizens) will be soldiers. Speaking of which I heard it's quite easy to avoid the draft. Anyone know what needs to be done? Pay a fine? This is Thailand after all.


Just wear makeup and a nice little mini skirt to drafting. They seem to get exempt from the draft and get some press coverage too.

A big set of titties helps too ?

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A Thai friend recently went to the annual registration/ notification at an Army office, he doesn’t want to go into the army and may have to go through the coloured ball farce, however he was asked if he could or wanted to “pay money “ to prevent any possibility of having to be conscripted! This is the Thai method of dealing with everything “

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10 hours ago, tifino said:


my angle comes from the hope that somchai can grow up and unlatch himself from tugging on mummy's apron strings

I came out all right and so did a lot of other Dutch guys after they scrapped the draft. The only thing they learned in military training was drinking beer (draftees). I think you need a smaller professional army that is trained well. Why would you want unmotivated people in a company.. you don't... why would it be different from an army ?


Personally I think it would be best if we had a lot less armies the world around. Not so good for arms dealers.. generals ect. But a lot better for the world. 

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Think they are right. keep it.

Maybe a few guys will grow up into good guys.

not the idiot Somchai's Thailand has so many of now .


Ps maybe increase the budget a bit more and get all teenagers to do it. 

( stop buying subs and stuff ) and you should have the money

a Win Win for Thailand I would say.  :jap:

Edited by stanleycoin
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10 hours ago, jimster said:

The draft needs to end. No way my male children (who are Thai citizens) will be soldiers. Speaking of which I heard it's quite easy to avoid the draft. Anyone know what needs to be done? Pay a fine? This is Thailand after all.

Yes this is Thailand where anything can be purchased under the counter. Even freedom from the ballot.

I am reliably informed that 35,000 can buy forgetfulness on the part of the local recruiting officer who handles the registrations listings of eligible young men.

The other option is to buy them some tight underwear, well padded bra, stiletto lace up shoes, a mini dress and about half a kilo of make-up.

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11 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

Yes this is Thailand where anything can be purchased under the counter. Even freedom from the ballot.

I am reliably informed that 35,000 can buy forgetfulness on the part of the local recruiting officer who handles the registrations listings of eligible young men.

The other option is to buy them some tight underwear, well padded bra, stiletto lace up shoes, a mini dress and about half a kilo of make-up.

Multiply that 35k by the number nationally who wish to avoid the draft and can/are prepared to pay and it will be a very large amount of money. No doubt paid out via an "alternative accounting system", in shares proportionate to the ranks of all concerned. Think "prize money" in Nelson's navy... 


Trumps any argument of military necessity (not that there are any)!

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

PM defends Kingdom’s conscription system

His defense is shallow, not carefully thought out and weak. Conscription is more suitable for small countries (Singapore) or countries with aggressive neighbors (S Korea and Israel). Thailand is none of the above. As Rob said, Thailand has a large population to have a standing army and not necessary for conscription. 


13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“needs soldiers in times of crisis”.

What is important for conscripts to be useful in crisis is a post conscription program of re-training and upgrading their skills on tactics and armaments. They should be assigned to an active unit for exercises. There are also no system to re-call them quickly when time of crisis. Conscripts only have elementary military skills and really worthless in time of crisis and the re-call time is critical. None of the above is in place and conscripts are practically useless except for serving the generals. 

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Here's the question:

13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“What are we going to do without soldiers?”

And here's the answer:

13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Some cadets are also assigned posts on a par with personal servants or errand boys for their seniors.


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I think every country should have a conscript system.  It allows different groups in society to learn about their country's military services. It promotes more change toward improvement as they either stay with the military or leave and improve it from civilian life.

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14 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Is Thailand the only country that has more generals than conscripts?

I heard a major supermarket were considering a buy-two-get-one-free offer.


Silly question, really.

In most countries the number of officers in higher ranks is out of proportioneel with the number of soldiers.

A conscript army, eventually, is nearer to the people as a professional army.

In a lot of countries that is much better.

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“What are we going to do without soldiers?” Prayut said

The (retired) RTA guy who owns the vacant house across from me, would be in a tight spot for sure.   Once a month he and his wife come with a squad of conscripts to clean up, which I do appreciate so the place isn't an eyesore.


“They also become more disciplined after quitting the service, because they go through training,” the retired general added.

The Lads don't look very trained, coordinated or motivated though.  They are prime candidates for some *MOUT training during the next Cobra Gold; specifically **TTPs for a highly effective ***QRCF.


   *  Military Operations in Urban Terrain

 **  Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

*** Quick Reaction Cleaning Force


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I just think Uncle Tuu is reminiscing about his days coming up through the draft process, working his way up through the ranks to the lofty peak of General, well at least i think he may have done it that way, then again maybe not, i forgot you can pay your way to the top job, saves all that messing about straight into the top slot Bingo!

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I just think Uncle Tuu is reminiscing about his days coming up through the draft process, working his way up through the ranks to the lofty peak of General, well at least i think he may have done it that way, then again maybe not, i forgot you can pay your way to the top job, saves all that messing about straight into the top slot Bingo!

Wasn’t that a script for a ‘Blackadder’ episode?

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15 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

UK and Thailand have similar population sizes.


UK armed forces - approximately 230,000 personnel. Professionals, no conscripts (Territorial Army are volunteers, but well trained).


Thai armed forces - approximately 700,000 personnel. I can't comment about professionalism.


Seems to me that Thailand should employ fewer, but better trained and better paid, people. Encourage young men and women to consider the armed forces as a career and gradually phase out conscription.



Now you have to show us the numbers of top line officers, comparing the two;

admirals, generals, field marshals, air marshal-in-generals.....

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12 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...PM insists mandatory conscription is still needed..."


...because, without conscription, who would mow the general's lawns? Cook their meals? Chauffeur their wives?


It would cause the breakdown of society as we know it.


Not just generals

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22 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

They also become more disciplined after quitting the service

that's abosolutely right. The other day I watched them cleaning a General's house and doing gardening. Also they had to wash and repair fences and climb up trees for harvesting.

And....it looks very disciplined...

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