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Trump says 'nothing to hide' from Special Counsel Mueller


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Trump says 'nothing to hide' from Special Counsel Mueller

By Susan Cornwell and Jan Wolfe



FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters upon his departure from the White House in Washington, U.S., August 17, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he had "nothing to hide" from the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, and denied that his top lawyer had turned on him by cooperating with the probe.


Trump, in a series of tweets, denounced the New York Times for a Saturday story saying White House Counsel Don McGahn has cooperated extensively with the special counsel, Robert Mueller. The Times said McGahn had shared detailed accounts about the episodes at the heart of the inquiry into whether Trumpobstructed justice.


"I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn't have to," Trump said in a tweet. Trump said the newspaper made it seem like McGahn had turned on the president - as White House counsel John Dean had in the Watergate investigation of former President Richard Nixon - "when in fact it is just the opposite."


As White House counsel since the beginning of the Trump administration, McGahn could have rare insight into the president's thinking.


His lengthy testimony - 30 hours over three voluntary interviews, according to the Times - could be crucial in determining whether the president acted with an improper, or “corrupt,” intent when he took actions like firing former FBI Director James Comey, legal experts said. That is a key part to an obstruction of justice case.


Citing a dozen current and former White House officials and others briefed on the matter, the Times said that McGahn had shared information, some of which the investigators would not have known about.


On Saturday evening, McGahn's lawyer confirmed the White House counsel had cooperated with Mueller's team. "Mr. McGahn answered the Special Counsel team's questions fulsomely and honestly," William Burck said, explaining the president did not ask McGahn to refrain from discussing any matters.


Trump's outside legal counsel, Rudy Giuliani, said McGahn's cooperation would help bolster Trump's claims that he did nothing wrong.


"The president encouraged him to testify, is happy that he did, is quite secure that there is nothing in the testimony that will hurt the president," Giuliani said on NBC's "Meet the Press."


Dean, who has criticized Trump in recent years, voiced support for McGahn. "McGahn is doing right!" he wrote on Twitter.


According to the New York Times, McGahn described Trump's furor toward the Russia investigation and the ways in which the president urged McGahn to respond to it.



Jens David Ohlin, a professor of criminal law at Cornell University, said that even if McGahn told investigators he thought Trump acted lawfully his testimony would still be pivotal.


“The McGahn interviews will add a lot of detail about what was happening behind the scenes and make Mueller’s account much fuller," said Ohlin.


Trump has denied his campaign colluded with Russia and has repeatedly attacked the probe as illegitimate.


On Sunday, he compared Mueller with 1950s-era U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose anti-Communist crusade eventually led to his censure by the Senate.


"Study the late Joseph McCarthy, because we are now in a period with Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby! Rigged Witch Hunt!" Trump wrote on Twitter.


The newspaper reported McGahn's motivation to speak with the special counsel as an unusual move that was in response to a decision by Trump's first team of lawyers to cooperate fully. But it said another motivation was McGahn's fear he could be placed in legal jeopardy because of decisions made in the White House that could be construed as obstruction of justice.


The newspaper said McGahn was also centrally involved in Trump's attempts to fire the special counsel, which investigators might not have discovered without him.


McGahn cautioned to investigators he never saw Trump go beyond his legal authorities.


His testimony would be even more important if Trump does not sit for an interview with Mueller.


Giuliani said that discussions over a presidential interview continue with Mueller's office and that he would not be rushed into having Trump testify "so that he gets trapped in perjury."


In trying to make his argument with "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd, Giuliani said "Truth isn't truth," to which Todd replied: "This is going to become a bad meme."


(Reporting by Susan Cornwell and Jan Wolfe; Additional reporting by David Lawder; Writing by Andy Sullivan and Mary Milliken; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-08-20
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Donald if you have nothing to hide you sure don’t act like it personally I’m worrying he might crack under the pressure we are only one command away from world destruction if Donald flips out pray we survive this abomination 

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1 minute ago, Thingamabob said:

Time Mueller stops wasting tax payers' money. He and his enormous team have been paid more than enough already. Corruption beyond belief.

Maybe Mueller should be in charge of building a wall or creating a Space Force.  ?

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14 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Time Mueller stops wasting tax payers' money. He and his enormous team have been paid more than enough already. Corruption beyond belief.

Translation ; " Oh Jesus how on earth can I keep defending the Orange Messiah , the fake news angle has gotten old now "

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3 minutes ago, Mansell said:

The main question for the future is will the Orange One end up in prison? I doubt that Congress want an ex-president in prison, so a deal will be made. Let's hope it is all done and dusted before the next Prez election.

There are so many complex variables. This details it excellently --


How the Mueller Investigation
Could Play Out for Trump






I think the odds of him going to jail after he leaves office are very low though. Not because he doesn't deserve it. 

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5 hours ago, Bundooman said:

"I have nothing to hide".


OK, then,

1.why not publicly produce your last 10 years' tax returns 

Might wanna stay away his taxes. ever wonder why you never hear about his taxes these days?  Remember Racheal Madow big scoop? 38$ million paid in 2005


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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

This crime lord huckster, is as guilty as they come. When it comes to Trump, if there is smoke, there is fire nearby. If he says there is nothing to hide, the entire world can rest assured he is guilty, and he is lying. That is what he does. Nothing he says can ever be depended upon as truth. He and Rudy do not know what truth is, and if truth bit them on the butt, they would not know what happened, or be able to identify truth. 


What is exceptionally sad, is that this corrupt, lying, thieving, bankrupting, five time draft dodging, urine loving, serial statutory rapist, is defending a man who might go to prison for the rest of his life, for crimes he committed, without a doubt. The Mango Mussolini does not even know how ridiculous he sounds when he makes such emotionally charged statements. It is all about deflecting his own guilt, of which he is no doubt. He is not only the least dignified man in the history of American politics, he is probably one of the lowest class individuals, and one of the most heinous men in the history of the nation. Tiny Trump is a permanent stain on the face of America. He is a cartoon. A caricature of a man. A half man, half child, with less control of his emotions than most 12 years old possess. His thin skin speaks volumes about the miniature size of his heart, and his nearly complete lack of self esteem. A man in his position with even a shred of propriety and dignity would have refused to answer the question, and simply said answering the question is inappropriate. But, he does not know the definition of that term. The good men and women who protect and defend our nation are bad people in his opinion, and Manafort is a good person. What can one even say about this infantile moron? 


Tiny Don. Moving America backwards, every day of his presidency. 

Reading between the lines I think you don't like him ?

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6 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

Reading between the lines I think you don't like him ?


Correct. I despise this crime lord with every molecule of my being. I lived in NYC during the 1980's. I was in commercial real estate at the time, and knew several people who had direct dealings with this man. They all said the same thing about him. All said he was a crook, had no respect for anyone but himself, and stole every dollar he could get his tiny, greedy hands on. Nothing has changed. Only people's incredibly tolerant attitude toward this gangster has changed. He has pulled off one of the greatest cons of the 21st century. Millions have consumed the kool aid. Millions are buying his line of horse crap. He is a complete, total, and utter fraud on every level possible. Time will bear this allegation out. Just watch. History is not going to be kind to this charlatan thief. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:


Correct. I despise this crime lord with every molecule of my being. I lived in NYC during the 1980's. I was in commercial real estate at the time, and knew several people who had direct dealings with this man. They all said the same thing about him. All said he was a crook, had no respect for anyone but himself, and stole every dollar he could get his tiny, greedy hands on. Nothing has changed. Only people's incredibly tolerant attitude toward this gangster has changed. He has pulled off one of the greatest cons of the 21st century. Millions have consumed the kool aid. Millions are buying his line of horse crap. He is a complete, total, and utter fraud on every level possible. Time will bear this allegation out. Just watch. History is not going to be kind to this charlatan thief. 

Well said Mike. We are on the same page when it comes to this crook. Sadly he probably won't do any prison time. Mueller must be horrified with what he is learning about this horrible man, especially as he put mob guys behind bars.

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