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Thai drivers must be able to see and hear to get behind the wheel in future, says government


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6 hours ago, webfact said:


In future aspiring drivers and riders will have to convince doctors they have adequately functioning eyes and ears.

Mostly a red paper note will be able to convince them :cheesy:

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6 hours ago, Stoker58 said:

That’s all very well, but it’s the inability to think that’s the real problem.

And that is a Thai male incurable disease although a labotomy may help them

Edited by Esso49
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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai drivers must be able to see and hear to get behind the wheel in future, says government

I think they mean present and not in the future, since in the future we will have self driving cars!


When I went to make my Thai DL, a guy in front of me couldn't see the colors on the huge traffic light about 2 meters in front of him. After several attempts he still couldn't recognize them, but they let him pass anyway!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

A Thai government spokesman has suggested that in future Thai motorists will actually have to be able to see and hear properly before they are allowed to get a driving license.


Lt Gen Sansern Kaewkamnert said that the cabinet has agreed with proposals to change the requirements of medical certificates that need to accompany applications for licenses and renewals.

Until it's changed into DLT requirements it means nothing.  These 'suggestions' and 'proposals' are always reported as if it's set in concrete.  In most cases, it's never heard of again!

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49 minutes ago, Cheops said:

I think they mean present and not in the future, since in the future we will have self driving cars!


When I went to make my Thai DL, a guy in front of me couldn't see the colors on the huge traffic light about 2 meters in front of him. After several attempts he still couldn't recognize them, but they let him pass anyway!

Had an experience with that as well, elderly fallang (late 70s at least) was having trouble.  Turned out that he couldn't see the pointer, so the tester used her hand & he passed.  All the time sitting there with his hands shaking badly - looked like Parkinson's.


It didn't cross the tester's mind to use the eye chart hanging 6' away - her job was colour & reaction tests, so that's what she did.  And all that she did.


I wanted to say something as that man should not be on the road, but TIT, so best not to get involved.

Edited by DefaultName
Gramma issue
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Oh dear. Thailand is going backward in the rights of deaf people to be able to drive vehicles. Deaf people can drive in all EU countries, in all US states and here is the link where you can check in which countries deaf people can drive. Thailand is still on the list, but looks like it won't be any longer. Human rights in Thailand don't really mean much. Link: https://axleaddict.com/safety/Deaf-People-Drive . These clowns are very sad clowns. Good luck to all handicapped in the kingdom because the only gear this bunch is familiar with is 'reverse'. I think instead of hearing test they should introduce IQ test, that would sort out almost all problems. Could say a word or two more. No more energy.

Edited by nowhereman
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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I have nearly been run down by drivers who had to be totally blind not to see me, so this is some good news I guess. Being able to see, you would think would be a prerequisite for a driving license from day one really.

However, in UK you only need to tick a box saying that you CAN read a number plate at 25 yds to re-new your DL. It ought to be that when you re-new at 70, you firstly go for a free eyetest. But over here, Top Charoen is OK.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Thai drivers must be able to see and hear to get behind the wheel in future, says government

If that is the case, are non-Thais exempt from being able to see and hear when they drive in Thailand?  Also, does that mean that Thai motorcyclists are exempt, including and especially all of the young people who ride pell-mell while not wearing a crash helmet, smoking, using their phone, and having more than two on the bike?  Just curious.


'nuf sed

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2 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

... Also, does that mean that Thai motorcyclists are exempt ...

"... Thai drivers must be able to see and hear to get behind the wheel ..."


Yes, as motorcycles have handlebars, not a wheel.

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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I have nearly been run down by drivers who had to be totally blind not to see me, so this is some good news I guess. Being able to see, you would think would be a prerequisite for a driving license from day one really.

make  window  tinting  illegal as  most  are  so  dark  u c them  crawling  along at night

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11 hours ago, secondfusilier said:

In the past the doctor's certificates just referred to general diseases that were irrelevant to driving.

So a bit like including the syphilis test in the work permit medical?

Elephantiasis could be a problem getting behind the wheel. I was also wondering if they will use this hearing business as a good reason to also stop one rendering oneself even more deaf through exhaust modification, boom box and reckless smartphone usage on the move. Somehow doubt it!

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Being able to see is obviously needed for driving. Hearing is quite another thing. Deaf drivers actually have a very good track record, being some of the safest drivers on the roads. Having Deaf parents myself, and knowing many Deaf individuals, hearing has nothing to do with driving. Hearing people drive around talking on their phones, cranking up the music and not hearing much that is going on outside of their cars. It's awareness that is important. To remove the right of driving from Deaf people is a very wrong idea based on misunderstanding and misguided ideas and thoughts. A very bad idea.

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20 hours ago, ezzra said:

So.. until now, they were deaf and blind drivers on the roads?...

You are allowed to drive/ride if blind in one eye. But to do so you need to go to an hospital (Bangkok Pattaya International, if living in Pattaya) and have a full check up with an eye surgeon who will check your working eye is good enough to be allowed to drive.

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I think this is a great idea!  SEE the mobile phone, for messages on FB, and HEAR the friend chatting away on the mobile.  Thais are great multi-taskers I've even seen them chatting on their mobile, under their chin, with a cup of coffee in the other hand.


The driving bit can look after itself right?

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In other countries with more advanced testing systems you don't even need a medical certificate. 


I wonder if the local doctor will put his certificate price up again. It's already gone up from 50 baht to 100 baht for the already signed document sold by the receptionist!

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22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I have nearly been run down by drivers who had to be totally blind not to see me, so this is some good news I guess. Being able to see, you would think would be a prerequisite for a driving license from day one really.

why are the coloured DOTS so BIG when one does the TEST at the DLT??

COMPLETE JOKE!! The nedical cert is also a complete joke...when I got mine i paid 100 baht NO MEDICAL was given to me by the so called DOCTOR !! I paid and got the cert


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23 hours ago, webfact said:

In future aspiring drivers and riders will have to convince doctors they have adequately functioning eyes and ears.

And that is where the problem lies, in convincing someone that they are capable of driving a car.


There has been a lot of convincing going on in the past, and there will be much more convincing happen in the future, but prices may rise.

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22 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Vision and hearing test for Thai drivers: Can you see and hear this ................


download (5).jpg


22 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Vision and hearing test for Thai drivers: Can you see and hear this ................


download (5).jpg

That would depend on your Vision..   for me [and others] anything on a mobile phone is a blur and would need my glasses to see it., likewise wearing glasses to drive everything is a blur, sorry that idea would not work..

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