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Corrupt traffic police to be sacked, named and shamed, says top cop


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52 minutes ago, Artisi said:

The problem with reducing the lower rug will impact on the share  of the day-to-day smaller amount finding its way up the chain. You don't really expect the high rank guys out on the street in all the heat, dust, and pollution collecting the 100 and 200 Bht donations, now do you? 

So at the end of the day, bugger-all will happen. 

You replied to my post by saying: 

"You don't really expect the high rank guys out on the street in all the heat, dust, and pollution collecting the 100 and 200 Bht donations, now do you?" 

I said nothing of the kind or suggested it and you know it.

You have been around long enough to know better than to misrepresent contributors posts with stupid smart ass fatuous responses such as that. 


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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.

Are they going to start with the senior officers and work down the ranks or start with the junior officers and work up the ranks ?

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.

But they don't police traffic they are all to busy with the extortion.

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Another ill-thought idea that will have no follow through, just another headline grabber. In a way I feel sorry for the traffic cops, let's face it, they will be having to beat off the offers with a stick.....honest cop "well sir, ever so sorry, but no licence, here's your summons to court", illegal driver, "no officer, I insist please take this 5000 and look the other way, just this once, I have a sick buffalo, 4 children to feed and need to get to market to feed them!"....ok the honest copper might be a bit far fetched, but really, the mayhem will continue, the death rate will continue to climb and nothing will stop it as lawlessness is built into their genes.

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.

I can’t believe they finally run out of inactive posts...


Jesus walked on the water,
I don’t know if it’s true
but now I think this police chief
would like to do a little walking too

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Maj Gen Ekkarak also promised that officers found guilty of extortion and taking bribes would be sacked


No police left to fine you after next month

Who will direct the traffic??


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In order for this to happen, the nation would have to come up with a trillion baht. To pay each officer, of which there are about 250,000 nationally, a living wage, invest in proper and state of the art vehicles, forensic equipment, helicopters, additional highway patrol officers and vehicles, etc. Amazing that I have never, ever seen one on the highway. See them parked all the time, and see them AFTER an accident takes place, but never seen them patrolling the highways, looking for reckless drivers. Only when the police are paid a living wage, will there even be a chance of reform. Big talk, by small men. 

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4 hours ago, cleverman said:

Why is it funny? You and your like have been asking for something like this for years. Now someone has said it is going to happen, your stupid comment. Stop Thai bashing and wait to see what happens. 


Well you have to admit that the Thai government makes promises and pronouncements like this about 3 times per year on any given subject and it is never followed up with any change.  I still know that the rule in Thailand is "always bribe the first cop, it's cheaper."  

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Would be easier to just publish the police internal phone directory, because it is highly unlikely any in there can be deemed honest.

Publish the ones NOT sacked. Big savings on paper!

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.

Oh yes! What will we do when we don't have a retard with a whistle calling the traffic onwards on a one way street? Or what will we do when the traffic lights turn green and we don't have a retard blowing his whistle and telling us that we can move forward on a Green Light!  ????????? It will be chaos, I tell you, chaos!

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Maj general Ekkarak are you serious, officers guilty of extortion and taking bribes will be sacked.:cheesy:?

If you follow through with that threat, there would be no traffic police officers left to police traffic.

I wonder if he too never strolled Lumphini park after dark.   They must be putting something in the water to make so many delusional. 

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2 hours ago, toolpush said:

I, for one, quite like the prevailing scenario. I have no problem paying off a cop on the scene if it means that I don't have to go to the police station or court. One of the reasons I like living in Thailand: it is not the nanny state my home country has become. I can never figure out why expats here want to change Thailand so that it is like their home country. I like it just the way it was.

Are you for real...or are you just joking? What do you mean a 'nanny state'. You mean you would prefer for Thais to continue to break the law without having a license? Not to mention those underage m/b riders that are a danger to themselves and others. Other expats want Thailand like their home country!!!??? I sincerely hope others here will give you some flak on that statement. Don't break the law and you won't have to go to the police station or court...not to mention not having to bribe anyone. Geeeeeeeez

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I really hope this policeman is sincere...but it won't happen overnight and he'll probably have problems trying to enforce it. I'm certainly not laughing this one away. Sometimes on a Saturday when I pass the local market I get a bit tired trying to miss young boys hardly out of kindergarten (okay, I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean) weaving in and out on a m/b, going the wrong way, no helmets, with two other kids along for the ride. Mind you, having said that, there has to be a policeman around to catch them.

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