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Cutting down, baby steps


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For quite some time I have not been happy with my alcohol consumption.


Between about 8 to 12 X 320 ml  beer bottles ( 5 % )    per day.

No spirits.


Some of the beer  drank indoors.


For a few days, a slight improvement, start drinking later, stop drinking earlier.


I have beers in the fridge yet am quite happily drinking water., no temptation to pour a glass of beer.

Plenty of juice in the fridge which I actually like.


I am trying my best to quit the indoors drinking and then reduce  outdoor drinking to maybe 4 or 5 a day with some days of total abstinence..

Then maybe reduce  a bit more.


It is hard, would love to just drink modestly 2 or 3 days a week.

I don`t actually have any desire to stop totally.


I am merely looking for some encouragement or ideas.



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12 minutes ago, bangkok blue said:

One question... What affect is your current consumption causing to your life?


My advice would be to join a gym, with group training classes and increase your network of healthy minded friends.



Good question. I think it makes me depressed at times, makes me tired.

Kills my appetite so I do not eat all that much, perhaps leading to a poor diet.

Put off doing some important things which can lead to problems later down the line.


Fortunately never ever aggressive or arrogant on drink, never any issues with others through it.



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10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Why are your trying to cut down or quit? 

Is it concerns regarding alcohol? Carbs? Weight? General health? 


Different reasons require a different approach... 


for starters..  don’t start until after 6pm... then pick a couple days you won’t start until after 8pm...


Or, drink water with dinner & beer after, being full you will drink less.


You know this already, I’m sure... a little self discipline is key... 



Concerns re. alcohol and general health, not carbs or weight, I  have no wight issue, am about right for my height and age.

Yes, I am trying to start later and stop earlier.

I do not drink beer with dinner, water only, nor do I drink beer after dinner, again, water only.

This is of some help I think.

I drink at least a litre of water after I have finished drinking.

I do not even want beer after eating.


I am just trying to reduce my intake.

Hard but feel I have made a tiny bit of progress



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7 hours ago, seasia said:


I do not even want beer after eating.


This above is perhaps a large part of your answer right there.


I along with several friends have all been discussing this issue lately, and how all of us need to clean up our act.  Like you, no beer is not really an issue in terms of dependency, but if you don't have a hobby or job then it's just too easy to go and do social which invariably involves at least a couple of drinks.  I say a couple, then you add them up next day and realise that you had one at that shop, one when we ran into a friend, and another for the road, so you're telling yourself you had two when really it was 5.  Got to be careful to be true to yourself and also making it public knowledge as well helps make it prominent in your mind what actual behaviour is rather than the story you wish you could be telling.


If I stay off it for a day or two, I don't really want to touch the stuff, but then Friday rolls around, the first few sips taste like a**, then before you know it you're back in the swing of it and returning to previous behaviour.


If food takes away your desire to drink (maybe just no room for it?) then that sounds like an obvious starting point.  I have learnt to never ever drink without food before hand.  For me it's not that it fills me up or slows down absorption or anything, it's just that if you're going to challenge your body then it needs some ammo to defend itself.  If drinking makes you not eat then you can get in real trouble as I did a few years back.


Purely for health reasons and protecting your liver powerfully, I would strongly suggest getting on AliExpress and ordering 1Kg of "Cordyceps Sinensis" and take a large spoon morning and evening whether drinking or not.  It's the nearest thing to a miracle for the liver I've ever experienced, and repaired what the doctors told me was impossible.


I don't ban myself from drinking.  If I have one at home I do it while doing something else (in my case being on the computer) and you may find that a bottle lasts you several hours, and also that a bottle of green tea would do just as well.  I have my Friday nights, and arrange to go to a place that closes early-ish, such as a restaurant to add another constraint to going overboard.  That way I can go through the week without any noticeable negative effects.  


The times that really get me in trouble is when say you do your Friday (or whatever you choose) then someone flies into town Saturday, then find out it's a birthday party on a Sunday, and cumulatively it all gets too much and feel terrible.  In that situation dedicate the next day to just sleeping and lazing around, and I titrate back to zero over the next couple of days and my feet are back on the ground and all is back to normal.


Oh, and don't neglect sleep.  That's when we repair.  Missing out on that and also food makes alcohol that much more dangerous to your health.



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14 hours ago, seasia said:


Between about 8 to 12 X 320 ml  beer bottles ( 5 % )    per day.

So that's 4 big bottles (620ml) a day. 6 on a bad day.

I drink 2 large bottles every single day, end of the working day, late afternoon -early evening. No more, no less.

I wouldn't consider 3-4 a problem myself, 6 everyday maybe yes.

I know plenty of people in the West who drink 2-3-4 pints every day after a working day, not really a problem if kept in moderation, able to function, eat well and go to work in the morning.

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If you are at the point now of asking a question like this with alcohol you most likely have a problem with it. The only solution is not cutting down, its abstinence. Find an AA meeting and attend for 90 days, if it's not for you then you are probably not alcoholic. AA Thailand, Google it, great meetings and people in Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai.

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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Why are your trying to cut down or quit? 

Is it concerns regarding alcohol? Carbs? Weight? General health? 


Different reasons require a different approach... 


for starters..  don’t start until after 6pm... then pick a couple days you won’t start until after 8pm...


Or, drink water with dinner & beer after, being full you will drink less.


You know this already, I’m sure... a little self discipline is key... 

Great advice here but most importantly you have chosen to do this and it will be of benefit to you. 

Remember it is your choice and be comfortable with choosing when and how much you wish to drink. 

I am also reducing the amount that I drink and I know how hard it is but it does get easier. 

It also helps to tell your mates so they don't try to get you to drink more.  Good luck 

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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Why are your trying to cut down or quit? 

Is it concerns regarding alcohol? Carbs? Weight? General health? 


Different reasons require a different approach... 


for starters..  don’t start until after 6pm... then pick a couple days you won’t start until after 8pm...


Or, drink water with dinner & beer after, being full you will drink less.


You know this already, I’m sure... a little self discipline is key... 

Great advice here but most importantly you have chosen to do this and it will be of benefit to you. 

Remember it is your choice and be comfortable with choosing when and how much you wish to drink. 

I am also reducing the amount that I drink and I know how hard it is but it does get easier. 

It also helps to tell your mates so they don't try to get you to drink more.  Good luck 

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In reply to your original question.

Maybe you can try some simple strategies to break up the pattern and disrupt the habit.


For starters try switching to the larger 620 bottles and always drink from a glass, not from the bottle. This way you can keep better tabs on just how much and when you are imbibing. Stubbies are just too easy.


Also, as previously suggested go for at least one AFD a week.


In summary, move on to managing your drinking a bit more.

Best of luck.


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Go to a few AA meetings around Pattaya or Jomtien or anywhere in Thailand and first learn if you have an Alcohol problem.

   The signs are that when a person starts making queries such as you are....they already have a problem with alcohol.

Does not necessarily mean you are alcoholic...I have known "heavy" drinkers that drank more than any alcoholic.

  The difference usually being ..most alcoholics could not stop drinking of their own free will if told to do so by a doctor if they not want to die early ...a "heavy" drinker ....Could.

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You sound like you just want some ideas to contain your intake etc. You could put yourself on a beer budget so that you only allot a certain amount of money each week to beer. Like most things in life it is about tricking yourself into change. When I wanted to give up smoking I just programmed my brain that I hated the smell of smoke. When I found myself near smokers I would just move away from them. Eventually it was easy and I never looked back. I stopped drinking recently because I was diagnosed with GERD which eliminates alcohol. The horrendous feeling I got from this situation was the worst in my life....ever. That forced me to change......sometimes we have to be forced to change. Good luck.

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Somebody here already mentioned your buddies,The people you hang out with can greatly influence your intake.

When people are buying rounds you may feel the need to join them

Talk to your friends and if they are really your friends they will understand and not offer you beer.

If they say'come on just one more'or something like that you need to

pick you friends more carefully.

Also the places you go to can make a difference.


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I can't comment on a method to cut down. I can however simply state that I feel so much better now that I have cut down my intake.


I used to drink everyday, G&T @ 6pm. Couple of beers or glasses of wine and perhaps a single malt to accompany some Royce chocolate later... Weekends could get heavy. Anyhow, about 5 years ago my business started to fail and my funds began to dry up. I gave up for financial reasons. I refuse to drink regular beers (I am a beer-snob), so ended up on the waggon for 2 years. Since then I have probably only once drank more than 8 beers in a month, and normally that figure is more like 3.


I think better, feel better, and my bowels are in better shape. I don't exercise nearly enough, but recently ran 2.2 km between gates at an airport in China without breaking a sweat or breathing hard. (I am 50). I've lost around 8 kg since I stopped drinking on a regular basis.


I've become a cheap-date. I can go for beers with mates and be nicely toasty after 2-3 pints. And I am happy with that. 'Less is more' works for me. I'd rather have 2 pints of Guinness or three bottles of A Go Go IPA once in a while than any number of Leo or equivalent. And I'd rather drink water or tea most of the time.


If you want to feel more healthy and awake, a significant reduction will do wonders for you. I have to add, I drink around 2.5 to 3 litres of water per day and supposedly that is also good for you.

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12 hours ago, bangkok blue said:

One question... What affect is your current consumption causing to your life?


My advice would be to join a gym, with group training classes and increase your network of healthy minded friends.

What percentage of expats in Thailand would you say are healthy minded? IMO. a very very low percentage.

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2 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

So that's 4 big bottles (620ml) a day. 6 on a bad day.

I drink 2 large bottles every single day, end of the working day, late afternoon -early evening. No more, no less.

I wouldn't consider 3-4 a problem myself, 6 everyday maybe yes.

I know plenty of people in the West who drink 2-3-4 pints every day after a working day, not really a problem if kept in moderation, able to function, eat well and go to work in the morning.

Being a life long non drinker, I am about the last person to give anyone advice, but there have been family members and friends around me all my life both at home and the workplace with obvious drink problems which have affected me, so I do have an opinion.

I would say that anyone who drinks alcohol every day has a drink problem. If any of these people don't agree with me, I would say to them, have one or two days alcohol free a week, if you can't, then I rest my case.

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Set yourself a target. My target is only drinking over weekends, I don't drink Monday through Thursday. I also limit my consumption to a large bottle of beer at lunchtime, and two whiskies before dinner.

It's mental discipline which is needed. I do feel better on the days when I am not drinking. The effects of alcohol are worse with advancing age.

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The problem here its too bloody cheap and everywhere, 70 % of the time I would buy alcohol when I was in 7/11 buying bread and would pop over to the fridge for a ice cold drink.  Without thinking Im justifying how alcohol is not much more in price than a standard over sugared drink, with the benifit of a buzz.  I never thought I was an alco doing that until my misses pointed it out.  I now avoid 7/11 or send my misses in. Outa sight outa mind.  Personally I train, it gives a natural high vs the fake beer high with the feeling of wanting to eat right including drinking loads of water. The end of day after a heavy workout you are naturally relaxed not pining for a beer.

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