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German far-right protesters clash with leftists after Chemnitz stabbing


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10 hours ago, German farang said:

Would it be to radical to consider Bukarest '89 as an good example? I don't think so!


It doesn't need another Bukarest 1989. But I suerely would welcome mass demonstrations in Berlin.

And when I say "mass demonstrations" I'm thinking of a couple of million participants. No, not in Germany...  People there are complaining every day all day long but at the next elections, they vote for the same bunch of crooks again.

One cannot expect changes by doing the same things all over again.

Regards from another German farang.






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10 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Listen to what you said Simple One - "look at current definitions of 'far right"  "commentary precisely, including yours, fall under the definition/s"


You are completely locked into the belief that whatever a liberal academic defines as something, is that something.


Reality - because a liberal academic says something or defines something, does not make it so simple one.

Reality - because you can quote what an academic wrote, does not mean that you or the academic are correct simple one.


You are wrong to use the views of academics as any sort of factual evidence that your own correlating views are therefore correct.

If you cannot defend your own opinions with your own articulated and reasoned thoughts, then your views are invalid - typically this means they are based on emotions and not reasons.


There is still time for you simple one, all you have to do is assess the facts impassionately and impartially, and then form your own views and opinions.

As the twitter trending statement of the month/year says:  #walkaway  Get wise to the liberal hypocrisy and unreasoned views and get #woke and #walkaway



Get over yourself with relentless denials / deflections. Your & others similar posts are classic copy and paste of far right / right of centre / alt right rhetoric. Not claiming you have, but in some cases on TV going as far as applauding deaths at sea of asylum seekers, invoking genocide of Muslims and so on, Mutual 'liking' of OTT anti Muslim / asylum seeker content etc i.e. today's far right propaganda which does include generalised vicious anti migrant content. Numerous examples of far right propaganda in this topic from the same  members who post vilification posts of all Muslims, yet, except for a one or two, always deny the origin of their content.


Getting back to the OP, German Police are now seeking some of the far demonstrators for illegal activity i.e. Nazi salutes. Plus many used Nazi era slogans. Not claiming all were active neo-Nazis, but obviously mixing in the same cesspit.

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1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

Its a waste of time arguing on here the left wing never admit they are wrong ,just keep spouting the same old rubbish and never admit they are wrong, just that we did it the "wrong' way

It’s not called “arguing” when you don’t have any arguments but just spread lies and fears. 

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29 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Elvis' comment above is absolutely right - you have a bad habit of assuming that anyone that objects to your idea of liberal is nothing of the sort and, is instead.... either far right or left....


Which is one of the reasons why I seriously dislike this type of 'labelling'.


It really isn't at all hard to understand why people that are (generally) not particularly bothered either way, are becoming bad-tempered to the extent of protesting about the wave of immigrants (some of whom are carrying out serious assaults) that have been allowed in as 'refugees'....

yet another post by you using "right of centre" messaging. Next you'll likely call them "patriots" keep digging - LOL. 

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9 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

 Fail.  F-  

Try again - instead of abusing myself and stating that what I wrote is wrong, try something different.


Try writing down clearly (articulate) the reasons and the rationale behind your opinions. 

Give me (and everyone) everyone some logical reasons for your viewpoint.


The reason you did not do that is provided in my previous response to you - irrational liberal emotions dominate your thinking. 

Have a close read and see that I have not 'demanded' that you agree with me/conservatives. 

I have merely asked you to think for yourself and to articulate those thoughts and reasons, in order to defend your opinions.

I say again it again -  think for yourself and #walkaway from the liberal 'mantra' you follow - walk your own path.


I have given my reasons, you reject them. Why do I push back on those calling the hard right 'patriots' and other nonsense, my complete rejection of hard right ideology.


You are Australian, why are you not listening to our national security, plus other Western governments not dominated by hard right populist ideology,  professionals who clearly state hard right divisive social media does not assist against Islamist extremism, criminality and so on.


Have you ever thought about why so many on this forum have attempted to excuse the behaviour of

far right demonstrators in the OP, use the language of the far right, keep liking each others all encompassing vilification posts and then deny they are enablers - LOL

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