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Obama, Meghan McCain rebuke absent Trump in tribute to fallen senator


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I must be missing something. Wasn,t Trump asked NOT TO ATTEND ? I also do not understand how someone can become a hero by virtue of being taken prisoner.
I guess america is so short of real heroes they have to manufacture them every chance they get !
Read up on his life story and maybe you'll understand.

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2 hours ago, TGIR said:

Another day, another round of bashing  Trump.   Congratulations, you all have managed to turn a funeral into a sordid display of disaffection for a man who seems to have an unlimited  ability to absorb more punishment than Job himself.


The sixty three million American citizens  who voted President Trump into office are once again forced to watch and listen to the other half of the country disparaging him at every opportunity.......you are like a pack of jackals fighting over a carcass.


Slightly less than half I'm afraid.  46%.  It is high time the US of A fixed the racist voting system that is in place.

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39 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

John McCain was a decent American who served his country.


Using a funeral for political feuds is disgusting. The hypocrisy of the left and their media allies is apparent.


MAGA. Now watch the ad hominems.

How is the media reporting on the funeral hypocritical?

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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

As Manic says:


"If it were not for his antipathy to Trump he would just be another,  soon forgotten, right wing mediocrity "


The media praising him like the second coming was far less charitable when he was running for President. While I would hesitate to call him a "mediocrity" in general, his main value to the Swamp was that he enjoyed playing in it with the rest of the bozos.

The media has been praising Trump as a maverick for virtually all of his political career. Whether he deserved that moniker is another question. But as for "hypocrisy", not so.

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28 minutes ago, The manic said:

He facilitated the growth of the lunatic alt right by choosing The Tea Party , Sarah Palin, as presidential running mate. If it were not for his antipathy to Trump he would just be another,  soon forgotten, right wing mediocrity 

So you're saying he's at least partially to blame for Trump?

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5 hours ago, myfriendu said:

I have to agree with all facts you mentioned about this wicked man,  trump would not have gone even if invited he has too much honor and could never pay respects to a guy with such low morals.

Trump is the greatest president ever, you ask him he will tell you himself.     


Trump and honour is an oxymoron with a heavy accent on the moron.

3 hours ago, seajae said:

wrong post sorry


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Understanding the reason and the need for McCain's resistance funeral. 

McCain made history in life and also in death.




The McCain funeral offered a promise of deliverance at a dark moment in American history


When dictators took over countries such as Germany, Italy, Russia, Argentina and Venezuela, the body politic had usually already been weakened by war, depression or chronic misrule – and often all three. Today, the United States faces a threat from a would-be despot of its own: a president who incessantly undermines his own Justice Department, calls for his political opponents to be investigated and locked up, denounces the press as the “enemy of the people,” and lies incessantly while telling his followers that they must trust whatever he now says over what the media report or even over what he himself was previously recorded as saying on video.







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17 hours ago, Redline said:

They all said they disagreed with him, but he was a patriot and willing to compromise.  Can you comprehend English?

Nothing in my post negates comprehension. It is just fact. You might be the one with comprehension issues.

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19 hours ago, Gudge said:

Why are all you calling Trump down for not going to the funeral. Mc Cain requested that he did not attend his funeral and Trump was reminded of that request so did not attend.

I looked at every post previous to yours. Not one of them condemned Trump for not attending.

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"John cared about the institutions of self-government, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, rule of law, separation of powers, even the arcane rules and

procedures of the Senate. He knew that in a nation as big and boisterous and diverse as ours, those institutions, those rules, those norms are what bind us together. They give shape and order to our common life, even when we disagree. Especially when we disagree."  --  Former President Barack Obama, who confessed to being initially surprised at being asked to speak.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Given the results in by-elections and primaries, it doesn't seem likely that there are still 63 million Americans who would be offended by condemnations of Trump.

By elections (which isnt an American thing, you must mean special elections) and primaries and Congressional elections dont count. See you in 2020 with a booming economy

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

But mid-term elections are an American thing. See you in November.

And I do have to hand it to Trump. Even though the economy is doing well, at least for the very rich although for most workers not so much,  he still manages to be unpopular. How does he do it?

Because he doesn't pass the SMELL TEST with the majority of Americans and he NEVER will. He didn't in 2016 either but squeezed on an unlikely narrow victory based on the electoral college. 

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

But mid-term elections are an American thing. See you in November.

And I do have to hand it to Trump. Even though the economy is doing well, at least for the very rich although for most workers not so much,  he still manages to be unpopular. How does he do it?

Mid terms mean nothing, unless the party out of power fails to flip...then it means something...

I hand it to Mr. Combover too. Even though the media screeches imprecations about him daily, he manages to still keep his support. How does he do it?




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44 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Because he doesn't pass the SMELL TEST with the majority of Americans and he NEVER will. He didn't in 2016 either but squeezed on an unlikely narrow victory based on the electoral college. 

I do like a bit of snobbery! ?

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On 9/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, canuckamuck said:

C'mon, get the guy in the ground already. What a circus.

 You hit the hammer on to the nail!You can bet the bank on PT is thinking the same ! He has a problem with holding back,I can only imagine.

Edited by riclag
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