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Trump tells Apple to make products in U.S. to avoid China tariffs


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9 minutes ago, Becker said:

:cheesy:. Always funny to see someone make a complete fool of himself believing he knows a lot about a subject he clearly has no clue about.


PS. To be fair this is a common affliction among the man-child supporters.

Wait you know more ? Let’s hear it???

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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Sound advise. No downside to bringing jobs back to the States. 

I thought he would have started with the "make America great again" hats, baby steps, then tackle Apple.


There is a down side if you are using tariffs to do it, then you essentially stop trading with the rest of the world.

Edited by Peterw42
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17 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

So fast forward to fortress USA, every iphone in US is made using US labour, US components, in an US factory. everyone has a big screen TV and a new pick up truck (Made in USA). Is anyone in the rest of the world buying an iphone from the US ? Why would they,  its expensive, the US doesnt buy anything from them, US products have huge tariffs on them overseas because the US has tariffs on them.

You have just limited any US product or service to a local domestic market of 300 million people. 


Isolationism/protectionism has never worked for anyone, except maybe communist Russia for a short time.


If you use tarrifs to force a US company to manufacture in the US, those same tariffs also stop the US company selling their products overseas, it not rocket science.



If US does not buy anything from them, why is there problem with tariffs?


and following your logic people buy Apple because it’s made in China? Not because it’s an Apple?

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23 minutes ago, David Walden said:

All wars since time began are about trade imbalances between nations and no other reason...try and put up a good argument against that one???

Hitler went storming into Poland because of a trade imbalance ?

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

As previously already said it’s complicated, bashing Trump without having much business acumen is by far easier ???

Making comments without any proof is precisely where Trump and his supporters are good at. when asked for proof they go silent or come up with another silly comment. 

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Offshoring is facilitated by a range tax avoidance mechanisms that essentially allow companies and investors to cherrypick the most tax efficient jurisdictions to execute transactions, reports profits and deposit cash.


The same approach is applied to picking low regulation manufacturing sites, both in terms of worker rights and environmental protection (costs to production).


The banks and financial services industry produces services and products to facilitate offshoring they take in huge profits from these products and services.


The hyper wealthy amass huge wealth by taking advantage of offshoring and the offshoring products and services.


It should be noted Trump is doing zilch to tackle the ‘offshoring’ industry and has avoided joining international efforts to tackle ‘offshoring’.


His simplistic trade wars present the impression of dealing with the symptoms but there is no attempt to address the underlying causes.


To address ‘offshoring’ Trump would have to face up to the hyper wealthy GOP backers.


A trade war grabs the headlines and avoids asking uncomfortable questions about who Trump is actually working for.

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Just now, FritsSikkink said:

Making comments without any proof is precisely where Trump and his supporters are good at. when asked for proof they go silent or come up with another silly comment. 

You mean like claiming to speak Thai yet not being able to string 3 words in a sentence ? Then you right once again about making silly comments ?

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1 minute ago, BestB said:

You mean like claiming to speak Thai yet not being able to string 3 words in a sentence ? Then you right once again about making silly comments ?

I do speak Thai and can read it, no need to proof it to somebody who declares everything fake news, when he doesn't like the message.  

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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

well in WW2 it took less than 2 years.


But then again we have environmental regs...pollution regs, labor regs......


Tough to compete with lao baixing even without that handicap.





Yep I was there when the quonset huts were first set up in '47 for manufacturing OLEDs and ultra-dense silicon boards!!


Dude, get a grip.

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55 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Hitler went storming into Poland because of a trade imbalance ?

Exactly...The major object of WW2 was for Germany to gain economic control over Europe they didn't have enough puff to do it.  The whole story is two complicated to go into all the details of WW2.   Regardless of what you think of Hitler his legacy to Germany was he left an incredibly efficient well oiled structure that currently and for the last 50 years has made it the economic power house of Europe. (did they really loose the war?)  WW1 was along the same line.  Napoleons many efforts were similar but failed and then a hundred wars right back to the ancient Roman, Greek and Egyption days were all about trade.   I repeat all wars since time began are about trade if you have a well balanced trade arrangement in your town you are good friends with them .  If you have to buy things off him  and he refuses to buy thing off you well that is when the trouble begins...it's no different between between countries.  We love China in Australia because they buy a half a million tons of iron ore each days.  If they stop buying it we'll hate their guts...that's the way life is and has been for the last 10,000 years or is it 50,000 years?

Edited by David Walden
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2 hours ago, BestB said:

Would also create thousands of jobs 

Yeah, and Americans will be really happy working at Chinese pay rates - I think not.

If they did build a factory it would be all done by robots.

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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

Hitler went storming into Poland because of a trade imbalance ?

Yes, Germany had lost WW1 and couldn't pay reparations. Their money was completely worthless.

Hitler wanted cheap slave labour to built a Nazi welfare state. 

Edited by micmichd
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Making America Great again - yeehaa !!  As someone that worked in IT for many eyars, I can assure you the ONLY reason they all moved to China, Taiwan etc etc was that the swamp let them. It was all about profits for the rich and the shareholders - not a thought about all the jobs lost.  The same thing why call centres all went to India etc.  Profits. And all fully supported by those mentioned before, who had 'created' the term Global Economy.  Meanwhile slave labour in China was abused and nil working conditions or rights were allowed.  And China also manipulated its currency to keep it low and make its exports cheaper.  Trump is correcting what was not only bad for the American workers, but was bad for Chinese workers, and was (and still is) a deliberate manipulation of the currency system.


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