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Ex-Trump aide Manafort tentatively agrees to plea deal: ABC News


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What would that be the textbook on exactly?  Certainly not democracy or anything to do with American principles.

Textbook outcome of a representative Republic which is in fact the form of national government in place in the USA. High populations centered in a few states on the coasts didn’t get to mandate through a pure democratic, one person one vote, majority rules to the flyover states who would be president. State level politics are democracies but I’m sure you know all of this.
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26 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Textbook outcome of a representative Republic which is in fact the form of national government in place in the USA. High populations centered in a few states on the coasts didn’t get to mandate through a pure democratic, one person one vote, majority rules to the flyover states who would be president. State level politics are democracies but I’m sure you know all of this.


You were saying something about it being a reason to be friendly with the Russians.

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You were saying something about it being a reason to be friendly with the Russians.

You stated as a fact (which I’m not sure how you know this but that’s okay) that Russia helped Trump get elected and I said then it pays to be friendly with the Russians which is historically the Democratic parties position.
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22 hours ago, dcutman said:

Sorry Libturds, Manafort is just another dead end in this Mueller witch hunt.

The Trump hating Thai Visa idiots are 0 for 1233 on Trumps demise predictions to date. The emotional ridiculousness is so funny, its the only thing that makes me coming back.

Oh dear , lashing out with insults now , seems you are in your death throws , just like your messiah !

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22 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The balance has tipped.


We're now looking forward to the world ending Trump.


Stay tuned, you and I are going to have such fun discussing this.

Oh he will be long gone by then I assure you. Like his beloved Fuhrer , he lacks humility and the the grace to admit being wrong.

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11 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

You stated as a fact (which I’m not sure how you know this but that’s okay) that Russia helped Trump get elected and I said then it pays to be friendly with the Russians which is historically the Democratic parties position.


No, take a look back through what you have been saying.  First you said the majority of people voted for Trump,, you were then corrected and it was pointed out to you that although Trump won the electoral college vote he lost the popular vote, therefor he did not gain the majority of votes, and you started saying something about that being a good reason to be friendly with Russia.  Explain yourself, and try to do that without lying this time.

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No, take a look back through what you have been saying.  First you said the majority of people voted for Trump,, you were then corrected and it was pointed out to you that although Trump won the electoral college vote he lost the popular vote, therefor he did not gain the majority of votes, and you started saying something about that being a good reason to be friendly with Russia.  Explain yourself, and try to do that without lying this time.

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15 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

Trump won the electoral college vote he lost the popular vote,

Trump did win the electoral college vote, but he lost the popular vote.  Clinton won about 2.8 million more votes.

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14 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Textbook outcome of a representative Republic which is in fact the form of national government in place in the USA. High populations centered in a few states on the coasts didn’t get to mandate through a pure democratic, one person one vote, majority rules to the flyover states who would be president. State level politics are democracies but I’m sure you know all of this.

State-level politics has the most egregious gerrymandering. Many states have had astoundingly undemocratic elections. In fact it seems clear that state-level democracy was crumbling before federal.

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On 9/15/2018 at 9:01 AM, dcutman said:

I would consider this the vast majority of America, image.jpeg.0cddadd651e975024ed87aab181bc65c.jpeg

BTW, I was a registered Democrat and voted for Obama his first term.

Trying to stay on topic, The only thing the Manafort trial has  to do with this presidency, is the Trump hating press convincing you it does.


Your batting 1000 . Same Same, Another calculated , I gotcha moment  !  

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On 9/15/2018 at 10:27 AM, Kieran00001 said:


Trumps most senior adviser, Manafort, just plead guilty to acting as a foreign agent on behalf of Russia, that has nothing to do with left wing nut cases, people making things up, or people who hate Trump, that has to do with Manafort knowing that he will be spending the rest of his days in jail for his crimes unless he came clean and admitted what has been suspected from the start, that Trumps team colluded with Russia.  There is no longer any speculation, one of the most senior members of the team has just admitted it, get it now?

crimes that happen when ,2013?

"In the end, if Manafort’s primary alleged crime was acting as a foreign agent, his real issue was failing to register sooner. If he’d done so, he’d arguably be much like thousands of other U.S. foreign agents paid to influence our politicians and public opinion in a way that’s perfectly legal.

Whether it should be is open to debate".



Edited by riclag
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On 9/15/2018 at 9:01 AM, dcutman said:

I would consider this the vast majority of America, image.jpeg.0cddadd651e975024ed87aab181bc65c.jpeg

BTW, I was a registered Democrat and voted for Obama his first term.

Trying to stay on topic, The only thing the Manafort trial has  to do with this presidency, is the Trump hating press convincing you it does.



Would you consider this the vast majority of America?  Looks pretty even to me.582c827fba6eb620008b4963-899-674.jpg.5be90fa096eeb9b67a4fbd9afc613807.jpg

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I'm not much into specific predictions but this does seem to be a historic turning point. The majority of Americans now can see this is a miserably failed, criminally corrupt presidency regardless of some positive economic news for some. 


So what does "trump" do now?

History shows something very extreme. Like high profile firings.


Resign and declare victimization and fake victory?

Odds are higher on the former. 

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


He just plead guilty, that is when the crime stops being referred to as "alleged".


We know that Manafort had gotten himself into debt with Deripaska, a well known Kremlin supporting oligarch, over their ventures in Ukrainian politics which we now know had been going on since 2004 and ended in 2014 when Yanukovych, who they had been supporting, went into exile in Russia. 


In 2006, Manafort had signed a contract with Deripaska to the tune of $10 million per year for a project to the benefit of the Kremlin.  This is what Manafort wrote to Deripaska, "We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success,".  It appears to have been a long term deal to lobby the US government on behalf of the Kremlin.


Following Yanukovych's excile, Deripaska made a claim in the Cayman's courts that Manafort owed him $19 million and this was then increased to $29 million.


We have a series of emails between Manafort and Deripaska which were sent during the presidential campaign and which appear to show him negotiating to clear his debt based on the campaign press releases.


It certainly does appear that Manafort's crimes also implicate collusion with Russia during the presidential campaign, but we will have to wait a while to see what the courts make of all the evidence.

Your missing the whole point of the Hill article! His crimes where from 2013 !"thousands of other U.S. foreign agents paid to influence our politicians and public opinion in a way that’s perfectly legal".

Nice try,

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

But Manafort wasn't like thousands - he was Trump's POTUS organization campaign chairman.

Picture Manafort being introduced at Trump rallies and Republican POTUS  nomination convention as an agent of KGB Putin's Russia - along with all the other unregistered US foreign agents for Russia working in connection with the Trump Campaign organization.

Imagine if Russian Maria Butina did register as a foreign agent for Russia before she began her infiltration of the NRA. You think her picture with executive vice president of the National Rifle Association Wayne Robert LaPierre, Jr. would have happened?



And Churchill and Roosevelt shook hands and shared cigars with Starlin!   Trying to tie Manafort 2013 incidents are a attempt by  the deep state complicit  MSM, all involved to deligitimize the deranged left's nightmare!

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Your missing the whole point of the Hill article! His crimes where from 2013 !"thousands of other U.S. foreign agents paid to influence our politicians and public opinion in a way that’s perfectly legal".

Nice try,


I didn't read the Hill article, I just gave some facts around the case.  If it is found to be true that Manafort was using the campaign to offset his personal debt to a Kremlin linked oligarch, you do realise what would be collusion, don't you? 

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

And Churchill and Roosevelt shook hands and shared cigars with Starlin!   Trying to tie Manafort 2013 incidents are a attempt by  the deep state complicit  MSM, all involved to deligitimize the deranged left's nightmare!


LOL, if there was no tie he would not have been allowed his plea bargain, and as I just told you, Manaforts crimes are tied right to the campaign, nothing stopped in 2014, he was emailing a Kremlin linked oligarch asking him if he had seen the press releases of the Trump campaign and apparently asking if that cleared his debt, which by the way would be a little illegal, I believe they call it treason.

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