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Video: Fighting over "Honey": Thai men battle it out with a sword in broad daylight


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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Like knights of olde fighting over a not so fair maiden,

even had a sword involved,crazy Thailand.

regards Worgeordie

When looking for a bit of entertainment in Thailand ,don't look for whats showing at the movie theaters,just look for the Thailand  dash cams videos of the day.   

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Two guys fighting over a lady...now that is indeed big news, never heard the likes of it before.

  In a hundred years from now I wouldn't be surprised if it went as far as somebody actually shooting somebody over a damsel. Will never know...won't be around then

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6 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I hope all those tattoos were done by a reputable tattooist.

Looks like the guy in the red shirt perhaps didn't, the tattoo on his forehead seems to have an infection already.


you dont know? tats make u the stronger man...

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18 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Being in possession of a sword and using it in public warrants a 10 year prison sentence in my view.   Perhaps use it to castrate the bastard to prevent any offspring!

your view?   means nothing. most have guns in their bikes

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So red shirt rammed the bike and attacked with a machete. That's assult with a deadly weapon just for starters in any civilised country. Doesn't matter that he was jealous or had a broken heart. Poor baby needs to find a safe space inside the monkey house.  

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