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US funny man to give up his American citizenship - desperate to become a Thai


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Why would you not get dual citizenship? Doesn't make sense to me, he'd be no less 'loyal' to Thailand by holding both passports, since he WAS born in the States. If it is not a prerequisite to gaining Thai citizenship, (which it isn't) why renounce US citizenship? Anyhow, good luck to him. 

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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4 minutes ago, connda said:

but being a foreign man married to a Thai woman, the bar is raised to 'almost insurmountable.'  It should not be that way for those who wish to pursue a path toward citizenship. 

It's easier than many other countries.

Working for 3 years, salary over 40k a month. 5,000 baht for application.

It's barstool myth that's it's impossible.

What makes you think it's so difficult?

Edited by Neeranam
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2 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Hope he enjoys his 500 baht pension when he gets older.  What a ****

Why so bitter?


You obviously know nothing about the Thai pension scheme.


500 baht is just what all old people get, nothing to do with what they have paid into the pension scheme.

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4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Why so bitter?


You obviously know nothing about the Thai pension scheme.


500 baht is just what all old people get, nothing to do with what they have paid into the pension scheme.

I never said that. I said enjoy your 500 THB pension that you will get when OLDER.  Most Thais I know would give and arm and a leg to get to Europe or the USA.  Who cares anyway if he wants to do this let him do it and condemn his kids to it too.  To me it's pathetic and damn his parents for doing this for the 'Lord'.

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

What happens if he gives up his US citizenship, then cannot get Thai citizenship,

he's going to be a stateless and we know how they are treated in Thailand.he's

got to think this through carefully.

regards Worgeordie

then he must wander into a cave with some schoolchildren before it floods

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Funny.. half of the people in Thailand will give their right arm to just do the opposite, renounce thai citizenship and become an american, go figure...

No! He is very clever, by renouncing to his american citizenship he will have no tax to pay to america and also it will be easier for him to open a bank account im thailand without declaring that he is an american citizen. Due to the Fatca system, all banks are compelled to report the accounts of all american citizen to america. Some banks are even reticent to open an account for them. 

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7 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

LOL, no need to leave the kingdom stravers, just do like I do and pretend you can't speak/understand Thai when a local starts getting under your skin.  Of course, I'm assuming it's not your Thai babe, but a stranger, or 2 or 3.  Yep, I've long known that the "language barrier" can be a very good thing at times.  :biggrin:

haha...I use the ''MUTE routine often ,and I am one step away from the''white cane '' when it comes to dealing with some thais

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Septic is an explicit slur.

Yank is corny and dated and generally not used by Americans except ironically when taking to Brits.

Citizens of the USA are called Americans.


Yes, only in Latin America you might want to be diplomatic and say estadounidense.

Not relevant elsewhere.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Septic is not widely used and is cockney rhyming slang  (septic tank - yank) mostly used in Southern England area in a good natured way to mean an American. It is no more derogatory than an American calling an Englishman a limey or an Aussie calling him a pommie (POME).

As a Canadian I don't get all bent out of shape being called a Canuck.

Funny how New York has a baseball team called NY Yankees?

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

People from Central and South America , resent citizens from the USA claiming to be "Americans".

America is the whole continents 

The two continents are differentiated by the words North and South.

Canadians are not American but are North American.

Mexicans are not American but are North American. 

South America with 12 countries uses the individual name of the country, but American has historically been someone from the United States of America.

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

Septic is not widely used and is cockney rhyming slang  (septic tank - yank) mostly used in Southern England area in a good natured way to mean an American. It is no more derogatory than an American calling an Englishman a limey or an Aussie calling him a pommie (POME).

As a Canadian I don't get all bent out of shape being called a Canuck.

Funny how New York has a baseball team called NY Yankees?

I'm aware of the origin.

But septic and similar are indeed derogatory and so are limey and pommie.





Seppo Americans Cockney rhyming slang for septic tank = yank, shortened.
Seppo/Zeppo Americans Short for Septic, see Septic, Septic Tank.
Septic Americans Short for Septic Tank, which is rhyming slang for "Yank." Commonly used in Ireland. May also be used in the UK.
Septic Tank Americans Cockney rhyming slang for "yank", often abreviated to "Seppo"



Yankee, Yank is  NOT used by Americans among ourselves to describe our nationality. Yankee is about an American REGION -- North / Northeast but still dated and corny even in that usage. It has a lot of connotations of the civil war era (1860s), Yankees vs. Rebels.The New York Yankees were named LONG AGO.


Americans are Americans. Like it or not. Like us or not. Even Canadians get that!


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11 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

well, giving up USA citizenship may sound like a good idea now, but later, now lets assume the USA still exists, he won't be eligible for any Medicare or any other federal benefits.  Americans can hold dual citizenship, but if the Thais are expecting or demanding him to give up USA allegiance, well, so be it.  One makes their bed, one sleeps in it.

Guess Medicare or Medicaid are not much worse than Thai Universal Healthcare or NHS. Private Health Insurances in Asia are cheaper than in the U.S.A.  And if he's worked for his pension he should well be able to take it with him and spend it in Thailand. I'm naturalized German, and I do the same.

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5 hours ago, Emster23 said:

I'm a Yank and pay US taxes on my pension & social security. As they are US based, I would still be required to pay taxes regardless of citizenship.

Medicare is useless here. Expats don't have political power, so easy to cut us out of coverage. I suppose they think we wouldn't ever need health care once we moved out of USA.... still get to pay into it or get dinged.

Article said he spent his first 2 years in US, so probably is more Thai than Yank. Doesn't seem to consider future very well.... hmmm

My "Tarzan's first law of the jungle: don't let go of one vine til you have hold of another"

There is no "vine" for a 42 year old who has lived here since he was 2. He has considered his future very well. It's to be in Thailand and not go to the States.

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