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blacklisted or not

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Hello there 

I overstayed in Thailand for less than 5 years ... I went out  from U Tapao airport back to Jordan ( I am Jordanian ) .. I payed the 20000 fine for overstay and they told me in the airport that I MAY get ban from entering Thailand ... However .. I have a family there with a 3 Thai kids ... My wife came to the airport and try to explain why I was overstayed ... they told me I have to pay the fine 20000 thb and I may get ban for 5 years ... on my passport they just put the normal stamp of departure with note writing by hand by the officer that I paid the fine ( only ) ... I didn't get any other stamps ( red stamp ) or finger print or so ... ... now my question

does anyone has a blacklisted ? and if so shouldn't they give me a red stamp or at least a finger or eye print ( which is I didn't ) ... can anyone tell me how should I know ? 

and if I just try to get another visa and come again ...is it a problem or if I was banned they would just refuse me entering the country or they would make a problem to me ... please check the attachment to see the stamp on my passport ( by the way .. this passport already expired ) 

best regards 




Edited by ubonjoe
cropped image to remove personal info
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If you have not been blacklisted, you are extremely lucky. The ban is usually automatic. However, the lack of a stamp confirming the ban in your passport indicates that the immigration at U-Tapao wanted to be merciful. It depends on whether their superiors decide to overrule them. Do you have the option of returning through U-Tapao? It might be worth doing that, as you apparently have immigration there who want to help you.

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Overstayed by 4 years+?  One would imagine that it is automatic and that you will be blacklisted from entering for a long period.  I cannot imagine that the ban has to be "actioned" by the Immigration officer.  I imagine it is automatic in the Immigration computer system otherwise it would be open to all sorts of abuse.

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3 hours ago, mstevens said:

Overstayed by 4 years+?  One would imagine that it is automatic and that you will be blacklisted from entering for a long period.  I cannot imagine that the ban has to be "actioned" by the Immigration officer.  I imagine it is automatic in the Immigration computer system otherwise it would be open to all sorts of abuse.

Maybe the Immigration Officer and Supervisor can exercise their judgment in certain case ?

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Was an official receipt issued after you paid the 20,000 baht fine ?


Years ago when I was working overseas I would routinely be 1-2 days over my 30 Day stamp and when it was 2 days I'd have to pay the fine and they'd staple the receipt into my passport.


But if they didn't give you a receipt............

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Without knowing what was entered in the 'computer' at Utapao I can only assume that the type of visa and the entry date for that visa were entered, wherever you entered. The next entry in the records would be the date you left at Utapao. When you enter Thailand again those dates will show up on the screen. 

How the IO will react if he pays attention to those dates is anyones guess.

Is the blacklisting, if any, in the computer?

Did they 'forget' to stamp your passport?

If you had a new passport, obviousy it would be linked to your old one and all the previous in/out history will come up on the screen including the overstay details.

You may just sail through or you may be questioned a bit on entry.

I would have at least a throw away if not used cheap ticket to somewhere as a minimum back up just in case.

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1 hour ago, 007 RED said:

As you are no doubt aware, an overstay of 3 years or more, with voluntary surrender to Immigration at the departure airport, will result in a fine plus an automatic ban from entering the Kingdom for 5 years.

I think saying it is automatic is not correct. A immigration officer with the the authority to it has to initiate the action. It certainly is not automatically done in their system.


1 hour ago, 007 RED said:

Regarding a red ‘Banned’ stamp from Thai Immigration, I have yet to see such an endorsement posted here or anywhere else, maybe someone can post one for clarification (Banned stamp not Refused Entry stamp).

I have seen more than one banned stamp posted on this forum since they started doing them. Unfortunately I never saved a copy of one.

It has is rectangular with a frame around it with couple of lines in Thai with a space for the number of years the ban is for and the date it was done.

The ones I have seen were done on the same page as the overstay stamp was done.

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41 minutes ago, turgid said:

Can i respectfully suggest you don't post your passport number, visa number and name on a public forum. Other than the obvious security issues If someone in authority did decide to be kind to you you probably aren't doing them any favours.  

If you mean the pic he posted it was hard to see but the personal info has now be cropped off of it now.

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9 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I see no mention of his passport being expired.

The last sentence of OP


"please check the attachment to see the stamp on my passport ( by the way .. this passport already expired )" 

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Get a new passport, get a visa (or get the Visa in Laos), then get a flight to Vientiane (or any neighbouring country) and enter Thailand at a land border. In case they don't let you enter Thailand because you are banned you just have to go back to Laos (or to whatever country you came from) and don't have to pay for an extra flight.

Then report back here how it went.

Edited by jackdd
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43 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

The last sentence of OP

"please check the attachment to see the stamp on my passport ( by the way .. this passport already expired )" 

I may of missed that in parenthesis.

Maybe it expired a day or two after he left or he had a ETD to use with it.

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8 hours ago, mstevens said:

Overstayed by 4 years+?  One would imagine that it is automatic and that you will be blacklisted from entering for a long period.  I cannot imagine that the ban has to be "actioned" by the Immigration officer.  I imagine it is automatic in the Immigration computer system otherwise it would be open to all sorts of abuse.


Overstayed for 4+ years.


IMHO the OP has little respect or caring for his family. Surely nobody would do this and create a situation where they could easily be separated from family, including 3 children, for 5 years.


Mind Boggling.





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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I think saying it is automatic is not correct. A immigration officer with the the authority to it has to initiate the action. It certainly is not automatically done in their system.

Joe … I entirely agree with your comment that a ban (for whatever reason) is not automatically created by the immigration computer system, and that it requires the IO (or authorised person) to enter the details of any ban into their computer system.


When I indicated the ban was automatic in my previous post, it was in the context that the OPs overstay of 4 years plus, with voluntary surrender, will result in a an automatic 5 year ban.  The wording of the Ministerial Order (1/2558) clearly states “… will be barred from re-entering the country…”  The emphasis being on the word ‘will’, which I beg to suggest infers automatic with no choice, discretion or appeal.

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No stamp or writing in your passport does not mean anything. 

Immigration system shows the history, what date you were in and what date you where out and type of your visa.

Next time even with a proper visa you could be deported by the IO at the port of entry since they look at your history. 

You may try to make it clear before any attempt of entry. 

Edited by The Theory
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3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

That Oct 2013 entry stamp is sure a red flag especially now that the exit is stamp of Sept 2018 is splatted right next and on it. Amazing you could fly on an expired passport as well. 

Not amazing a US citizen can return to the US with an expired passport no problem. Also had a friend who married a Thai girl , her daughter returned years later on an expired Thai passport. 

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