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What price a little girl's life? One million say family, too much says dog owner


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1 hour ago, jrjrjr said:

If the girl was not born she would not be dead !

Just as if foreigners were not in Thailand nothing could happen to them here !


what are you smoking - suggest you stop it immediately.

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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Do you think the child's family should be allowed to sue the dog owner, like they do in western countries?

yes - but in Thailand it seems it is negotiation not sue - maybe same same at the end of the day.

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1 hour ago, Mutt Daeng said:

What were the child's parents doing at the time? Why was a 4 year old unsupervised?

I take my 2 Doberman cross dogs for a brisk walk @ 5.45 am at a sports field in a school across the road from my house every morning. Today after about 25 minutes I saw a small child walking about alone. I immediately called my dogs to heel and we went home. How can such a small child be left to it's own devices alone @ around 6.20 am?

What are the parents thinking? OK that's a rhetorical question.

I used to walk alone to school at 4.

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4 hours ago, jgarbo said:

You must be a tourist. This is a community matter. We don't need the UN or the ICC. Local cops will sort it out.

LOL very funny. Disgraceful and should be in the courts. Dogs already destroyed and he belongs in jail. And no l ain't no tourist. Absolutely disgusting human beings..KARMA will see him.

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1 hour ago, Mutt Daeng said:

Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors


Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs...

I have owned several all trained and loved. 1 Rhodesiam Ridgeback and 2 pitbulls. Never attacked any child. The owner of these beasts should be caged

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6 hours ago, BestB said:

Do not agree. I have more than a few dogs and truth being told many kids tornment dogs either fur fun or out of stupidity and parents watch and laugh .


personal experience in my old house, same bunch of kids came around on daily basis just to piss of my dogs, poked them with sticks through  the gate, threw rocks , made faces.


i told stupid parents that one day dogs may jump the fence and their kids be killed or if they do this to a street dog they would be bitten .


retarded parents stood there dribbling with idiotic smile on their faces.


i moved from that house because of concern one day retarded kids would either jump the fence to annoy dogs or open the gate.

Similar story, i have a couple of big dogs, and had local kids winding them up through the fence.


One weekend when 2 or 3 of them went past on their bikes i went out with one of my dogs on a leash and let him bark / growl / slobber, forcing the kids to stop their bikes and cry.


Their parents came and asked what happened, they said good.


The kids don't <deleted> with my dogs now.

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2 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors


Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs...


Totally agree.

My pits would never kill anybody unless I tell them to do.



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....  This is just a REAL Total tragedy !!! ...


In our Family, the woman always tell the kids, not to walk past places with packs of dogs, ... well they all are territorial, and bark at you, and I sort of did not believe them !!!  ?  ...  Like I can walk past there !  ...  But yes, I did know that dogs have no morals, and maul children if they can, like they do smaller dogs, … as they are smaller, and an easier Hit !  ...  And in particular young boys I have noticed, … as I have seen them bite them once in a while, and well I have been minorly bitten twice myself, (and once Majorly )....  Like these dogs that did it Minorly on purpose, deliberate just Nipped me, to send me a message, that I was well with in their territory, …  and well on My Stomach !  ...  Like they can see a beer belly when they spot one at least !    Nothing wrong with their eyesight, and knowledge of the human anatomy, …


And well the Major incident, well it was a lot more serious message, which I probably deserved, having shot one of them in the face with a shanghai, ... and the lead female attacked me, and put a through would in my leg, from one side, while the Younger dogs distracted me from the other. ... Like they WERE working together ! And working together very well.


...  But yes, Looks like the woman were VERY right, and I can feel the Pain also, seeing this little girl’s pink bike in the road.  ...  I have a 5, 6, and 7 year old in the extended family, which I have to help look after, re school mostly.  ...  And Yes, the woman do not trust me with them much, re long trips, (Or any other men actually) Re me being irresponsible, and not up to speed on child caring, and losing them !    Or Losing them on the road, even worse !  ... And well yes,  ...  Justifiably so, RE Dogs so it seems.  ... 


  I wonder what you would get in Australia if one of the, ... How could you put it, "Overly aggressive, … to make up for the owners lack of personality", Dogs mauled your child to death ?  ...  Probably nothing, and just get the poor second, of the satisfaction of seeing the council take the dogs away, and have them put down.  ?  ... And have to put up with the social discussion on the media, if that was appropriate path or not,    And still know that there were STILL, a lot of just Mindless, Dog Lovers out there, ... just keeping quiet.  ... e.g. you would probably just about get Nothing.


  I am just thinking comparisons,  ...


...  My Auntie's OK, but her very expensive schnauzer, was mauled to death on it's lead, as she walked it around the block, in Western Melbourni, by one of those Designer Samoy cross things, … the fad in Loyal, but aggressive bastard dogs. 


  Like the one that was deliberately run over in a market street, by a big pickup, somewhere up country, in a Video posted on her some months ago … Like at risk of getting a bit of a kicking,…  I can understand why that guy ran over that dog you know, ... and I under stood it at the time also !


...  The Designer Samoy cross, that got my Aunties Dog in Melbourni, was not on a lead, and I think that the dog’s owner was only ordered to pay $300 compensation, which they did pay, but as Auntie said, her dog, was emotionally and also Financially worth a lot more, … and she had paid a LOT more than that to bring it up !    And it was hardly even enough to even cover the vets costs for having to have it put down after the attack. ....


  And the Designer Samoy thing, and it's Owner, are still walking around the Block ...


... Dogs, … and Dog Owners !!!


... I have no time for them, in the Western concept of it ... (Or for the Cat Owners either) ... "Animals More important that People"  ... (Because of the down sides of the society ?)


... And in this case, ...  if the Dogs Owners were not jailed, I would be very upset I think.  


And, So sad for the Little girl !!! Just Like Mine. ... Children SHOULD be able to ride their bikes in the street.


Mark mark



Edited by Mark mark
Spelling (The ones that I can see) Sorry
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32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


OK.. maybe not kill, but they'd bite...


Those owners who'd suggest that their dog would never bite have been lured into a false sense of security that they have managed to perfectly train an animal.


... 'The dog is well trained and very soft, but its still an animal and you can never trust them 100%' is the balanced advice a friend (and dog owner) has offered when my son is nearby and / or playing with his dog.


Agree or disagree, I don't care... but your dog, anyone's dog no matter how well trained and how mild natured always has the potential to maim a child... there always exists the potential of an attack (provoked or otherwise)... No owner of unbiased and balanced mind could argue otherwise. As such children and dogs should always be under supervision when together, or dogs out of reach of children when out of sight (i.e. your private garden / house etc).


Totally agreed, and well said. .... Like Elephants,, ... still wild animals in their case, butt he same applies. 


Though, if it is the Child's own dog, and a reliable one ? ... Maybe less supervision would be required. 


Like the Dog attacks in Australia, it seems that dogs that live in packs with other dogs, ... are a LOT less reliable, and much more likely to attack children or People, like their Loyalties often lie with the pack, and not the Humans I think ? ... Where as one dog alone, well, he is part of your pack, if he is yours, so he usually will stay, in his Possession in it.


Dogs have a Great pack mentality, and a Moral less, Pecking order, like who is in their pack, and who is their senior, and who is their Junior, and they bite each other often enough, and well, they some times can consider Children as their Juniors, like they are younger and smaller then they are. Especial Other Peoples Children, like they are not even in their pack !!! ... Which as you say, is REALLY when you DO have to have, Maximum Supervision, at all times.


Mark mark



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3 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors


Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs...


That’s it...blame the child’s family. 


That is beyond the pale. 

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


OK.. maybe not kill, but they'd bite...


Those owners who'd suggest that their dog would never bite have been lured into a false sense of security that they have managed to perfectly train an animal.


... 'The dog is well trained and very soft, but its still an animal and you can never trust them 100%' is the balanced advice a friend (and dog owner) has offered when my son is nearby and / or playing with his dog.


Agree or disagree, I don't care... but your dog, anyone's dog no matter how well trained and how mild natured always has the potential to maim a child... there always exists the potential of an attack (provoked or otherwise)... No owner of unbiased and balanced mind could argue otherwise. As such children and dogs should always be under supervision when together, or dogs out of reach of children when out of sight (i.e. your private garden / house etc).




Wrong !




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3 hours ago, jrjrjr said:



Wrong !




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A lovely looking dog... and it will probably go through its life without ever biting a person (or child)... but no one could say it would never go through its life without ever biting a person (or child)... 


It is this point which is often divisive amongst owners vs non owners...  too much emotion seeps into the discussion.... and the 'my dog would never.... ... ..' creeps in which is an irrational argument to place forwards.


Responsible and loving owners of soft breeds of dogs can offer a greater level of confidence that the chances of their dog 'turning' are extremely limited... but I can't see how any responsible owner could argue that their dog could never turn.






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8 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors


Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs...

So every child must now be protected from vicious dogs allowed to roam the streets, sounds reasonable so useless dog owners now don't have any worries. 

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5 hours ago, djayz said:


Dead is dead, irrespective of cultural values, reincarnation, dharma, heaven, etc. Once that little kid's heart stopped beating, it was game over.

I'm pretty sure she'd rather have lived this life today and died later in life when she was old.

Seldom before has a comment on this site enraged me as much as yours has!  

I'd be willing to bet you don't have kids. If you did, you'd worry about them every second of every day and you wouldn't give a rat's arse about reincarnation, etc. 





Correct, a very callous juvenile comment from someone considering themselves to be intelligent, well - - - major fail. 

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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


That’s it...blame the child’s family. 


That is beyond the pale. 

Of course it's the families fault, nothing to do with a useless mutt owner allowing their beautiful dog/s to roam free to kill kids. 

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7 hours ago, Mark mark said:


Original Post


"Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors

Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs..."


...  Well I am sorry mate, but Unsupervised Children should be able to ride their bikes in heir own streets, the dogs owners should be jailed, and the Dogs Euthanased. They killed a human being. End of story.


And it should be applied, every where, and in every country in the would.


People, and in particular Children are important, our next generation, ... and not Dogs, any other Animals, or some sad peoples egos. 


If the dogs owners disagree, and physically cause more trouble, then their prison terms should be increased.


This Little girl did not deserve to die, ... supervised, or unsupervised.

Sorry but no, kids should not be able to ride their bikes on the street unsupervised. Streets still have cars and bikes and it’s not their street but public street.

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