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Is Thailand All That if you have to work everyday?


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33 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Isn't it a proven fact you need money to live on?


There is nothing materialistic about that now is there?


Isn't it a fact that one day everyone gets old and if you have no pension or retirement, you have no way to financially survive?


For every year a person works outside of their own countries retirement system, they lower the amount they will have at retirement.


For instance if you have worked in Thailand as a school teacher for 20 years, your US social security would be nothing.


One day you turn 65, have no job in Thailand and nothing to live on.

Many of the expats you see earn a good wage. Agreed, some are teachers but there are many other occupations that expats do here. There are many high profile overseas businesses here where expats work.


Just because you don't work in your home country does not mean you don't plan for the future. Private pensions as an example, every heard of those?

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4 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

Many of the expats you see earn a good wage. Agreed, some are teachers but there are many other occupations that expats do here. There are many high profile overseas businesses here where expats work.


Just because you don't work in your home country does not mean you don't plan for the future. Private pensions as an example, every heard of those?

You must not read TV to much to realize how many people have no pension or insurance

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4 hours ago, Denim said:

I used to work in Bangkok in IT as the OP said. At first I thought it was pretty cool. I wasn't a tourist and was earning enough money to support myself and pay for any dissipation I indulged in.


But as time went by friends and family came and went and partied hard all over the country. I could not join them on their adventures as I was working. I could not even stay up late as I had to get up to go to work.


Gradually the 9-5 grind of work sucked almost all the fun of living here and was as bad as doing it in the UK only that I earnt a lot less money.


Eventually , I gave it up and went home and worked and schemed for two years, investing in property and saving my money.


Came back with a sufficient grubstake plus a bit of an income from renting out my flat.


Haven't worked since and am glad I left otherwise would still be working here........awful.

Thanks for the insight.

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Totally agree. So many young expats piss away their prime years when they should be building their careers and then they piss away their top potential money earning years here too as the salaries they will get here can't compare with back home. 

And the whole line about lower cost of living holds ZERO water if you care enough about your kids to send them to a good International school here. And if you want a vehicle then you'll pay twice as much as back home. 



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20 hours ago, CharlieH said:

You speak almost entirely of materialistic and monetary gain, not everyone places such importance on that aspect of their life, Circumstances and priorities are constantly shifting. To some, people and experiences are more important.


Each to their own, who is anyone to judge that its right or wrong. Its just different.????

I guess I have to agree that not everyone places such importance on materialistic and monetary gains, because there certainly are many expats living here who have very little to live on.



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20 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Part of my point.


Why would you want to raise your kids in one of the worst educational systems in the world?


Thai is a language and education that is useless outside of Thailand.



20 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

You really have a chip on your shoulder. What happened to you while you were here?

 There are ways around each point you make if you take the time to find them.  You also base all your negativity around teachers. Most are younger and looking for some adventure. 


The language is not useless at all. It got my daughter a part time job translating Gifs from English to Thai that she has kept for 3 years now while studying at university. No office to go to and she makes 1500 bucks a month for less than 20 hours a week working from her apartment with her laptop.   


I hope you feel better after your rant...

20 hours ago, bwpage3 said:



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'I guess in the west educated people have the chance to make enough income to buy a nice house, couple nice cars, and take an annual holiday to Thailand or anywhere else they chose.'


Bit of an assumption these days.


I think it's the lure of the ladies as much as anything. I suppose views will differ according to where you come from, etc, but it's no fun getting up at 7am in cold, wet weather, working in a miserable atmosphere, and finding you've less money at the end of the month than you'd started with.


The teaching scenario you described is the pits, and you forgot to mention the insipid complex, tightened belt, strained neck, and Bangkok cough.


For many millions life is tough, I guess.  Which car are you driving today?????

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I'm quite happy living in Thailand, but for about ten years before I retired here I worked in the UAE and I visited Thailand several times a year spending 3 or 4 months a year on holiday here in total, using the condo I bought early on, which meant my holidays here were far cheaper than if I had had to pay for hotels each time. When I retired in 2007 I had the condo ready to shift into on a "permanent" basis. I enjoyed living and working in Abu Dhabi and I enjoyed the time I spent here on holiday and I still enjoy being here in retirement.


I'm not obsessed with materialistic things, but the income while in Abu Dhabi was far better than anything available to me here as far as I could tell and the perks included a villa in AD as well as cash for furniture and interest free loan for a car and most of my travel expenses between there and Thailand.  I really don't think living and working in Thailand would have been as enjoyable.


As others have said, it's a personal thing. Whatever works for you, but I do think many people who decide to come here to work have naive expectations of how that will work out for them and they end up disappointed all around.





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Part of my point.


Why would you want to raise your kids in one of the worst educational systems in the world?


Thai is a language and education that is useless outside of Thailand.


Young families that are working, getting older every year and have no avenue to a pension or anything else for their future.



It's called poor parenting. Greedy fathers putting themselves first instead of doing everything they can to relocate to 1st world and give their kids a real shot at life!




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21 hours ago, CharlieH said:

You speak almost entirely of materialistic and monetary gain, not everyone places such importance on that aspect of their life, Circumstances and priorities are constantly shifting. To some, people and experiences are more important.


Each to their own, who is anyone to judge that its right or wrong. Its just different.????

exactly! there are plenty of reasons to move or not move to thailand. i work fulltime in a job that i love, the hours are great and i dont have to worry about cold and wet wintertimes. As a designer and artist i find Bangkok very inspiring and i love to sunbathe and swim as much as possible. i have a good salary, not crazy but on a level that allows me the luxuries i like but with modesty.

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20 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Isn't it a proven fact you need money to live on?


There is nothing materialistic about that now is there?


Isn't it a fact that one day everyone gets old and if you have no pension or retirement, you have no way to financially survive?


For every year a person works outside of their own countries retirement system, they lower the amount they will have at retirement.


For instance if you have worked in Thailand as a school teacher for 20 years, your US social security would be nothing.


One day you turn 65, have no job in Thailand and nothing to live on.

this writer is just stating the realistic facts----its the reality of life.. we do reach 65 at some time...

i cant think of much worse---than having very little money-for the next 30yrs.....it would be almost impossible to get work---anywhere...

i think lots of people DONT  properly cater for their retirement yrs---thats why we read stories like this 70yr old, others who hang themselves, or the almost daily-balcony jumpers...

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