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Nine year old kid praised for inventing a cheap coin sorting device


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That's obviously a horrible invention.


What is 35% of 110B?

Not even 40B "commission".

Nobody would buy such a machine in Thailand.


But maybe he can paint it, put some fancy stickers on it, and sell it for 100,000B. Then, with 35,000B commission, I am sure some officials will be interested.

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Well he must have watched a few youtube videos first before he started on the "invention". 

Still , just to make a Thai student do something meaningful is rare these days. So I salute him. 



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Not sure he 'invented' anything.  Reworked an old concept is more like it.  We had similar devices around when I we a kid in the 50s.  But for Thais, imitating may be the same as inventing considering innovation is in short supply.  

But nice science project for a kid his age.  The kid deserves a ribbon.

Edited by connda
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