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British Embassy statement on income letters: Officials knew about problems in May and say that US nationals will also be affected


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3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

So many disbelievers yesterday calling a Chiang Mai poster a troll :angry:


Fortunately no mention yet about Germany.

A friend even uses the honorary consul in Pattaya.

He says he always has documents/proof with him.

But the "verification" done by an assistant with little interest to look at.

I wrote to the German embassy and got an Email back saying that my Email landed by the German embassy in Kigali / Ruanda, I must have opened the wrong website, ha!! I asked them to reroute it. I checked the Bangkok website and see that they are still offering the PDF form to fill out for the confirmation and no news concerning any change so I guess it's business as usual thank God, who needs more problems

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2 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:


haha. And it appears to go back down to one million in 2020. Why would that be?  Plus, I could not read what the fine print might say. 


3 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:


haha. And it appears to go back down to one million in 2020. Why would that be?  Plus, I could not read what the fine print might say. 

The DPA has threatened to reduce the amounts of coverage for the past ten years, at the last moment they always leave the amounts as is. But hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your Thai bashing with some facts, that was rude, please continue.

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4 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

The screws just keep tightening here. 90 day check in's, address registrations, more involved and complicated process. I have to come to Thailand on business and have no choice in the matter but I am happy to recommend Panama to people who are fed up with what Thailand is becoming. You can still get your residency in Panama with just a pension or social security of $1000 USD/month and a one time cost of $7-8k USD for the residency program. I did mine years ago and love the fact that I can own land and a home as well as enjoy permanent residency and never have to worry about immigration or a check in every again. This is the company I used if anyone is interested https://www.joyful-feet.com

Even for you guys that aren't retired regardless of age I think it is about $8k USD for permanent residency. 

Yea, Thailand is turning into a really crummy place to retire no doubt. 

I have a home in Texas and go down into Southern Mexico often. Merida and the coastal towns.

0 paperwork other than going to the Mexico border crossing and paying my fee to drive my truck into Mexico. 6 months with no hassles at all.

I have been thinking of Panama, never been. 

Thanks for the post I will look into it.


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20 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Each have their respective merits and disadvantages. I doubt if many considering the latest news as the final straw for leaving Thailand will want to shoulder the costs of renting (or buying) an apartment in Hong Kong. Somewhat on the higher side. Even Sheung Wan. However, UK citizens entering HK do not need a visa and are immediately given a 180 stamp to stay. None of the Thai problems. So that's a plus.

Hong Kong is a big bore....

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40 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


1. Thai banks' consumer protections, not only for expats but especially for expats, are exceptionally weak compared to U.S. and other country banking systems. Which becomes a bigger issue if you're talking about large amounts on deposit here.


2. Thai bank interest rates are much lower than current U.S. rates. Someone above mentioned 1.9%. But I'm getting 3-4% on my fully insured U.S. bank deposits, so why would I want to park any of that money in Thailand for 1.3%?


3. I don't need or spend 65,000 baht in Thai cash every month, so I have absolutely no reason to be transferring that amount of money every month from the U.S. and paying not insignificant bank fees to do so.

So you are getting $50 more by keeping your 800,000 baht deposits in the USA.  Most Americans have money in Bank of Bangkok.  What weak protections are you talking about? 


Frankly if you are worried about 50 bucks a year I wouldn't travel. 


Also there are reasons that Thai banks pay the interest that they do and same with America.  Money will flow where it gets the best deal with the exchange figured in.  Why is Australia paying the interest that they pay?

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or a monthly income of at least 65,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand for a retirement visa.


No mention at all on how long 65,000 THB needs to be transferred into a Thai bank account for prior to the Visa application. Is it 1, 2, 3 months 6 months or 12 months. Pointless making the statement above without that information.


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simple solution to all of this 


Thai Immigration regard "income" as what you transfer to your Thai Bank account in any given 12 month period - simple, and if it doesn't equal 800k baht a year then keep a running balance in your account 3 months prior to your 12 month extension application date that then adds up to 800k combined - no Embassy letters - no affidavits - no declarations, just a simple deposit balance total



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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, we might.

But according to a report here the U.S. has already changed the language on the letter reflecting complete lack of accountability for the information provided by the applicant and Thailand at this point in time is still both accepting and requiring these letters. But backup evidence may be required. But that has ALWAYS been the case!


The original US Embassy affidavit language already reflected total lack of accountability. Nothing needs to change. I suspect that the UK Embassy was speculating. From the US Embassy website: 


An affidavit is a sworn statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the person making it.  Please note that the Embassy and Consulate assume no responsibility for the truth or falsity of the representations that appear in the affidavit. Only the identity of the individual making the statement is validated.

And the current language: 




I also affirm that I receive a monthly income of $____________________ from sources in the United States. I am applying for a Thai visa/extension of a current Thai visa, and any assistance you can provide in this request will be greatly appreciated. The U.S. Embassy does not guarantee the contents of my own sworn statement. Under penalty of perjury, I assume full and complete responsibility for the veracity of the claims herein."


Nothing has yet been changed for US citizens. 


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It doesn't sound to me as if anything has actually changed on the Thai side, so it's just a British Embassy cop out. British Embassies worldwide are becoming less and less helpful for British Citizens , only there to rub shoulders with the so called great and good to further trade, not interested in ordinary folk. Anyway if you produce letters from pension providers, be they state or private what verification is required? I would have thought a couple of phone calls to those providers. GRRR! If not then perhaps the Thais should do it. As I've said elsewhere not everyone on monthly pension payments can just rustle up a lump sum to sit in a Thai bank account for 3 months ( or indeed forever) unusable. Not everyone wants or can pay all of their monthly pension payments in to a Thai bank account either, just as needed. And as I understand it, the Thai rules do not require that, or have I got that wrong? 

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Just now, Bangkok Barry said:


And The British Embassy clearly has no interest in spending its time satisfying Thai bureaucracy. Why should they? If the Thais want the info let them find it.  As they say, Thai Immigration is able to verify the income in a Thai bank account. What the Thai government demands really has nothing to do with the British Embassy.

Which is why they should continue to issue the letters and pass the pound to Thai immigration. 

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2 minutes ago, jimn said:

or a monthly income of at least 65,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand for a retirement visa.


No mention at all on how long 65,000 THB needs to be transferred into a Thai bank account for prior to the Visa application. Is it 1, 2, 3 months 6 months or 12 months. Pointless making the statement above without that information.


and pointless even asking until Thai Immigration makes an announcement. 

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2 minutes ago, jimn said:

or a monthly income of at least 65,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand for a retirement visa.


No mention at all on how long 65,000 THB needs to be transferred into a Thai bank account for prior to the Visa application. Is it 1, 2, 3 months 6 months or 12 months. Pointless making the statement above without that information.


I believe its 3 month statements 

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5 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:


The DPA has threatened to reduce the amounts of coverage for the past ten years, at the last moment they always leave the amounts as is. But hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your Thai bashing with some facts, that was rude, please continue.

If stating facts is "Thai bashing" my sincere apologies.  You might wanna read some of the real Thai bashing posts here. The website you gave me states the "facts" which you conveniently left out.

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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...Earlier this week the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok confirmed no change to its current process..."


Great to be Canadian, eh?


My sympathies to the Brits and the Yanks...



I am a Canadian... I was at my embassy in bkk 2weeks ago for my letter of income,which was issued to me as before,but,i was told ,even before this story broke ,to prepare for a change in policy in regards to the letter of income...time will tell but I tend to believe her ...

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16 minutes ago, bipper said:

Except it's an expensive transfer compared to Transferwise and the rate you get when you exchange it to baht is God awful too. I wouldn't consider this an option.

I will repeat it again - TransferWise for a 10,000GBP transfer is almost 60GBP


No Thanks

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1 minute ago, sgoodes said:

I use Transferwise to transfer funds from my Aussie account to my Kasikorn account and it costs me $7.00 each time. They are really cheap and it's done in 24 hours.

The fees for tranferwise are variable depending in the amount you send, the more you send the higher the fee

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4 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:

Right, so just my theory they want the money and contrary to what another poster said about the Thai economy not losing out I totally disagree. I have bought a car, two motor bikes and thousands of dollars in furniture as well as spent thousands fixing up the house I rent. They are gonna be impacted big time if all this continues plus all the massage parlors will go out of business as well which means the police will be pissed as well as the military which protects all that.

And dont forget the pissed-off mia noys..

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5 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Do share, we'd love to hear them.

I already did. It goes back down to 1 million in 2020.  So why would anyone deposit 25 million now only to have to send it all back?  So, the bottom line is why would they change it and really you would rather keep your money in a Thai bank than a US bank?  I have to assume you are Thai then which is fine.  


I have an automatic monthly transfer set up with a Thai bank here for my rent. Just today the landlord sent me an sms where is last month's rent? I was traveling. I was not aware. What happened? Who knows. I had to redo it.  I have had many problems with airlines not accepting the Bangkok Bank Credit card as well. Just saying.

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