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Thais scream outrage as foreigners wear "Thai flag" on their feet!


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Dang, guess I'd better lose those boxes of genitalia hugging underwear with flags of various other countries using red-white-blue that I was going to sell on eBay.

Oops!  Is this internet thingy on?  Nobody saw me write that.




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2 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

You forgot The Netherlands, they have their flag since 1572

The Netherlands flag was officially adopted on February 19, 1937. At one time this tricolor flag was orange, white and blue, as those were the livery colors of William of Orange, a Dutch prince.

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I am of the opinion Thais are not so much worried about the flag colours being close to the feet. Its more the design of the shoes thats upset them. Thai's are very quick to complain about foreigners using the Thai flag for whatever purpose, but will desecrate any other countries flag to suit themselves. Somewhat hypocritical me thinks.    

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the saddest thing is this is more important to people than honesty, people dying due to poor safety in boats, on roads, rape and murder in immigration camps, fishermen ignoring quotas etc etc.


get a grip


and some <deleted> that seems to think delaying elections will make them more likly to win, when as we all know, the only way el general can win election is by cheating

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15 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

The Red, White and Blue could represent many Countries of the World, as many Countries have these colours in their National Flags..

Yes 21 to be precise as already stated.



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9 minutes ago, kensisaket said:

What are the odds that the label says "Made in Thailand".

wont happen, bought a poster and the seller say "no, no..this is not made in Thailand" . i'm havin a laff as i have the original poster and its obviously made in house...5555, sometime i just take the pills and mai pen rai...its ok , my Thai girl just give her flat face

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7 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Agreed, but do not forget also that the majority of Thais have probably never heard of France, Britain, America, etc. They certainly would not know the flags of those countries. Next they will be demanding we change our flag colours as they are reserved for the Thai flag....????

Of course they have. France is the capital of Britain which is a state in the USA

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It could be the French flag the Dutch flag  oh no it had to be  a thai flag 

OH my these people are so brainwashed  and believe the whole universe revolves around thailand. 


The more I live here the more I just shake my  head in wonder. 


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'They demanded action and jail terms'


How ridiculous, this kind of talk must come from the 'Tourism Prevention Department'.


I'm all for observing local customs but who would know that this is offensive? Lock somebody up for wearing wrongly coloured shoes?  Do they actually want tourists?


I must remember to complete a 'local customs degree' before visiting a country in the future!

Edited by KhaoYai
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3 minutes ago, Donaldo said:

And we where getting upset about Thousands of demonstrators going on the streets and demanding the death penalty for a Christian woman accused of insulting Islam. Same same, infantile society.

I dont think a few Numpties on Facebook represents anybody. Reporters like the gullible who bite at a non event.

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