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I have never used an Electric razor, so I'm looking for help in choosing a good one.


Can any member recommend a good Electric Razor/Shaver?


Any on this Lazada page worth buying?




Many thanks for you help & advice


Two things come to mind.


1.fair/fine hair or coarse/thick hair ? 

2 budget.


Razors can vary wildly in price, so it may help others to advise if you can say which direction you are looking ? ????

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Here in Chiang Mai, there are several big electrical appliance stores that sell brand name and not so well name electric razors.


They vary in price from 750 baht up to several thousand bahts. I was tempted to buy one but what makes me reluctant is that I`m not convinced spare blades would be available if they require replacing, and also the price of blades can be very expensive that would maybe not make it viable to replace the blades once they become blunt.


So if considering buying an electric razor, this is what I would check out first.



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The Braun 5 or 7 are excellent shave quality. Good Service Center in BKK when new foils are needed,they post direct to you. Lazada has both models.Used Braun for the last 50 years.Personal choise about wet shaves, but for me Brauns a closer shave. Farther used a Cut Throat and called me a pansy using one.Brauns blades sharpen of the inside of the foil,so never need sharpening,the foils last about 4/5 years.

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  • Thanks 1

I use a 3 head shaver from Ali express for 300 baht. I have no idea how they make them and sell at a profit until I dropped it and broke into a dozen pieces but did the job good

Except Closer to the neck. Bought another and keep next to the pc and do a quick shave a few times a day before a final blade shave when I shower

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8 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

The Braun 5 or 7 are excellent shave quality. Good Service Center in BKK when new foils are needed,they post direct to you. Lazada has both models.Used Braun for the last 50 years.Personal choise about wet shaves, but for me Brauns a closer shave. Farther used a Cut Throat and called me a pansy using one.Brauns blades sharpen of the inside of the foil,so never need sharpening,the foils last about 4/5 years.

Your father was right ????. My father used an electric and I use safety razors, and straight razors on occasion. I guess I’m just awkward. I can’t believe you cans get a closer shave with a Braun than with a wet shave though - are you serious? I was tempted to give electrics another go recently, just for a bit of variety, but I used to manage to give myself razor burn with the cheap old thing I had back in the 80s.

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21 minutes ago, Jessi said:

Thank you to all the members who have taken the time to

answer my question and offered their advice.


After reading the reply's, I think I will stay with the blade, soap & water.


Many thanks.

Good choice.

1 hour ago, Mark1066 said:

Your father was right ????. My father used an electric and I use safety razors, and straight razors on occasion. I guess I’m just awkward. I can’t believe you cans get a closer shave with a Braun than with a wet shave though - are you serious? I was tempted to give electrics another go recently, just for a bit of variety, but I used to manage to give myself razor burn with the cheap old thing I had back in the 80s.

Today's Electric are wet and dry.Use Foam, Gell etc.

16 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Today's Electric are wet and dry.Use Foam, Gell etc.

Yes, I've seen the wet/dry models but I just find it difficult to believe an electric razor can shave closer than a safety razor or a straight. Using something like a Muhle R41, you can get a shave so close that your skin feels as smooth as glass (only nicer!). I'm not as proficient with a straight yet but I get a buzz out of shaving with a blade made over 200 years ago and keeping it sharp myself. Like I say, there's probably something wrong with me but I enjoy myself. ????

18 hours ago, Jessi said:

Thank you to all the members who have taken the time to

answer my question and offered their advice.


After reading the reply's, I think I will stay with the blade, soap & water.


Many thanks.

Do you mind me asking what you don't like about your current shaving arrangements? Maybe you could try a different razor, different blades or a different soap if you're not happy.


Like PGRAHAM, I shave in the shower with a regular razor, using hand soap which can actually make a pretty  good lather.

Last year while in the US, I mistakenly bought a package of four, "BIC 4 Blade" disposable razors, thinking they were Gillette.  They are the best shaver I have ever used.  I get two months comfortable shave from each.  I have a medium beard.  

I'm currently in the US again and have already bought a dozen of the BICs, though both BIC and Gillette now have 5 blade models.

Every time I've tried electric shavers, I've always found they take longer to perform a good shave and do not shave as close.


I'm not fussy, I use both ✌️

Have had electrics for nearly 40 years. Had about 5 or 6 and were various brands over that time. Latest is a Braun 7 and the best as electric shavers have improved over the years.

I shave every morning before work with an electric. Last thing I want to do at 5am in the morning is lather up and use a blade.

Saying that I have 3 double edge razors. My favorite is a 1930's Gillette long comb which is great for a few days growth and as good as any new DE razor.

Reason for using electric is I rather take the time with a DE razor, brush and some nice shave cream on the weekends.


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Shave in a Shower, piss in a Swimming Pool. Steamed Mirror, can do with light beard i suppose. I buy razors when i go Sailing, they cost nearly as much as the Yacht here, they last about ten days on my black stubble, for Electric only Braun suits me,or id be agreeing with everyone. have tried all the big names,no contest.

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I've had excellent luck with a cheap Flyco brand electric shavers with 3 rotary heads.  Bought one in China and it worked great, but it has a battery so I couldn't put it in my checked bags when I flew to Thailand.  So I bought another Flyco in Thailand via Lazada and it worked great, too.  Rechargeable, and works in the shower.


BTW, I'm a chrome dome so it shaves everything but my eyebrows...  Not as close as a blade, but neither was my Panasonic or Braun.


Best news- less than half the price of a similar Braun, Panasonic or similar.  Less than $20 USD for the one I bought on Lazada.



  • Thanks 1

I have a Braun I'll sell you. My old man father bought a new one some time back. It has about 1.5years on it. I brought a new head, thought I'd try electric again but my beard is too thick. The new head has about five shaves on it. The head he gave me want trashed, but I was coming back to BKK did not know about parts


Looks good think I will pick it up. Was about to order from Ali express but long delivery times

I've had excellent luck with a cheap Flyco brand electric shavers with 3 rotary heads.  Bought one in China and it worked great, but it has a battery so I couldn't put it in my checked bags when I flew to Thailand.  So I bought another Flyco in Thailand via Lazada and it worked great, too.  Rechargeable, and works in the shower.
BTW, I'm a chrome dome so it shaves everything but my eyebrows...  Not as close as a blade, but neither was my Panasonic or Braun.
Best news- less than half the price of a similar Braun, Panasonic or similar.  Less than $20 USD for the one I bought on Lazada.
8 hours ago, BaanOz said:

I'm not fussy, I use both ✌️

Have had electrics for nearly 40 years. Had about 5 or 6 and were various brands over that time. Latest is a Braun 7 and the best as electric shavers have improved over the years.

I shave every morning before work with an electric. Last thing I want to do at 5am in the morning is lather up and use a blade.

Saying that I have 3 double edge razors. My favorite is a 1930's Gillette long comb which is great for a few days growth and as good as any new DE razor.

Reason for using electric is I rather take the time with a DE razor, brush and some nice shave cream on the weekends.


I've got one of those too, and a short comb version, and a couple of English raised-flat-bottom News as well. The gold wash on yours looks to be in excellent condition - nice razor.

2 hours ago, Mark1066 said:

I've got one of those too, and a short comb version, and a couple of English raised-flat-bottom News as well. The gold wash on yours looks to be in excellent condition - nice razor.

Agreed. Very nice. I have used that style, unfortunately, I need one thats a bit more aggressive, since, despite my mild manner, I have a beard like a mutant baboon.

  • Like 1
Old school.
Classic straight razor. 
You'll never look back.
Don't you have to go slow in case of cuts? I don't enjoy shaving so a triple blade I can do it in about a minute with little chance of getting a cut unless it's past used by.
1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

Old school.

Classic straight razor. 


You'll never look back.

I use a straight occasionally but I'm still not as proficient with one as I am with a safety razor. I love using them though - I've got an old Robert Wade straight (from around 1815 before Wade & Butcher), and 4 others, most of them wedges. I need to make more of an effort to use them I think.

15 minutes ago, blackhorse said:
1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:
Old school.
Classic straight razor. 
You'll never look back.

Don't you have to go slow in case of cuts? I don't enjoy shaving so a triple blade I can do it in about a minute with little chance of getting a cut unless it's past used by.

You certainly don't want to whip around your face with a straight like you're holding a Mach3 but you might actually enjoy shaving with one and not mind the extra time spent.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, blackhorse said:
1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:
Old school.
Classic straight razor. 
You'll never look back.

Don't you have to go slow in case of cuts? I don't enjoy shaving so a triple blade I can do it in about a minute with little chance of getting a cut unless it's past used by.

You are absolutely correct, the triple blade is unbeatable for a good safe shave, but at a cost of 150baht per blade as opposed to a safety blade at 230 baht for 100 blades I think you can see where the attraction is.

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Shave in a Shower, piss in a Swimming Pool. Steamed Mirror,

I have one of the extendable shaving mirrors, wall mounted near my shower.  If I hit it with a quick blast of hot water, it does no steam up.

8 minutes ago, dddave said:

I have one of the extendable shaving mirrors, wall mounted near my shower.  If I hit it with a quick blast of hot water, it does no steam up.

did you get it here in BKK? Iwas looking for one today and couldnt find one....

21 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

did you get it here in BKK? Iwas looking for one today and couldnt find one....

Bought mine at Home Pro.  Lazada has them as well.

If you're near a BoonThaWan, they have them as well, cheaper than HomePro.

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