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US man claims he was denied entry to Thailand because of the the color of his skin


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It is unclear to me from the article on what typeof visa he was entering Thailand . If he was entering on a visa exempt status or is it called visa on arrival? , then coming here to often under visa exempt/ visa on arrival is grounds for refusal of entry, I believe (correct me if I am wrong)  no more than two visa exempt/visa on arrival  per year. I am not sure how strictly is enforced, or even if I am correct,  or if it is enforced more often toward those perceived to be  "undesirable".

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11 minutes ago, pikao said:

I actually do know this guy personally. Not a close friend but we met several times. Very nice guy indeed. Maybe a little bit cracy but nice. Inoffensive. His style might be exaggerated in some peoples eyes, but the clothes and stuff he´s wearing is quite pricey. So no money issues. No hang around hippy. Understanding the point that his looks might not be comprehensible to some officers and alike, but he always (with variation in "decoration") looks like this (including skin colour) and that should not be a reason for denying entry to anyone. IMO.(if it was all about that,.. don´t know) Reminds me in some ways of the early 1980´s when people that brought illegal stuff from India and elsewhere into Thailand, in their taylor made silk-suits, complete addicts (with suits on) to fool officals. For some it worked out... maybe. I would be much more scared seeing the offical delegation from IBM (or else) arriving in their business-uniforms.....that´s a good reason to be concerned of what´s coming into the country

Thank you for your valued assessment of this man. Perhaps you can help Immigration change their opinion of him. A fat wallet would help.

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9 minutes ago, Ratt Thai said:

Somewhere in his clip the girlfriend say's that its his own fault, (background chatter) and that overstaying more then 90 days leads to a 1 year ban... then he says that this kind of law does not apply to them... talking about attitude....

Did not hear or realise that. If so, he is in the wrong. Keivyn, change your attitude and get your things straight

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17 minutes ago, Ratt Thai said:

Somewhere in his clip the girlfriend say's that its his own fault, (background chatter) and that overstaying more then 90 days leads to a 1 year ban... then he says that this kind of law does not apply to them... talking about attitude....

Well there you go I heard it also.

Guys full of crap....

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11 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Well there you go I heard it also.

Guys full of crap....

Actually 90 day overstay had nothing to do with his troubles AFAIK so that specific law indeed had nothing to do with their current situation. 

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

It is unclear to me from the article on what typeof visa he was entering Thailand . If he was entering on a visa exempt status or is it called visa on arrival? , then coming here to often under visa exempt/ visa on arrival is grounds for refusal of entry, I believe (correct me if I am wrong)  no more than two visa exempt/visa on arrival  per year. I am not sure how strictly is enforced, or even if I am correct,  or if it is enforced more often toward those perceived to be  "undesirable".

The two per year only applies to land borders.

By air there is no official limit but 6 by air seems to be the bogey number for visa exempt anyway.

Don't think visa on arrival applies to US citizens.

Edited by overherebc
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5 hours ago, Ratt Thai said:

@Keivyn Graves,


Lesson 1 when you come to Thailand....  stay polite and never show an attitude to the IO when he or she questions you...


2: never say you'r a tourist when you'r stating on your facebook that you'r living in Thailand... did you got some kind of a visa ?


3: follow the news on whats going on with immigration in Thailand, be aware that they try to "sift" out the bad apples from the past... and sometimes they trow away good apples with it...

So make sure that you are a shiny and tasteful looking apple... 


There is no point in complaining about others or blaming others if your own actions are the cause of the problem...


i got this quote from your facebook profile:



Way to go bro...

My God Man!


Do you really think immigration is looking at his Facebook?


He could have used any name with FB

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8 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

My God Man!


Do you really think immigration is looking at his Facebook?


He could have used any name with FB

There have been reports from others on TVF in this guys situation who had to show the IO's their FB page and one was even questioned about a photo of him on a tuk tuk with regards to working 5555. So not so crazy to think that an IO in the back office has a quick search on his name to see if he is on facebook under said name (which he is) and if there are any clues as to what he has been up to recently (which there are), in this case his FB page says he's living in Thailand.

Edited by MARK74
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12 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

True...but it gets in the news because of the lefty agenda of mainstream news companies like this one as it's click bait for the lefties. Truth be told, this guy is probably exactly who they should be denying entry to and it has nothing to do with colour.

Right on brother. :cheesy:

I think he should be barred from everywhere.

I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley.

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