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SURVEY: Trump -- Will his presidency end soon?


SURVEY: Trump presidency, will it survive?  

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

I think they'll go for loveable old buffoon Biden. If they do, he'll probably win, IMO.

That rascist, sexist old fart? Oh wait, if he says something, its loveable Old Uncle Joe. If Trump says it, its goosestepping.


Trump may not run. Hes a pragmatist, he may very well feel that the continuation of his policies are more important. Unfortunately, Pence is a nebbish and has the charisma of my old socks.


But add Nikki Haley to the mix? its going to be an interesting few years.



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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

The electoral college, like the Senate, is designed to diffuse power and prevent electoral domination of big vs small. In the Federal system as envisioned by the Founders, the states were "equal" so to speak entities whose responsibility was to take care of their own peculiar needs with the government to be responsible for things like national defense and the post office. That has since morphed as we all know, with the Feds taking on far more than their as written constitutional mandate.  But thats a debate not relevant here.


Another right wing falsehood:

"The delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention had a variety of reasons for settling on the electoral college format, but protecting smaller states was not among them. Some delegates feared direct democracy, but that was only one factor in the debate.

Remember what the country looked like in 1787: The important division was between states that relied on slavery and those that didn’t, not between large and small states...



The electoral college was created to give slave states a bigger voice than their free population warranted. Hence in electoral calculations a slave counted as 3/5 of a person.

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13 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The electoral college was created to give slave states a bigger voice than their free population warranted. Hence in electoral calculations a slave counted as 3/5 of a person.


I never cease to be amazed at how many fellow citizens misunderstand the basics of our democracy.


It was called a compromise (Connecticut Compromise, then the Three-Fifths Compromise) for a reason. 


Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.


Not our finest moment.


those bound to Service for a Term of Years - white immigrants, indentured servants eventually made free after fulfilling a number of years of servitude


excluding Indians - native americans, non-immigrants, obviously.


all other Persons - slaves

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32 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


I never cease to be amazed at how many fellow citizens misunderstand the basics of our democracy.


It was called a compromise (Connecticut Compromise, then the Three-Fifths Compromise) for a reason. 


Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.


Not our finest moment.


those bound to Service for a Term of Years - white immigrants, indentured servants eventually made free after fulfilling a number of years of servitude


excluding Indians - native americans, non-immigrants, obviously.


all other Persons - slaves

That misunderstanding didn't begin as an innocent. It's the same kind of claim as the one that says the Civil War was about states' rights.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Vast majority of electoral college votes. The actual number of individual voters is irrelevant in the US electoral system. Regardless, they did not constitute a majority of potential voters, so only a majority of actual voters, not a majority of potential voters. 

Nice backpedaling!:clap2:

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Trump signed letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't


(CNN)A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.









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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Trump signed letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't


(CNN)A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.










There’s your Smocking Gun right there!

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5 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

These professional liars know no boundaries. Actually used to like Rudy once upon a time, but he is now the perfect lying scumbag for the serial lying scumbag Prez. ????

Guiliani is a lawyer, his work is to lie. Devils right hand those lawyers. 

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18 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Guiliani is a lawyer, his work is to lie. Devils right hand those lawyers. 

Individual-1 is down to desperate measures and the Mueller report isn't even out yet! But he might just survive if enough of the American people just don't give a damn.





Trump Knows His Only Legal Hope Is to Win in the Court of Public Opinion

That’s why he keeps tweeting about how he doesn’t understand enough to break the law.

As the metaphorical noose tightens around Donald Trump’s corporeal neck, he is turning to his ever more inevitable legal defense: “I can’t have broken the law because I don’t actually understand the law.” This isn’t being advanced in a court of law; it’s a play for the court of truth and public opinion, and that’s the only reason it could work.


(Headline, Sub-headline, and first two sentences included only.)



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6 minutes ago, Hummin said:

How hard is it to understand or see that, thats the question. 


Why is not everybody seing the obvious?

Because many people want to believe. Because people want to believe that there is someone who can offer them better future. Because people want to believe there is hope. 


Snake oil salesmen know this and abuse the people who feel desperate.


The real problem lies far underneath of these abusers. It has been there for decades and need to be addressed. The only good thing about Trumpism is that those problems are now, for the first time, visible to the larger public and to the people who define the rules.

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A lot of people are saying there are no Democrats who can beat the man baby Trump in 2020.

What about the Republicans? Surely they can find someone to beat this idiot. They should be ashamed of themselves. They should be making his life hell.

I'm not saying that. There are several democrats that can beat Individual-1. Currently about 85 percent of Republicans still support Individual-1. Kasich and/or Flake might try to primary him. Doesn't look promising yet but maybe later.


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“I’m doing great, but it’s a war every day.”

" At the midpoint of his term, Mr. Trump has grown more sure of his own judgment and more cut off from anyone else’s than at any point since taking office,” The Times explained. “He spends ever more time in front of a television, often retreating to his residence out of concern that he is being watched too closely.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/22/us/politics/trump-two-years.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage


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Trump is good for the US, but if he goes too far in

the right direction he will get Kennedied, not so

easy now, as the world is watching, half expecting it.

Dear Americans, if you dont like him, can we do

a swap with May, the best negotiator in Europe?

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Just now, Tug said:

Are you tired of winning yet?

screenshot from my prudential annuity statement,  a couple of hours ago that I used on another thread concerning the stock market


so yes, very tired of winning. 


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