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If there is nothing to hide, why ban election monitors?


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" First, General Prayut Chan-o-cha, who claimed to have staged the 2014 coup simply to end political fighting among warring factions, has long since shown his true colours. Instead of retiring from the scene having accomplished his mission, the former Army chief has taken a liking to power, declaring recently that he wanted the top job in government for the rest of his life."

I applaud you for your bravery and "telling it like it is". Breath of fresh air

Where will we go when he shuts down TV?

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1 hour ago, ocddave said:

Well, I'm sure the corruption endemic in Thai society, the corresponding worship of money and HI-SO's, and the perversion of Buddhism they practice here, will continue unabated no matter who is running the country.

Seconded !

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This is hard to read.  I am so full of I told you so and others are too I am sure.   This is no surprise to most of the cranky old men, as we are called, on this forum.  Farangs who are said not able to understand Thailand, whose condemnation is finally being echoed by the local populous.   You don't know how this place rolls I have been told.   I think most do on this forum.   The article spells out a sickening practice.  Hope those who wanted the army in government now see the mess they have made and how the marginalized the country. 

Edited by yellowboat
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

If there is nothing to hide, why ban election monitors?

Actually, they ban international election monitors at their own peril.  If they are not allowed, the elections will not be deemed as 'legitimate' on the world stage.  That simply give other larger world powers leverage in international relationships with Thailand and as such, major world powers will demand concessions, generally economic in nature.  Sort of the price of being allowed to continue to exist as a quasi-democratic entity in name only.  Other world powers aren't moralizing, they simply want a piece of the pie.

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4 hours ago, Lungstib said:

I think most of us know there is plenty to hide but its about how we have got here and not about the voting on election day. The hard work to fix this election has already taken place and thats what needs investigating at some time in the future. As for the International community, it will go on caring only about business opportunities and doing deals and not about whether Thailand is just another country with a rigged election system. The 3 major powers in the world, USA, Russia and China are all pretty much devoid of anything like real democracy and have no intentions of complaining about a minnow.

Exactly! :thumbsup:
Well stated.

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Yes, the slippery slope of, "if you have nothing to hide". Search your computer, search your house, search your body, not to worry "if you have nothing to hide". Never mind presumption of innocence. Let's start with probably guilty. Who is going to provide the monitors? I hope not the UN. The biggest corrupt organization in the world with their own agenda. Highly paid with fat expense accounts where 5 star and first class is the minimum standard. The UN where nepotism and old boy relationships get you appointed. Along with FIFA and the IOC all are in desperate need of full reform.

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1 hour ago, Ulic said:

Yes, the slippery slope of, "if you have nothing to hide". Search your computer, search your house, search your body, not to worry "if you have nothing to hide". Never mind presumption of innocence. Let's start with probably guilty. Who is going to provide the monitors? I hope not the UN. The biggest corrupt organization in the world with their own agenda. Highly paid with fat expense accounts where 5 star and first class is the minimum standard. The UN where nepotism and old boy relationships get you appointed. Along with FIFA and the IOC all are in desperate need of full reform.

Presumption of innocence about the Junta! ????

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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

If there is nothing to hide, why ban election monitors?


Jeeeeezus...you might be on to something!




Come on guys  We all know the election will be fair and every candidate will have the same chance. That is what Thailand is all about. Free and democratic society It is just the Junta has a funny way of showing it.

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10 hours ago, YetAnother said:

how important is that ? important to exactly whom ? the rest of the world, the leaders,diplomats and think tankers,analysts know what thailand is


If such is case, all elective processes the world over might be suspect and therefore require "International monitoring". 

Reeks of this make believe superiority complex, emanating from particular civilised Western cultures that view such activity as an empire extension. 


Mind your own and recheck yourself firstly. 

No one's business - let the Thais get on however they see fit. 

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14 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:


If such is case, all elective processes the world over might be suspect and therefore require "International monitoring". 

Reeks of this make believe superiority complex, emanating from particular civilised Western cultures that view such activity as an empire extension. 


Mind your own and recheck yourself firstly. 

No one's business - let the Thais get on however they see fit. 

Ahem, the article was written by a Thai and that person expressed concern about the fairness of the election. Thais are minding their own business and see fit to call out the junta for banning international observers. You should mind your own.

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10 hours ago, Lungstib said:

I think most of us know there is plenty to hide but its about how we have got here and not about the voting on election day. The hard work to fix this election has already taken place and thats what needs investigating at some time in the future. As for the International community, it will go on caring only about business opportunities and doing deals and not about whether Thailand is just another country with a rigged election system. The 3 major powers in the world, USA, Russia and China are all pretty much devoid of anything like real democracy and have no intentions of complaining about a minnow.

I think you're pretty much on the button here. Look around: Trump, May and that bloke in Aussie....  Macron, Merkel and that POS in Poland. And I'm not even going near commenting on Saudi or Turkey.


Crikey, they're all in even worse poop than Thailand. With problems like they have, they're not going to pay Thailand more attention than you can fit in about 3 seconds...


I fully expect to see Trump on a *cough cough* extended vacation in Thailand or Cambodia or somewhere pretty soon. Has Phnom Penh got a Trump tower yet? Never too soon to start cooking the books.



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