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PM Prayut mum on poll delay


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4 hours ago, harada said:

So he has the potential to become POTUS.

He'd be a great candidate for POTUS, but unfortunately the American constitution bars him from this office as he's an alien in their eyes (and mine, too)

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4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

The only thing the international community understands is that the 'alleged' PM shows absolutely no responsibility about anything, while having the temperament of a spoiled child.

...Because (like too many Thai 'men') that's exactly what the pleb is, a spoiled mummy's boy with an ego that dwarfs his manhood. Take note: these should always be the other way around Thailand, especially if said person is running the place. ????


Let's hope there's enough of a public backlash to force them into holding these looooong overdue elections ASAP. It's high time for this little dork to take a long walk.



Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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What is really damaging the economy and the nation, is the Army, and Prayuth. They are very destructive forces. They do not hire real talent, and they are in way over their heads. The country needs to get rid of them, and do it quickly. Get out. Get out now. You are not wanted. You are not liked. You are despised by the majority of Thais, and nearly all ex-pats. You are way, way past you sell by date. Just get out, and let your people get on with their lives, and prosper. 


And more fake news, from the deflector in chief. The international community neither understands the situation, nor condones it. And the only thing the Thai people understand, is the level of desperation by which you are attempting to cling to power, that does not belong to you. 


Most of us are hoping the Army is shown the door, in this next election. In an adamant fashion. Good bye. Hopefully forever. 

Edited by spidermike007
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     I cannot believe that the lower ranks of the military support these criminal ex Generals, maybe its time they had a say, or maybe a counter coup would be solution to the problem, then civilians would not be harmed if provoked to demonstrate as the Junta appears to be trying to do.

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I would opine that the international community does indeed understand the situation in Thailand, but that doesn't mean what Mr Chanocha implies it to mean at all. But I believe the international community thinks it's a domestic matter - it's up to Thais to fix, not up to the international community. After all, if Thais were so anti-coup and anti-army and anti-Chanocha, they'd turf him out on his ear and have him face a firing squad.


They aren't concerned with the laziness or venality of Thais, or the fact that they've been propagandised for decades, not their problem.




Edited by HalfLight
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16 minutes ago, grumpy 4680 said:

     I cannot believe that the lower ranks of the military support these criminal ex Generals, maybe its time they had a say, or maybe a counter coup would be solution to the problem, then civilians would not be harmed if provoked to demonstrate as the Junta appears to be trying to do.


The majority of lower ranks are the same as in the western world, they have the thinking trained out of them. All that's left is obedience and fear of not being a part of the herd. The psychology of military training is to teach recruits how to obey and to un-teach them how to think.


The US army, UK armed forces and most countries armed forces are much the same. Conditioned responses are what matter.




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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

The Royal Decree can’t be signed because the EC has not set a date. EC although supposed to be independent will

not set the date without the junta’s assurance of election and a date. It’s entire Prayut fault. 

No, you're wrong. The EC have to set an election date within 5 days of receiving the Royal Decree.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

PM mum on poll delay

To use the analogy .. My Mum used to wash our mouths out with soap and water if we told porkie pies as kids .. And for taking something that didn't belong to us a whack across the back of the head with no telly for days .. 

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47 minutes ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

Ummm.... Do you actually believe that Fearless Leader was not aware of this carved-in-stone requirement? Of course the signing of the Royal Decree should have been done, or agreed upon, prior to Fearless Leader publicly announcing the February "poll" date months ago.  Methinks this is yet another preplanned delay orchestrated by the conniving schmuck-in-charge to retain power to the last possible nanosecond.  ????

We don't know. Perhaps Prayuth assumed too much.

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“All the countries I have visited, they understand. So, what do you want from me?” he said,apparently irritated by the criticism and media reports over the possibility of the national poll being postponed. 


Some honesty & transparency would be nice !!!

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4 minutes ago, Siripon said:

No, you're wrong. The EC have to set an election date within 5 days of receiving the Royal Decree.

Wrong again. The royal decree to set the election in motion was signed mid December. This decree include lifting of political activities and political campaigning. A time table was included including Jan 4 for the EC to announce the election date. That date came and gone because the EC is waiting for the junta to confirm the election and set a date. Royal decree simply gazette the election date and not set the date. 

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He wants to Cause friction so the Public take to the streets again in protest, so then he can call Military to action  Law & Order. 

This will mean no election and he can stay in Power until he thinks the country is stable again to have an election.

A smart move for a Control Freak who wants the Power.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Speaking of the upcoming royal coronation, which is said to be the reason for the proposed delay in the election, Prayut said that international friends all wanted to participate in the event.

A simple Google search on this specific topic will reveal several articles with direct quotes that clearly indicate this has been the plan all along. 

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