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Ban on e-cigarettes under study after enforcement problems emerge


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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

I see people vaping in public quite often, like nothing will happen to them at all...


And me thinks thailand better puts their policeforce on the trafficlaw to make it safer on the roads. I still see Thai driving against traffic anywhere, and the police don't care at all.


The police know they get paid anyway, whether they work or not. So why work?

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2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Their buds in China have shopping mall sized building devoted to Ecigs.  Malaysia has love show rooms selling hundreds a flavors Ecig juice.  Just another case of Thailand's "nobles" not knowing what is going on outside of Thailand, making Thailand look silly.

'Just another case of Thailand's "nobles" not knowing what is going on outside of Thailand, making Thailand look silly'.....

They have had a lot of practice so not much effort is required.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

I see people vaping in public quite often, like nothing will happen to them at all...


And me thinks thailand better puts their policeforce on the trafficlaw to make it safer on the roads. I still see Thai driving against traffic anywhere, and the police don't care at all.

And worse.... smoking whilst driving against traffic!

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

I see people vaping in public quite often, like nothing will happen to them at all...




While the rule bans the import and sale of the devices there is no specific prohibition against actually smoking e-cigarettes, causing confusion among law enforcers, the chairman noted by way of an example of enforcement problems. 


so i guess nothing will actually happen ????



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31 minutes ago, BestB said:

Not sure about other states but in NSW vaping and possession of vape gear is legal, ejuice containing nicotine is illegal , though it’s not strictly enforced , unless they catch you importing a container load 


most aussie vapers i know buy the nicotine separately (by the liter lol) and mix there own with there chosen flavors


job done.



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2 hours ago, chrisinth said:


I think the above sentence from the OP is relevant in regards people vaping in public with the rule having no specific prohibition against actually using e-cigs.


I have, and use, e-cigarettes on occasion but these days it is mostly at home. All the e-cigs I have by the way, have been purchased in Thailand. I also see them available on Lazada, which is something new over the last couple of months.

yes agreed but no batteries or juice ? MAYBE A DIFFERENT category 

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

It's the same with drunk driving; speeding; riding motorbikes on sidewalks; prostitution; drug dealing; passengers riding in the back of pick-ups; four on a motor bike.  We need more police.

(Sarcasm Alert.)

I see your sarcasm????

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I don't wish to get into the debate of whether e-cigs are harmful or not.

None of the research yet produced is conclusive, either for or against, as there simply isn't the long term data available yet acquired by means of real life studies. All we have is manufactured forced data acquired in labs.

Quite clearly putting anything into your lungs other than fresh air is not a good idea. I will say that I was diagnosed with COPD - emphysema, about 18 months ago. Doubtless mainly due to the fact that I had smoked around 20 - 30 a day for around 40 years. I was told to either quit or face terminal consequences within the next 5 years if I continued to smoke. I switched to vaping immediately and whilst the damage my lungs have suffered will never repair, I am considerably healthier and can now once again walk up hills without my heart nearly exploding.


The bigger problem I see, in particular wrt SE Asian countries is the almost total absence of education surrounding the many dangers of smoking. One of the reasons given for Thailands decision to ban e-cigs is that it will encourage youngsters to start smoking. I would beg to differ - cigarettes are ridiculously cheap in most SE Asian countries - likely to actually be cheaper than a vaping habit.

In the UK the high level of taxation has put cigarettes out of reach of many youngsters, which coupled with extensive public awareness campaigns around the health risks , has meant that smoking, much like drink driving,  is now considered socially unacceptable, and percentage of adult males now smoking has fallen to below 20%. That's in contrats to Thailand and Philippines at around 40% and Indonesia at a whopping 75%.




It would seem to me then that there are much more serious concerns to be addressed in first dealing with reducing the numbers of smokers - for which there is clear long term evidence of harm to health. Regardless of any risks associated with use of e-cigs\vaping there is clear evidence that it is an effective tool in helping people quit smoking, and thus at the very least prevents the build up of tar in the lungs and vascular systems.

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2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Internet babble. Reputable studies consistently show otherwise.  These studies are theoretical lab tests, that have manufactured or over amplified data. The problem in the USA has not much to do with health dangers, but increased usage by teens.


Internet babble?  Reputable studies consistently show otherwise?

OK you show your reputable studies!

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1 hour ago, Lunghans said:

OK I Will answer tomorrow I hope you will read Too

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9 hours ago, Lunghans said:

They should immediately lift the ban because it is utter nonsense, vaping is the answer to stop smoking normal cigarettes.

It is proven that vaping is ±97% less harmful than smoking and helps smokers stop smoking these very deadly cigarettes.

Typical short sighted government officials that are probably on the payroll of Big Tobacco.

California has banned the flavors kids are attracted to because of concerns that is getting them to start smoking. I think menthol cigarettes will be banned too.

Tobacco companies are pinning their hopes on tobacco products that don't burn.

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It's probably the same as with Kratom, they cant make it work for the rich (government).

Kratom was banned, because rich got wealthy of opium. The kratom tree was everywhere in Thailand  

and used by the locals as substitute of opium. It was cheaper (FREE!!) 

only 9 countries in the world dont allow kratom, as Indonesia is (moslim !!) selling kratom normally.

Of course you can buy cigs as much as you want, no problem. Money in the pocket (a lot !!)

Thats what is about, money in the pocket for the rich. Same as for all other countries.

Everything under false pretensions. There is no government in teh world, where honest normal people are running the country.



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11 hours ago, simtemple said:

It wouldn't have anything to do with Philip Morris International secretly lobbying the Juanta to overturn the ban to allow their E Cigarette product range to be sold on the market would it ?

More likely to be related to the case that Philip Morris just won against Thailands unfair trade rules targeted at Philip Morris.


In fact I wonder if any changes on the horizon could be part of some settlement agreement.

Edited by ukrules
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3 hours ago, Humpy said:

Smoking and vaping should be conducted in private between consenting adults. 

Yes, there should be restaurants and pubs for smokers/vapers only. No entry to others. Would probably be ~75% of the entertainment establishments, excluding bridge and book clubs.

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13 hours ago, Lunghans said:


It is proven that vaping is ±97% less harmful than smoking and helps smokers stop smoking these very deadly cigarettes.



I'm not aware of any CREDIBLE science -- as opposed what you may find on pro vaping or vaping industry websites -- that supports the claim you're making above.


The vaping products contain nicotine, which is an addictive drug, just as it is in regular cigarettes. Then, depending on the product, there may be various chemicals added to the mix that aren't good or healthy for people to be inhaling. 


There's also the potential for vaping products, which are very popular with the young because of their flavors, to end up serving as a gateway drug into regular cigarette smoking.


I'm not saying vaping is more dangerous than regular cigarette smoking. But the professional public health agencies are hardly convinced it's either safe or healthy.


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4 hours ago, Lunghans said:

you asked me if I can read as well? Then giving me one link, so speaking for one voice, one point of view on the subject.

So I will send you + - a dozen of studies published all on Pubmed in other words the "US

National Library of Medicine" where almost all studies in the world are bound to be published to be known by the scientific community worldwide. You will need/one will need to copy/paste the line under Abstract Source: to access it.

You will grant me that I do not take you for a donkey I would be grateful if you did not do so by asking me if I can read:biggrin: I found exactly 304 negatives studies about e-cigarets. It was part of my job (finding studies) years ago but I won't bother anyone with so many LOL. On the other hand, if some members still believed it is only  a funny past-time I hope it will change their minds. 



 Electronic Cigarettes Contain Higher Levels of Toxic Metal Nanopartices Than Tobacco Smoke 

The study authors concluded that "The presence of metal and silicate particles in cartomizer [atomizer/cartridge connecting to the battery] aerosol demonstrates the need for improved quality control in EC design and manufacture and studies on how EC aerosol impacts the health of users and bystanders."





E-cigarettes and their delivered toxicants appear harmful to multiple organ systems.

Abstract Source:

Respir Care. 2018 Nov 6. Epub 2018 Nov 6. PMID: 30401756


The use of e-cigarettes significantly impaired various lung function parameters.

Abstract Source:

Am J Mens Health. 2018 Oct 15:1557988318806073. Epub 2018 Oct  15.PMID: 30318975


Cinnamaldehyde in e-cigarette liquids temporarily suppresses bronchial epithelial cell ciliary motility by dysregulation of mitochondrial function.

Abstract Source:

Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019 Jan 3. Epub 2019 Jan 3. PMID: 30604630




Secondhand exposure to aerosol from electronic cigarettes: pilot study of assessment of tobacco-specific nitrosamine (NNAL) in urine.

Abstract Source:

Gac Sanit. 2018 Oct 27. Epub 2018 Oct 27. PMID: 30377020


Pro-inflammatory effects of e-cigarette vapour condensate on human alveolar macrophages.

Abstract Source:

Thorax. 2018 Aug 13. Epub 2018 Aug 13. PMID: 30104262


Electronic cigarettes can cause perceptible changes in tooth color, altering dental esthetics.

Abstract Source:

J Esthet Restor Dent. 2018 Oct 27. Epub 2018 Oct 27. PMID: 30367714


E-cigarette vapor, both with and without nicotine, is cytotoxic to epithelial cell lines and is a DNA strand break-inducing agent.

Abstract Source:

Oral Oncol. 2015 Nov 4. Epub 2015 Nov 4. PMID: 26547127


These findings suggest that both electronic cigarettes and tobacco smoking negatively impact vascular function.

Abstract Source:

J Hypertens. 2018 Jul 30. Epub 2018 Jul 30. PMID: 30063637


Exposure to E-cig vapor accelerates aortic stiffness, significantly impairs aortic endothelial function, and may lead to impaired cardiac function.

 Abstract Source:

J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 Nov 2:jap.00713.2017. Epub 2017 Nov 2. PMID: 29097631


Pro-inflammatory effects of e-cigarette vapour condensate on human alveolar macrophages.

Abstract Source:

Thorax. 2018 Aug 13. Epub 2018 Aug 13. PMID: 30104262


Chronic vaping exerts marked biological effects on the lung.

Abstract Source:

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Feb 26. Epub 2018 Feb 26. PMID: 29481290


Depressive symptoms were positively associated with e-cig use in both cross-sectionna and longitudinal analyses with a dose-dependent relationship. 

Abstract Source:

Addict Behav. 2018 Oct 16 ;90:85-91. Epub 2018 Oct 16. PMID: 30368023







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5 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

Internet babble?  Reputable studies consistently show otherwise?

OK you show your reputable studies!

Go to Health England (that's the body representing the National Health Service in England, UK) and Cancer Research UK, both actively endorse the use of vapes as a smoking alternative in helping people quit smoking. 


The viewpoint you espouse is the one that is regarded as needing justification, so I am not spending my time posting what is already well known, and common knowledge.  But you could check the following: 


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