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Trump proposes wall-for-DACA in bid to end U.S. government shutdown


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14 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Oh okay. That is a much clearer issue if everybody has identification such as passports etc. Smugglers gain their money from introducing aliens on one side facilitating passage and a meeting point on the other with a contact. That is what is paid for. 


The people that dig tunnels try to circumvent the law not adhere to it and anybody can ask for asylum with out doing so. 


If not anybody could just walk across in an area with no fence. 


Again, you are wrong.   Traffickers get them to the border, get them across and they are on their own.   That's why so many deaths occur, they are left to wander in the desert.   


People used to put water out in the desert for them on the trails, but the Border Patrol goes along and empty them, leaving many to die. Oh, and that has been documented and shown on television, gallon jugs of water being emptied.   



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51 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


That graph doesn't even remotely indicate "way down" and the entire premise of your post completely ignores ineligible asylum claims bogging the system down, drug trafficking, human trafficking, child trafficking, criminal movement and criminal reentry, and the combined costs of all this across local, state, and federal jurisdictions over all those years, hospital costs that never get paid for, taxes that aren't being paid, money that has moved out of the economy  


Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. 

That'a all you got from what I said?

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

Again, you are wrong.   Traffickers get them to the border, get them across and they are on their own.   That's why so many deaths occur, they are left to wander in the desert.   


People used to put water out in the desert for them on the trails, but the Border Patrol goes along and empty them, leaving many to die. Oh, and that has been documented and shown on television, gallon jugs of water being emptied.   




They should arrest the people that leave water for abetting as well.

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21 hours ago, ding said:

It's January 19, 2019.

Did the Mexicans build that wall yet?

Trump promised they would.


The check is in the mail.  It keeps getting lost, like that $300,000 check my friend who is a Nigerian prince keeps trying to send me.



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21 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Yeah, but it's still a "wall." Call it barrier, call it peaches, call it anything but a plan. That is what he is avoiding, a well constructed plan. He is selling ideology, and a wall serves that purpose, a plan does not. 


Some of his fellow Republicans are wondering if there is actually a plan on how to achieve that deal. “The White House and its allies have to have a sense of clarity and a sense of achievement on this, and in order to get there you really do have to have a much broader strategy from the beginning,” said Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist. “This has largely been driven by a reaction to the latest 30 minutes of a cable news cycle.”





Other than this, DACA without a path to citizenship is a farce.




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7 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Democrat votes. Did you really not know that 60 votes are needed and we only had a simple majority?


It's like you guys simply parrot Pelosi without ever checking anything. 

You keep repeating this.



Where is your evidence that the Republicans, who held the majority, needed an extra 60 Democrat votes?


In 2017 Republicans passed their $Trillion+ tax give away to the already wealthy with a 227–205 vote.


Not a single Democrat voted for the bill, while 13 Republicans voted against it.


So Trump gave away over a $Trillion with no Democrat votes and 13 Republicans voting against.


Time for you to back up your repeated claim.



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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

For the crime of exhibiting compassion for other human beings.


Illiberal hatred now on full and proud display.

No I don't feel any hatred and I am not as angry and generally call people less names than the liberals on this site.

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40 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Trump has implied he could launch a “big push” to deport millions of illegal immigrants if he does not get $5.6bn funding for his border wall, in a veiled threat to Democrats over the US government shutdown.


Um, it looks like someone has taken their eye off the ball.  Mass deportations will not harm the Dems politically, though it does go against their agenda, but it underlines what a cold-blooded creature he is.  On the "Win/Lose" meter it's a slight win for the Pelosi et al.  It plays to his base, which has been there loyally since June 2015, so he doesn't gain.  It will strengthen the base, who, as was illustrated last Friday with Buzzfeed v. Team Mueller, are easily impressed, but it could also splinter off a few individuals who are put off by the coldness with which these things are carried out.  I would say that 9 out of 10 mothers in the US, regardless of political party, shed a tear when they hear about kids being taken away. 


I've wondered all along how The Base would respond when they realize they've been conned.  DT thinks about this too, and does so much more than me.  My current opinion is they will not admit it out loud, there will be no 'fessin' up, they'll just wander away, but they'll still vote for him in 2020.  ESPECIALLY if he's running against a female, or anyone of non-European descent.  Some will be so disgusted with it all they'll switch off Fox News and go back to the sports channels, and won't vote.


The big promise has been broken.  Mexico is not paying for the wall, unless he threatens military force if the payment is not made.  Getting taxpayers to pay for it was not part of the plan.  Give it up, DT, and from now on refer to the Dems as The Anti-Wall Party.



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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Then you need to explain your suggestion that people should be arrested for leaving food and water for people who are in danger of dying from hunger/thirst.


If it’s not rooted in hatred, what twisted sense of right and wrong are you applying.


Your post, you own it!

They are obstructing justice and aiding illegal aliens. There is no hatred in my post. They want to truly help they should send donations to the appropriate relief channels in Latin America. 

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5 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

They are obstructing justice and aiding illegal aliens. There is no hatred in my post. They want to truly help they should send donations to the appropriate relief channels in Latin America.  

"want to truly help they should send donations to the appropriate relief channels in Latin America"..... no, no one should send more money to Latin America. They are responsible for themselves. IF they want to help these people they should inform them of the proper channels to go thru to apply to come into the country legally. If all the people who are in the country illegally would have gone the extra few steps to enter the country legally they would have no issues now or ever. End of story.

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1 minute ago, HuskerDo said:

"want to truly help they should send donations to the appropriate relief channels in Latin America"..... no, no one should send more money to Latin America. They are responsible for themselves. IF they want to help these people they should inform them of the proper channels to go thru to apply to come into the country legally. If all the people who are in the country illegally would have gone the extra few steps to enter the country legally they would have no issues now or ever. End of story.


I was appeasing somebody who is usually pretty much against anything that makes sense. I do agree that I don't normally leave out milk and cookies for the people trying to break into my neighbors house however.

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23 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Then you need to explain your suggestion that people should be arrested for leaving food and water for people who are in danger of dying from hunger/thirst.


If it’s not rooted in hatred, what twisted sense of right and wrong are you applying.


Your post, you own it!

It's not hatred Chomper, it's the law. If you aid people trying to enter the country illegally then you are at fault as well. Simple as that. 


If anyone is in danger of dying of hunger or thirst they put themselves in that position to begin with by trying to enter the country illegally.


What I find odd is that when you see all those caravans of people on TV who "supposedly" were marching across the desert for weeks with little food or water yet they certainly look in good shape and ALL THEIR CLOTHES ARE SPOTLESS. Go figure. ???? 

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4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


I was appeasing somebody who is usually pretty much against anything that makes sense. I do agree that I don't normally leave out milk and cookies for the people trying to break into my neighbors house however.

Understood. I was in agreement with your msg. Trying to back you up a bit.

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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

OK, not hatred.


Cold, bitter and twisted legalese logic void of any humanity.

Ok Chomper then spend your money on the legal fees they should be spending to enter the country legally. Then, when they get here you can invite them to live at your house and pay for their food and healthcare NOT the US Govt!

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