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Australia divided: thousands expected to protest Australia Day legacy


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4 hours ago, samran said:

The impotance of the 26th of January falls mainly to the fact that it is generally the book end to the summer holidays in Australia. One more public holiday before the kids start back at school and the parents fully start back at work after the Christmas holidays. One more day to get down to the beach and have a BBQ listening the the JJJ hottest 100. 

In thinking about it more I can see how your side might have a good point. 

In the US we have the 4th of july that heralds the beginning of summer, and labor day, one final holiday before the end of summer and the kids go to school. I doubt it very much that most people celebrate the 4th out of patriotism or Labor day out of respect for the working man. 

Perhaps you guys can find a compromise and keep your date.

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3 hours ago, samran said:

So knowledgeable, that you can't even get the origins of the allegedly rampaging street gangs correct. I guess they are just all black fellas to you.


Good try though fella. Sorry, reading breibart, getting daily mail updates and drinking fosters once doesn't qualify you...


Nice try "fella". Actually someone who lives there told me that, and I don't "read Breitbart", or get "daily mail updates", or "drink fosters" so once again your assumptions are woefully incorrect, not to mention a little pathetic. And what I have already forgotten about "black fellas" will take you a lifetime to learn. And you know what they say about assumptions, right? I also notice your "post" didn't actually contain any information of substance, or address any of the things I asked. But you did a good job of deflecting by using tired old predictable insinuations (ie veiled insults) in the manner so often used by those who reside left of center and who melt down whenever they are challenged. Next time if you wish to contradict someone, perhaps use some facts to back up your "argument". Although people of your ilk are rarely in possession of any meaningful ones.

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My father's reply to another similarly related topic was that they couldnt organise themselves well, referring to why Jewish people didn't revolt back more aggressively to protect themselves.


It's lucky for the whyties that Aboriginal race of people don't try to take their land back now. Having said that, all ownership is theft. Earth belongs to all living things.

Peace to all.

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4 hours ago, stud858 said:

My father's reply to another similarly related topic was that they couldnt organise themselves well, referring to why Jewish people didn't revolt back more aggressively to protect themselves.


It's lucky for the whyties that Aboriginal race of people don't try to take their land back now. Having said that, all ownership is theft. Earth belongs to all living things.

Peace to all.

As a starting point, the 'despicables' in this topic do not seem to be aware Aboriginals and Torre Strait Islanders, are not recognised in the Australian Constitution. Also do you know all Aboriginals were not entitled to vote until 1962 and not included in the census until 1967. In Oz there has been and still is a strong undercurrent of racism which keeps coming to the forefront, especially from the right of centre.


IMO it makes sense to have a national holiday to celebrate the formation of Australia, but for a different date, perhaps agreed by way of referendum. Keep January 26th to recognise the indigenous population.

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11 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

And the number of "white Australians" who collect the Commonwealth Benefits??

We have a social welfare system set up to "assist" those less fortunate than many of us, if they qualify then so be it irrespective of race, creed or gender


That is quite true, but ANYONE who collects the benefits should at least show some respect for our nation, and by the way a majority of  protestors were so called whites.

To me it is not the colour of one's skin, but the willingness to be a part of the nation 

At 68 I am still paying taxes that are used to benefit others, some of whom don't want to recognise Australia.

Out of 24 million or so people how many actually want to change the day Australia was first settled by the whites?

If put to a vote it would be interesting to hear the opinions of the minority that lost.

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6 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Nice try "fella". Actually someone who lives there told me that, and I don't "read Breitbart", or get "daily mail updates", or "drink fosters" so once again your assumptions are woefully incorrect, not to mention a little pathetic. And what I have already forgotten about "black fellas" will take you a lifetime to learn. And you know what they say about assumptions, right? I also notice your "post" didn't actually contain any information of substance, or address any of the things I asked. But you did a good job of deflecting by using tired old predictable insinuations (ie veiled insults) in the manner so often used by those who reside left of center and who melt down whenever they are challenged. Next time if you wish to contradict someone, perhaps use some facts to back up your "argument". Although people of your ilk are rarely in possession of any meaningful ones.

So the bloke who’s posts contain such strong debating arguments such as ‘progressive liberal feminist lefty BS’ wants facts and civil debate?


You poor petal you...


So basically your knowledge of the situation boils down to what a ‘mate’ told you. The rest of it, you’ve just overlayed with your misconceptions. 


I have no problems with foreigners commenting on Australia themed threads, but it seems you’d be flat out trying to distinguish Austria from Australia, let alone telling me who Mabo is, what Keating did with it, the importance of 1967, who Lord Vesty was and why thinking about moving a public holiday which only became official in 1994 is some sort of lefty conspiracy. 

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25 minutes ago, monkeycu said:

That is quite true, but ANYONE who collects the benefits should at least show some respect for our nation, and by the way a majority of  protestors were so called whites.

To me it is not the colour of one's skin, but the willingness to be a part of the nation 

At 68 I am still paying taxes that are used to benefit others, some of whom don't want to recognise Australia.

Out of 24 million or so people how many actually want to change the day Australia was first settled by the whites?

If put to a vote it would be interesting to hear the opinions of the minority that lost.

For someone who colour if skin colour isn’t important, you sure do talk about it a lot.  


And how how do you think those people who opposed the 26th as Australia Day are going to change that day that ‘whites’ first settled Australia? With a bloody time machine? 

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On 1/26/2019 at 3:25 PM, Trentham said:

My ancestors arrived in Oz on the first and second fleets. That means my relations were part of the murder and enslavement and dispossession of Aborigines and I am deeply ashamed by that. It was an invasion and out of respect for Aborigines we should change the date. 26th was not the day Westerners discovered Australia and it is not the day the nation of Australia was founded.

So you racist ignoramuses say what you like. You do not change the facts.

Every single country, in the world, has, at some time, been invaded, live with it, if you are ashamed, that is your problem, not Australia's, as for Aborigines, I see many, on Australia day, enjoying the day, this "invasion" day syndrome, is being driven by a few with their own agenda... live with your "shame" if you want to, but don't impose it on the rest of us, who have made Australia one of the greatest multicultural nations on earth, I hope you live outside of OZ, because OZ doesn't need you.

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10 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Carved out?  They built some cities on the beach, and then bulldozed a long, long, road, and built Perth on another beach.

You're obviously not intelligent, get out a map, of Australia, and see how many cities/towns are inland.

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1 minute ago, Aussie999 said:

Bullshit, I am neither a "pom" nor a "saffa," to make such a statement it is obvious you have never lived in Perth.

Take your hand off it. It was a bit of banter. 


Aye, have never lived there but spent a bit of time there as a student and used to go there for work sometimes (mining). Maybe you don’t notice it, but compared to the eastern states, you are chock full of saffas and poms.

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12 hours ago, samran said:

I guess it’s hard to grow a population when you are being shot at, not paid a wage (at all) and have your kids being taken away by the authorities who had ultimate power over you. 

and what has your homeland done, look back in history, no country is without sin. You probably don't know, but many older Aborigines preferred the days when they were not paid, why, because they were housed, fed and had a better life than when they were nomadic... they will also tell you the worse thing the "white" man has done, is to give them drinking rights. You know NOTHING.

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13 hours ago, samran said:

This issue is starting to reach a bit of critical mass in the Australian discourse. A bit like the way SSM came about,  the recognition that the 26th of Jan might not be the best day to celebrate our national day will burn slowly but surely until it becomes just an obvious thing to change. 


All that be left opposing it will be a few old crones harking for the ‘traditional’ Australia Day to be recognised, you know, the one that was only legislated to be celebrated in... wait for it...1994. 


One need not feel guilty of the past to  recognise that it happened, and the consequences of it are still ongoing. A bit of recognition here is all that is being asked for.



1994, was when it was made a public holiday, it was celebrate many years before, get your history right.

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7 minutes ago, Aussie999 said:

and what has your homeland done, look back in history, no country is without sin. You probably don't know, but many older Aborigines preferred the days when they were not paid, why, because they were housed, fed and had a better life than when they were nomadic... they will also tell you the worse thing the "white" man has done, is to give them drinking rights. You know NOTHING.

If it is so good, why don’t you work without getting paid? 


Im from Melbourne...555

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6 minutes ago, Aussie999 said:

1994, was when it was made a public holiday, it was celebrate many years before, get your history right.

Or it was celebrated on the following Monday if it fell on a weekend. Seems people have no real problem with ‘changing the date’ if it means an extra day off...


So much for the 26th being ‘sacred’.

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7 minutes ago, samran said:

So the bloke who’s posts contain such strong debating arguments such as ‘progressive liberal feminist lefty BS’ wants facts and civil debate?


You poor petal you...


So basically your knowledge of the situation boils down to what a ‘mate’ told you. The rest of it, you’ve just overlayed with your misconceptions. 


I have no problems with foreigners commenting on Australia themed threads, but it seems you’d be flat out trying to distinguish Austria from Australia, let alone telling me who Mabo is, what Keating did with it, the importance of 1967 and why thinking about moving a public holiday which only became official in 1994 is some sort of lefty conspiracy. 


Try to stay on topic. Or at least contribute to what I asked in the post to which you've chosen to "respond" to. You're still making wild assumptions, which are WAY off, embarrassingly so actually. I never claimed to have any more of less "knowledge" than you or anyone else for that matter so your point is meaningless. If I knew everything I would not have asked what I asked in the first place. Which by the way, you have neither answered or contributed to in any meaningful way. Instead you seem to be of the bizarre notion that you have some form of moral superiority based on someone misspeaking the nationality of the street gangs terrorizing an one of Australia's biggest cities. Or perhaps you're in denial and you think everything in Australia is just peachy swell? Rather than correcting it (not that it makes an iota of difference to the context of the post), you babble on incessantly making worthless and inaccurate assumptions, thinly veiled insults, and virtue signalling to your ilk, all whilst offering nothing to the conversation. Yes yes yes.... we all get it, anyone who disagrees with you or holds a different opinion is morally inferior to you or not as "Australian" as you. Apparently it doesn't seem to matter to you that Sudanese street gangs are rampant in Australian cities, particularly your own city I am led to understand. No, that is far less important than mistakenly referring to them as Somalian! Oh the humanity! So keep deflecting, keep insulting, keep virtue signalling, and keep trolling. You're just about worthy enough to be ignored from here on.

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10 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Try to stay on topic. Or at least contribute to what I asked in the post to which you've chosen to "respond" to. You're still making wild assumptions, which are WAY off, embarrassingly so actually. I never claimed to have any more of less "knowledge" than you or anyone else for that matter so your point is meaningless. If I knew everything I would not have asked what I asked in the first place. Which by the way, you have neither answered or contributed to in any meaningful way. Instead you seem to be of the bizarre notion that you have some form of moral superiority based on someone misspeaking the nationality of the street gangs terrorizing an one of Australia's biggest cities. Or perhaps you're in denial and you think everything in Australia is just peachy swell? Rather than correcting it (not that it makes an iota of difference to the context of the post), you babble on incessantly making worthless and inaccurate assumptions, thinly veiled insults, and virtue signalling to your ilk, all whilst offering nothing to the conversation. Yes yes yes.... we all get it, anyone who disagrees with you or holds a different opinion is morally inferior to you or not as "Australian" as you. Apparently it doesn't seem to matter to you that Sudanese street gangs are rampant in Australian cities, particularly your own city I am led to understand. No, that is far less important than mistakenly referring to them as Somalian! Oh the humanity! So keep deflecting, keep insulting, keep virtue signalling, and keep trolling. You're just about worthy enough to be ignored from here on.

Let’s see, you were the one who said it was a ‘baseless assumption’ that you knew nothing about Australia, and then went right on to prove you knew nothing about Australia. 


Yes, my own home city is apparently under siege. So much so, that a hard right conservative federal minister made the point that apparently people were afraid to go out and have dinner. 


Funny thing was, people laughed at that and during the November state election the state Labor party pasted his face on billboards everywhere and actually managed to gain a swing towards them despite being in government for 4 years already. 


You see, this is the thing you are missing, that you’ll never understand. The fear mongering doesn’t work.


But talk about off topic, this is about changing the date for Australia Day and you are the one bringing up mythical African gangs that you can’t necessarily name the origins of..

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1 minute ago, samran said:

Yes, my own home city is apparently under siege. So much so, that a hard right conservative federal minister made the point that apparently people were afraid to go out and have dinner. 


Funny thing was, people laughed at that and during the November state election the state Labor party pasted his face on billboards everywhere and actually managed to gain a swing towards them despite being in government for 4 years already. 


You see, this is the thing you are missing, that you’ll never understand. The fear mongering doesn’t work. 


That all maybe very well, however it doesn't explain how and why the Australian people have allowed people from Sudan to run amok in their cities. I was under the impression (falsely it would seem) that part of immigrating to Australia included embracing and respecting Australian culture and law etc. Why aren't these gangs rounded up and deported? Who is protecting them and why ? They have no business being there and the Australian people shouldn't tolerate it. 

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17 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Try to stay on topic.


For someone who likes to preach, you aren’t very good at following your own advice are you. 


For someone who doesn’t keep up with conspiracy theory echo chambers, you sure do spout a lot of the same BS that comes from them.

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6 minutes ago, samran said:


For someone who likes to preach, you aren’t very good at following your own advice are you. 


For someone who doesn’t keep up with conspiracy theory echo chambers, you sure do spout a lot of the same BS that comes from them.


Again, I gave you the chance to contribute, but you just responded with more nonsense and zero substance. I think we're done here.

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4 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Again, I gave you the chance to contribute, but you just responded with more nonsense and zero substance. I think we're done here.

Am I supposed to be somehow grateful to you for your ‘chances’ from the drivel master himself? 555

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15 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Did it occur to you they had no need for the "wheel">>

Chinese were trading with the northern inhabitants long before Cook chartered the east coast

Some anthropological history could serve you well perhaps?


No need, I already knew that. If you read the post the Chinese were mentioned. Also what did they learn from the Chinese, a more advanced culture.

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The Australian Aborigines have a lot to be proud of. However, there is not enough archaeological research being done in order to be certain of their history. The date of their first arrival is uncertain, but could be as far back as 80,000 years, according to modern dating systems applied to unearthed Aboriginal tools, bones and artefacts.


In those days, sea levels were so low, the Aboriginals did not need boats. They could just walk across the straits at low tide. They could also walk from the Australia continent to Tasmania, at low tide.
As sea levels gradually rose, the Aborigines in Tasmania became isolated, because they didn't have boats.


Their rock art and paintings are probably the oldest in the world.

"Cave paintings of indigenous Australians could be so old that it would take the number one spot as oldest cave paintings on the planet, surpassing by far the extraordinary paintings of the Cave of Altamira (Spain) and Chauvet (France)."


However, that's the positive. We should not ignore the negatives. The various Aboriginal tribes that occupied Australia, fought with each other, and killed whole families of women and children during such conflicts.


Here's a paper which documents this. Not for the faint-hearted.



"It's politically correct nowadays to think of the Aboriginal peoples as a peace loving race who were living in harmony with the land prior to the European invasion. However, there is plenty of evidence to show that before European settlement, tribal warfare was endemic among the aboriginal peoples, and "payback" killings were a common cause of death. There was also a high incidence of violence against women and children, both domestic and inter-tribal in nature."


In view of this history, it does seem absurd to me that Aboriginals should complain so much about their current treatment by Australian governments. Sure, in the past, in the 18th and 19th centuries, there was violence against the Aborigines, just as the Aborigines have always exerted violence towards other Aboriginal tribes with different cultures and religious views.


However, we 'whities' have now transcended these violent practices. The Aborigines seem to be still harking back to all their primitive practices. They don't seem to be able to separate the 'good' from the 'bad'. They are given subsidies and education, but seem not to be interested in taking care of themselves and adjusting to modern society.

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The Aborigines should be thankful that an advanced civilization brought modern technology to their country. The initial conflict, resulting in many Aborigine deaths because of the superior weapon technology of the British, is sad, and cannot be condoned, but I suspect it is true that any Aboriginal tribe would have done the same to another Aboriginal tribe, if it had had superior technology.


Power is a major factor in human activity. Look what's happening in Venezuela at present.

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