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Authorities urge curbs on burning incense sticks, golden paper offerings for Year of the Pig


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4 hours ago, leeneeds said:

With an estimated 9 million vehicles in and around  Bangkok and thousands of buses, 

one thinks that the seriousness has still not hit home,


one police with particle testing unit and 6 standing by

fantastic  use of resources,

officer 1 working the machine

officer 2 confirming the reading from officer 1

officer 3 agreeing with reading that officer 2 saw and officer one took

officer 4 concuring with officer 3, and officer 2 

officer 5 approved the findings  with officer 4, 3 and 2  

officer 6 was agreeable with officers 5, 4, 3, 2, and one, 

job done, 

next !


Glad to see you like are new improved streamlined operation said the general in charge of writing implements???? 

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2 hours ago, mok199 said:

Farting should be avoided , just keep them bottled in with the rage and fear , and pray for the rainy season to arrive early..SOS

Nope, avoid this; I tried and it turned out 2 difficult. Know what I'm saying?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The amount of PM2.5 dust particles in many parts of Thailand, particularly Greater Bangkok, has now exceeded the safety limit of 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air. 

Only Thailand say's that 50 micrograms is the safe limit.

W.H.O. the world health organisation state that 25 micrograms is the acceptable maximum limit, above that precautions should be taken as health could be impaired.

Thailand have doubled that figure to suit their own poor standards, anywhere at 60+ is actually not just above the limit for health being effected it's far beyond the safe limits!!

The Junta who have been in power have done nothing for the person on the street in the 5 years they've held the people in their grip!

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1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

It's not widely known but burning just one incense stick releases more 2.5 particulate than torching 2.4 Rai of sugar cane.

 Seems the government experts have stumbled upon it …..

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45 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Only Thailand say's that 50 micrograms is the safe limit.

W.H.O. the world health organisation state that 25 micrograms is the acceptable maximum limit, above that precautions should be taken as health could be impaired.

Thailand have doubled that figure to suit their own poor standards, anywhere at 60+ is actually not just above the limit for health being effected it's far beyond the safe limits!!

The Junta who have been in power have done nothing for the person on the street in the 5 years they've held the people in their grip!


Your points taken, and further all of the previous governments should have put numerous standards in place plus quick structured serious response mechanisms. Plus they should have reformed the police and education 20 / 30 years ago.  Plus they should have stopped nepotism which is one of the main causes of all of these woes - thousands of people in high level positions who have no knowledge or experience and have no interest in achieving anything except trough opportunities.


They all did nothing also. 


But none of that alters the facts that right now nothing is being fixed...

Edited by scorecard
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The logic used in the use of a mist sprayer being used to ease the pollution in the top photo is beyond 


What is being used to power it, a diesel generator that has no doubt never been serviced or the filters changed since new.

Thai logic at its best

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Are they for real? ???????????? If Thailand had a decent traffic system instead off the crap roads and sitting for Hrs at traffic lights per trip one would get at their destination in less than Half the time than what it does now and there wouldn't  be any smog . there's a lot more they can do ,don't blame old cars. If ALL vehicles are Serviced  old and not so old ALL the time there wouldn't be a problem either .But this is Thailand  No Service on vehicles No Maintenance on vehicles No exhaust pollution checks. so Blame the government for Not doing their job to enforce the Laws. 

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There is a strong body of scientific research which proves conclusively that hot air from Thai officialdom is responsible for 97% of dangerous airborne particulate matter in Thailand. 

A spokesperson from the Environment Ministry said, "The top five percent, most vociferous civil servants are being moved to inactive positions in obscure locations with immediate effect, after which we expect to see a dramatic improvement in air quality". However, when questioned about the recent, related outbreak of Foot-in-Mouth disease, the spokesperson declined to comment. 

Edited by PerkinsCuthbert
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6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

With an estimated 9 million vehicles in and around  Bangkok and thousands of buses, 

one thinks that the seriousness has still not hit home,


one police with particle testing unit and 6 standing by

fantastic  use of resources,

officer 1 working the machine

officer 2 confirming the reading from officer 1

officer 3 agreeing with reading that officer 2 saw and officer one took

officer 4 concuring with officer 3, and officer 2 

officer 5 approved the findings  with officer 4, 3 and 2  

officer 6 was agreeable with officers 5, 4, 3, 2, and one, 

job done, 

next !


:parody on

After which officers 1 though 6 allow the smoke spewing bus to go on it's way.  Reading have been taken and noted.  Strong warning issued to driver of the bus who promises to notify owner.  Wais. 

<drives off spewing black smoke>

Officer 1 to Officer 2: "I wonder how many incense sticks it would take to create the cloud of smoke that this bus just belched out?"

Officer 2: <shrugs> "Next!"


:parody off

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How many exhaust emission sniffers "inspecting" tanks and heavy trucks did they employ at this event during the peak of smog?

Military to be out in full display for Children's Day - The Nation

Jan 9, 2019 - From Thursday to Saturday, military tanks and heavy weapons will be seen on the streets of Bangkok as preparations are made to mark Children's Day, ... at Sanam Pao area in Bangkok's Phya Thai district, Sirichan said.
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  Jesus wept!  Yeah, burning shorter incense sticks will make all the difference.  As I mentioned before, we drove to Bangkok last Thursday on the motorway and there were numerous fires burning most of the way until around the airport--including one large fire right along the motorway.  Drove back to Pattaya on Monday and same story--fires burning everywhere including one large one right along the motorway!  No sign whatsoever of any officials enforcing the no burning rules.  Just more talk, talk, talk. The only 'plan' they have is to talk the problem to death until the pollution abates somewhat on its own and they can move on to talk, talk, talk about some other problem such as traffic safety.  Rinse and repeat.

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Maybe Bangkokeans might consider following the paths of these 8 least polluted cities in the world, but that would mean, "thinking" and I personally know a lot of Thai's are not capable of "thinking", especially when it comes to their narrow minds IMO, they are all similar to the Buffalo species who follow one another:



1 Reykjavik, Iceland.

2 Whitehorse, Canada.

3 Helsinki, Finland.

4 Mysore, India.

5 Zurich, Switzerland.

6 Vienna, Austria.

7 Calgary, Canada.

8 Kollam, Kerala, India.

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It must be clear to all thinking persons on TVF, that the idiots running this country (running is being used here very loosely) are in fact - idiots, therefore we should all accept that as fact and enjoy the laughs. 

  • Haha 1
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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Samut Prakan officials spray water into the air yesterday in a move to remove fine PM2.5 dust particles yesterday, an exercise that scientists say is pointless.


That was my first thought too, when I saw this and the cloud seeding going into action. But I'm not a weather scientist so what do I know? Square root of sod all about creating and dispersing pollution, and I am joined in that blissful state of ignorance by 70 million Thais.


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10 hours ago, webfact said:

THE PUBLIC Health Ministry is calling on people to burn shorter incense sticks and avoid setting fire to paper offerings during this Chinese New Year in order to stop pollution from worsening.

Hooley Dooley.




Jesus wept and well he might.




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12 minutes ago, HalfLight said:


That was my first thought too, when I saw this and the cloud seeding going into action. But I'm not a weather scientist so what do I know? Square root of sod all about creating and dispersing pollution, and I am joined in that blissful state of ignorance by 70 million Thais.


The effect is around

OO point OO FA Blank.

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