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Foreigners now need to keep 800k in Thai bank for three months AFTER retirement extension is granted

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6 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

Only the USofA is stupid enough to advertise...."Give us your poor..."


The only god in Thailand is money. It's the one thing they all understand equally.

Sadly, it is the only God anywhere in the world. The United States is the same. 

Edited by garyk
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14 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:



For me the showing I have funds is not the problem.. The problem is more oversight, more immigration visits, more scheduling times at thier whims, more 6am queues to show them a piece of paper they put in a file.. 

Of course it should not be missed that this happens as they introduce a 10 year retirement option.. So clearly the guys who can sit 3 mil in the bank, and leave half of it in Thailand, those guys have an easy ride. I am still 3.5 years away from a geezer visa but thats the route I will go for.. They are clearly making levels where they make life easy. 

The twisting and tightening of the law will take time and maybe by the time they make it unfavorable to retire in Thailand, the neighboring countries may have developed enough to ensure a comfortable retirement there. I am sure the Thai immigration is very aware of competition from her neighbors and will act accordingly. Problem is those countries will also up their ante albeit much later.   

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44 minutes ago, smedly said:

and it is 3 months before and 3 months after unless it is first application - seasoning has gone up to 6 months - which quite frankly is ridiculous for so many reasons

Not according to the new order.


(4) At least 2 months prior to filing date, and at least 3 months after being granted permission, 


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21 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I used the services of an agent. When would I be asked to give details of the non-existent 800k; if at all?

I think just use the same agent, only difference now is you will require 2 visits and twice the fee


I fail to see how these so called new rules change anything - the backdoor will remain open if you are willing to pay - what's new ?

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14 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

So that will discriminate between condo owners and guys like me who have paid for a nice home for themselves and their family. But it would be a good idea.

A word of warning to those future guys like you -  RENT, don't buy.

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3 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Because they expect a certain amount of money on deposit for a specific time period to apply.  Fine.  Apparently this stops the agents putting money in an account an hour before extension and taking it back out ????.  So that system is really working.  So along comes another idea????.  They will have to leave the money after application for another three months.  So you effectively have been told that you cannot use YOUR own money now for 5-6 months.????  Apparently because they cannot get their own police to stop being corrupt and accepting bribes, they must further inconvenience immigration customers by putting onerous demands on when and how much of their money they can use.???? Then when you finally get to use your money,  they will only allow you to use half of it. ???? This beggars belief, what is the justification for that?

if they want the mafia agents and IO agents involved,  then go after them.  Lay off the old people who have been doing the right thing for years. This kind of idea is right up there with spraying sugary material from drones to tidy up air pollution.

Great, and very accurate summery

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1 hour ago, humbug said:

i for one want foreigners to live on this land, i 'dont' want less foreigners as its patronizing to every foreigner trying to live their lives. I will never be hoodwinked in believing the pension letters was the embassies fault or this retirement new requirements blame on agents or wealth. 


Its about a nationalist criminal gang backed by the chinese state having one of their booty boys keep looking at ways to reduce long term expats. An absolute disgrace in my eyes but some like you want this, which is perverse

humbug = nomen est omen! :laugh:

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1 minute ago, Rugon said:

A word of warning to those future guys like you -  RENT, don't buy.

Too late for me mate. But I am happy, so no problem.


Who do you rent from....a falang who has already bought?   LOL

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1 minute ago, digger70 said:

Don't Worry Be Happy , BJ is playing a Joke at the cost of some poorer expats. I wait and see when I do my next extension. No good to lose sleep over this .   :thumbsup:

Famous last words... haha

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Just now, KittenKong said:

I thought that people on Thai Elite visas had their 90-day reports done for them, as part of the package?


I know people here who have deposit-based retirement extensions done by agents, and they get their 90-day reports done for them as part of the extension package too.

I think Thai elite 90 day is only available if you live in BKK

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3 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Too late for me mate. But I am happy, so no problem.


Who do you rent from....a falang who has already bought?   LOL

Glad you're happy. 


Actually I had a mortgage for 20 years, all paid now.

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30 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Are you saying that it is easier to buy a flight to somewhere, drive to the airport a couple of hours before departure, go thru security a couple of times, queue up to get on, sit in the plane for a couple of hours, queue up to get off, queue up for immigration, and then do it all again to come back....than to drive to the nearest immigration office to show your passport, or do it by post or online.

Not easier though. Thaielite do provide priority clearance and escort you to their contract lounge and pick you up for priority entry clearance when you arrive. Real reason for flying overseas is she likes to travel and this just figure nicely into her traveling plan. I of course just foot the bill. ????

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2 minutes ago, KittenKong said:
20 minutes ago, Naam said:

i'm not saying anything but quoting the chap who's girlfriend is not liable to do any 90 day reports.

I thought that people on Thai Elite visas had their 90-day reports done for them, as part of the package?


I know people here who have deposit-based retirement extensions done by agents, and they get their 90-day reports done for them as part of the extension package too.

as the OP's girlfriend leaves 8 times a year Elite Visa would have a hard time to do her 90 day reports but possible if she lived on Jupiter or Saturn.

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38 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

Frankly I don't see why we need to panic that much. Last December 4 embassies decided, rightly, that it was unethical to issue unverified income certificates, and Thai immigration came up with a perfectly reasonable alternative. Interestingly amongst the thousands of post commenting the income letter change there were dozens of references to the bluntly illegal "agent alternative". 

So how could anyone complain about this new change of rules, which aims only at flushing out people who don't qualify for extension as well as the mafia of agents, possibly IOs who preyed on them. I don't see here any conspiracy to send of foreigners home, this is only a legitimate inclination to enforce the law.

I think you'll find the agents who are supplying a service to legitimate retirees will be increasing their charges, as there is more work involved in presenting the proof of bank funds post extension. And I'm not so naive as to believe illegal methods of circumventing retirement extension requirements will be eliminated, or that the agent mafia will cease to exist. This is Thailand.

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14 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Because they expect a certain amount of money on deposit for a specific time period to apply.  Fine.  Apparently this stops the agents putting money in an account an hour before extension and taking it back out ????.  So that system is really working.  So along comes another idea????.  They will have to leave the money after application for another three months.  So you effectively have been told that you cannot use YOUR own money now for 5-6 months.????  Apparently because they cannot get their own police to stop being corrupt and accepting bribes, they must further inconvenience immigration customers by putting onerous demands on when and how much of their money they can use.???? Then when you finally get to use your money,  they will only allow you to use half of it. ???? This beggars belief, what is the justification for that?

if they want the mafia agents and IO agents involved,  then go after them.  Lay off the old people who have been doing the right thing for years. This kind of idea is right up there with spraying sugary material from drones to tidy up air pollution.

best post on this thread so far - 100% agree

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