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New financial regulations for retirees: Nearly a third of expats may have to leave - but half on Facebook say they're off!


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20 minutes ago, ajarnmarc said:

Try renting a new place lately?


landlords now want at least 1 year contracts, some of the more desirable places want 3 year contracts and all of that is to be paid annually, 

with 3 or 6 months deposit, which is almost never refunded to the renter, 

without any reason provided, we give they keep, simple as that...

I must be doing it wrong - and only renting undesirable places.  The only thing they want is 1 year contract for the first year, once I am in they don't get anymore than that.  The largest deposit is 2 months (pretty standard for someone with no credit history locally) - and it has been refunded minus modest damage (much less than many years of wear I thought would incur.  Someone wants a 3 year contract and I would walk away.  I don't understand something being desirable enough in a market in oversupply situation.

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3 hours ago, Lumbini said:


Don’t believe me and cheat yourself out of seeing for yourself ? Go see , I can give you several locations in Bangkok where so much has changed and evolved and possibly the rest of the country will follow .... out with the old in with the new as everything changes .IMG_0655.JPG


Yeah right...
Sathorn Unique Tower by neajjean.jpg

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This new story seemingly initiated by Big (bad) Joke, is to me just another confirmation of how low and disposable the hundred of thousand of 'alien'(!) retirees are 'considered' (or rather not...) in Thailand.

Till these new 'rules' were edicted, mind you, not by the Interior Ministry, as should by all means be(!!!), but by some (individual) Pol Lt Gen seemingly growing an oversized ego comparable to that of a ret RTA Lt Gen playing the dictator..., 'aliens', 'Farang' the largest part of, knew they were, simply, tolerated in Thailand. Not 'immigrants', not 'residents', just 'long stay tourists'...

Having most invested millions of Baht each in real estate, ...they can not really own, and spending monthly 5 to 10 times the salary of a modal Thai family into the ...Thai economy, it's obviously no point of interest for that decorated big brass...

Would all of these recent actions, against, non-Thais, the majority of married with Thais, and financially contributing to their Thai family's well-being, and material possessions, eventually, possibly, have kind of a, remote or not, link, with what someone in high places spoke his heart out about some years ago, concerning his ideas and plans about non-Thais staying inside the country...?

I wonder. But I'm quite sure that that big joke ...of a Big Joke would never dare to push his luck that far when he would not be 100% sure some bigger (jokes of?) generals, ...and more, are covering him...!


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5 hours ago, davidstipek said:

This is getting Funny!


I just left Chiang Mai Immigration (Monday, Feb. 4tn). I went to pose this question to the Director here, if this was true what was bouncing around TV, on this subject.


The answer I received was my account needed to show the funds, intact in my account 3 months prior to Visa renewal! PERIOD!!


As for the idea being discussed here, answer was a flat "We have not received any Orders to change the intact rules"! Original Immigration Rules still apply!


So I have a answer that buffs everyone's fears on what was being told ( by who??) On this subject. I am sure that if we visit Immigration 3-4 months prior to renewal date and ask again we will get a current answer. Would be nice if they would send a notification of change letter to all current Retiree's of change when it happens. If it ever does. This would show everyone that all this paperwork they say they are doing is actually getting done, also prove that the 90 day reporting is keeping everyone's Immigration folder current with correct address!

Went to kanchanaburi IO today and was told no change no change,by 

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3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

It is even more awful and pitiful to be so low on funds or so cheap that one does not or cannot care for their own health.

Very very sad indeed....

      They may be  stupid  enough  to  think  their  so called mates , will pick them up, when they fall. 

       Every farang , for themselves in Land of smiles . 

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The way I see it you'll need practically £20,000 in a Thai bank for as long as you want to stay. I mean £20,000 for 5 months then £10,000 for the rest of the year. If you haven't got the 20k for 5 months then 10k becomes irrelevant. So you need just keep 20k or 800,000 batt in a Thai bank and not touch it.

If you can just about do 10k  for 7 months then where will you get another 10k for 5 months.      

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       BJ ,   is on a publicity  seeking mission ,  he must be on red alert , for a photo session.

         Fear not , he will promoted , to the ministry of tourism , soon he will be seen on national media 

            welcoming aliens  to the  kingdom , with  that well rehearsed smile .



Edited by elliss
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To: Lipflipper


In your post you mentioned a 5-year visa for Nha Trang, Vietnam. Could you explain in more detail what type of visa it is as I am in the process of making a Plan B and Vietnam is one of my choices. I will be going to Vietnam in the near future to check on this issue of the visas. If anyone else knows about this 5-year visa please let me know.


Living here in Thailand, I believe everyone should have an escape plan especially if they come up with any type of health insurance requirements for the future. I qualify for the Bt 800,000, but I am nervous that there will be more changes that are or will be coming in the near future.


Thanks for any replies


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2 minutes ago, DividendGuy said:

To: Lipflipper


In your post you mentioned a 5-year visa for Nha Trang, Vietnam. Could you explain in more detail what type of visa it is as I am in the process of making a Plan B and Vietnam is one of my choices. I will be going to Vietnam in the near future to check on this issue of the visas. If anyone else knows about this 5-year visa please let me know.


Living here in Thailand, I believe everyone should have an escape plan especially if they come up with any type of health insurance requirements for the future. I qualify for the Bt 800,000, but I am nervous that there will be more changes that are or will be coming in the near future.


Thanks for any replies


Last I heard the nonexistent "retirement" option in VN involved leaving the country every 90 days! That would get tired really fast. 

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Reading most of the comments, I am glad that I am still a visiter of 2 months or less per year.

  I also plan to visit Vietnam and check it out before deciding where I want to live for the Winters.

  China has not Yet,, invaded another country like Russia has. Remember Crimea? China invades by buying and investing in many countries.

The way I see it anyway.


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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Last I heard the nonexistent "retirement" option in VN involved leaving the country every 90 days! That would get tired really fast. 

I do that all the time, it's a great opportunity to have a little holiday in other countries.

Which is why I know more about Laos, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Cambodia and Malaysia than many of the other retired posters on this forum.

It's very easy to get stuck in a rut, all the other countries are great (maybe not Laos).

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3 minutes ago, Benroon said:

You and the other TV pant wetters have got an absolutely ridiculous sense of worth. A handful, and just look at the pitiful survey volumes, of people on a rabidly anti Thai forum are threatening to leave Thailand and walk off with their non contribution to the economy, and you think it will affect the Thai economy ??

An economy worth $455,000,000,000 in 2017 and growing - how many Leo drinkers is it going to take to eat into that ?


Its truly hilarious - if won’t make a blind bit of difference !


Its time to put the toys back

in the pram and find somewhere within your budget. Though if you’ve managed to get to retirement age without being able to drum up 400k/800k you might find a warm welcome hard to come by!

Quite black&white view of something as so transient a situation ???? 
You seriously don't consider people carrying bucketloads of foreign currency into thailand - not maybe most liquid after that - any worth of the economy?
"Transport"-section (which includes tourism and expats alike) brings the jam on top of your toast, and of no burden it's ridiculous to argue the burden ????

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1 minute ago, Benroon said:

I’m assuming English isn’t your first language as I haven’t got a clue what that actually says.


But again $455,000,000,000! 

image.png.b71b0c14642de90ae44dd82173c166ac.pngOf which 281644 million comes from tourism, expats, services...

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4 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Oh, if that was only true... but very unlikely... 

Hard to say. 

If most of the people that were:

lying to embassies


using corrupt agents while not really eligible


a significant chunk of more legit people that have qualified under the old rules but have real issues with the new rules (keep in mind the COMBO method especially without embassy letters is currently under great doubt)


then, he's probably right. 


Edited by Jingthing
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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Kev in Thailand projects a "mass exodus" of retired expats, especially exchange rate pained Brits.




      Spot  on Kev ,  can you charter a  flight out , for  the CC,s ,  let me know.

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2 minutes ago, elliss said:


      Spot  on Kev ,  can you charter a  flight out , for  the CC,s ,  let me know.

How about a fishing (and chipping) slow boat?

It can be christened the S.S. Brexit McBoatface

Edited by Jingthing
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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Retired people typically are moving abroad to a place for the rest of their life. They get older. "Fun" visa run trips become tedious and sometimes can become impossible.

Not that old and yet -- to be quite honest I don't find visa runs that fun...  more tedious...  Not that it gets to me at all, I spent years as a "road warrior" (consultant tech on the road) and it never phased me as I had something to go to... and any airplane/airport shenanigans I would just pop open my laptop and work at the bar with a beer.   Without a purpose, it is just tedious -- not much for actual 'tourism'.

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