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New retirement extension rules forces expat, 90, to leave Thailand


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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


Not just Thai women, but almost every woman will cheat, given the opportunity.

I found the best way to combat this trait, was to also cheat at every opportunity.

It may not fix the problem, but it evens things up a bit.

I found the best way to combat this trait, was to also cheat at every opportunity.

It may not fix the problem, but it evens things up a bit.........But 2 Wrongs Don't make it Right !!

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5 hours ago, Henryford said:

Would be interesting to follow some of these (sad) stories. What does a 90 (or 70 or 80) year old do returning to say the UK.  With limited funds can you rent a home? would any Council provide you with a home? Do you get off the plane homeless (in -9C weather).

In the Netherlands you certainly do enter, homeless.

No house for you, no address, no healthcare, nothing.


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This policy by Thai immigration will cause many to not come to the land of smiles There are a lot of other venues that welcome people without going through hoops Such as the 90 day reporting among other things

It gets to a point where some say the hell with it I will go where I am welcomed

This day has come Imagine all the condos that have no tenants  You are going to have 1000s of condos without and that only hurts Thai people.

This whole thing was not thoroughly thought out. When a new law or rule comes out on immigration in most countries they grandfather people in so they will not be affected. This did not happen

It will affect the economy. The did not put any thought into that 


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1 minute ago, NoBrainer said:

If the Thai Government was really smart, they could just sell 1 year extension of stay, to anyone over 50, for say 30,000 baht per year, with no other qualifications.


Slightly more than the agents are charging now, but direct from the government with a receipt, in & out of the immigration office in a few hours.


Would raise Billions for the Government, and take care of eliminating the agents at the same time, would also releive a lot of work from immigration officers, freeing them upon for more important tasks.

Is that including a healthcare insurance, only valid in state hospitals, maybe?

I willl take it.

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5 hours ago, vogie said:

I believe if you have £16,000 of savings you cannot get help, except for a free TV licence of course.

If you only have a state pension you may be allowed benefits. AFAIK

Just to point out you may also fall foul of any residence test and therefore be unable to access any benefits  for some period of time !

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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I disagree, it's much easier for the foreign guy to cheat as there are so many Thai women looking for 1,000bht.

Not to mention Cambodian, Filipino, and Viet women also looking for some quick cash.


But we're wandering way off topic now, although not really, because that's why we retired out here in the first place. I think the retirees just need to realise the women are just as available in the other SEA countries.

Speak for yourself buddy.

Do you think a 90 year old came here for the women?

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The biggest joke has been an unmitigated disaster for Thailand. Everything he touches, turns to crap. He is the polar opposite of a crime fighter or a guy who fights corruption. And he has turned the immigration department into a far more xenophobic entity than it was before. They were already arrogant and surly. Now?


Get him out. Remove him now. And Prayuth, get out now too. Neither of you fabulously incompetent men are wanted, needed, liked or helping anyone but the elites, the super rich and those in power. 


A note to those in power. You are mistaken. We are not the enemy. Alot of us bring an awful lot to the table here. 

I don't know how long you are here, but if you were here while the Shin club was in power you might feel different.


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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Speak for yourself buddy.

Do you think a 90 year old came here for the women?

Originally, yes, without the cheap women none of us would have come here.

Now tell me you ain't banging a local lady?

Edited by BritManToo
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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The biggest joke has been an unmitigated disaster for Thailand. Everything he touches, turns to crap. He is the polar opposite of a crime fighter or a guy who fights corruption. And he has turned the immigration department into a far more xenophobic entity than it was before. They were already arrogant and surly. Now?


Get him out. Remove him now. And Prayuth, get out now too. Neither of you fabulously incompetent men are wanted, needed, liked or helping anyone but the elites, the super rich and those in power. 


A note to those in power. You are mistaken. We are not the enemy. Alot of us bring an awful lot to the table here. 

This has nothing to do with big joke.

He is a pawn in this whole situation, getting his strings pulled by  the rolex guy. 

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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


Not just Thai women, but almost every woman will cheat, given the opportunity.

I found the best way to combat this trait, was to also cheat at every opportunity.

It may not fix the problem, but it evens things up a bit.

Must be a significant sum spent on antibiotics in your household budget.

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3 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

Anybody ever considered the 400 K maybe in lieu of trying to enforce compulsory heath insurance? In which case it would actually be a damn good idea as far as the Thai's are concerned.

What happens to the sensible people who already have health insurance?


You think they should suffer paying for that insurance as well as having 400k sitting there doing not a lot? Without an option?


What you are suggesting would only make sense if immigration told someone about that assumed reason. Call immigration what you like but they are not that stupid.

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Ok, so just how many expats and unscrupulous agents are circumventing the rules?  And are these people living off the Thai government?  Or are they maybe supporting themselves just fine, receiving no free handouts? I understand wanting expats to fund all their own living expenses. Is that not the case? Are many expats living off the Thai people? 

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5 hours ago, Henryford said:

Would be interesting to follow some of these (sad) stories. What does a 90 (or 70 or 80) year old do returning to say the UK.  With limited funds can you rent a home? would any Council provide you with a home? Do you get off the plane homeless (in -9C weather).

These day's you are pretty much on your own especially as an expat, you could, if there was room, get a bed in an overnight hostel. Best bet in winter would be to commit a crime and get yourself arrested, common now in Japan apparently for poor pensioners. Capitalism these days only works for the young healthy employed. If you have fallen through the cracks of the system, as expats have, you can only hope for grace. 

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"Can the Thai police and their "order", or Thai immigration, help and tell me where to go?"

  With the greatest respect...that is not their problem....not is it the problem of the Immigration authorities in your own country when a person has to leave because of financial problems?

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Just now, dotpoom said:

"Can the Thai police and their "order", or Thai immigration, help and tell me where to go?"

  With the greatest respect...that is not their problem....not is it the problem of the Immigration authorities in your own country when a person has to leave because of financial problems?

In a civilized country your own government would have a duty of care, I think many constituencies take this seriously but there is a lack of funding, no money, no honey.

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5 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Yes, but it's variable. In a small office (Kap Choeng) with nice staff, it's fine. When one miserable a/h arrives to take charge, however, everything goes silent & depressed.

Yes to. Lopburi office, nice staff, in and out in no time ,only a/h's where to farangs, who commented on me speaking Thai, then I asked  them do you live locally . not seeing many new farangs where I live, just asked in curiosity,  they could not even answer, just carried on with their own conversation, if it had been a Thai, he /she would have ansered, it is a 2 edged sword. 

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