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UK's Labour says it will back call for second Brexit referendum


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10 minutes ago, aright said:

I gave my reasons for leaving in the above post which I am sure many Leavers would endorse so it gives no credence to your claim we never answer the question.

Perhaps you could now give your reasons why you want to stay in a bureaucratic superstate  which has bailouts in contravention of the Maastricht Treaty, mass youth unemployment, target  2 imbalances, German surplus outside the rules, impending Italian default, low growth, corruption, waste, an internal currency which only truly benefits one country, unaudited accounts, a migrant crisis, transit camps for those migrants with papers at the Austrian border, a member who freeloads on Nato defence, but, against Union rules gets a sweetheart deal on energy which is not available to other members.........…….etc 





No problem. Fact, despite all your hysteria, the British economy/ job market is going to take a severe hit from leaving the EU. A hit that will take a long time if ever to recover from. We wouldn't have any trade deals and would have to start from scratch, it would take years to renegotiate the trade deals we currently have (several 100s). As we would be negotiating with the begging bowl out, they would invariably be inferior to the current deals. Trump would really stuff us up. We are not, never would be part of the Euro. Did we bail Greece out? No.


As for immigration, Germany took in 2 million refugees and asked fellow EU members to take their share. We didn't participate. They won't be coming here, we're not in Shengen. You'll probably see more refugees entering if we leave as the current cooperation with French border police would be curtailed.


Wake up and vote remain at the upcoming referendum.

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

Nothing to do with me chief. Blame the government of remainers who fail to understand why they are in power and who put them there. 


Blind Freddie's dog could do a better job than shower.

The same shower you entrusted to make Britain great again and after we left the horrid EU,not laffing now are you ????

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8 minutes ago, aright said:

Pure deflection. Your first paragraph is your opinion on how bad it will be when we leave the EU. That wasn't my question. The question was,  Perhaps you could now give your reasons why you want to stay in a bureaucratic superstate etc etc ............…??

I have given you my reasons for leaving it seems only fair you address the problems I mentioned and give me your reasons for staying.


I've addressed them. Obviously too painful for you to read them.


First paragraph is not my opinion. It's the opinion of every economist worth their salt, including the governor of the BoE. But I suppose you know better than them, or are they all members of the Illuminati?

Edited by Spidey
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55 minutes ago, bomber said:

your dream of a no deal is slim,too many experts,businesses and MPs dont want it,8 billion is a small price to pay considering the damage it would cause,its took 2.5 years to sink in but we are getting there at last,the dream has probably cost the UK more than 8 billion pounds and inflicted 17 million broken hearts on the dreamers,never mind you wont get another chance again at your age.


Experts,what experts.

Or are you getting mixed up with opinions.

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Experts,what experts.

Or are you getting mixed up with opinions.

experts get it wrong as we all know,but when its 80-90% of them i would have to agree with them over the man down spoonies wearing an england shirt and bulldogs tattooed on his neck.

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:



First part. More project fear.


Is it true that those 2,000,000 refugees, or should that be, economic migrants, will be eligible for a German Passport after 5yrs.

Will they then be able to enter the U.K. should we remain a part of this so called onion.

they might come if our idiot MPs keep giving them superior benefits the to the rest of the EU,hopefully we will stay in the EU and adopt their more realistic benefits instead our barmy laws giving them far too much,you see we have a lot to learn from our masters it may take another 40 years but we are willing to learn albeit slowly.

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32 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I've addressed them. Obviously too painful for you to read them.


First paragraph is not my opinion. It's the opinion of every economist worth their salt, including the governor of the BoE. But I suppose you know better than them, or are they all members of the Illuminati?

It seems in terms of explanation you have nothing to offer except unfocused confusion.

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10 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 I have asked you in the past to provide facts to back up your opinions. And you failed miserably.

 Now aright has also asked you for facts,and again you fail to do so.

IMF,BoE,80% of MPs,90% of businesses,govt of Japan,the EU,majority of WORKING people in the UK,the currency traders just for starters.

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Once Merkel's migrants get their EU passports they'll be able to come to the UK, Shengen or no Shengen 

Watched a BBC documentary series recently (I've mentioned it before, so I won't mention it again). The last episode dealt with just that issue. It followed the migrants from Syria to Germany. Why did they go to Germany? Because they wanted to, it was their preferred choice. Not all migrants want to come to the UK, an urban myth, most want to go to other European countries, Germany, Sweden etc.


It takes a good number of years to convert a Shengen passport to a German passport, by that time, they will be settled in Germany, jobs there, kids at school there. They will have zero desire to up sticks again and move to the UK. Why would they?

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3 hours ago, Becker said:

Yes, and in return for that you get unfettered access to an enormous market right on your doorstep.

I'd say that's a sweet deal, especially considering the fact that those big, beautiful trade deals with other markets just isn't happening.

In fact, by signing new deals with the US, Japan etc you will have been forced into worse deals than before since just about everyone would be able to bend you over a barrel, and that means you've lost independence, not gained it.






You need to also bear in mind that the proportion of our trade with the EU versus the RoW is declining quite rapidly, yet our net EU contributions are set to continue rising. 

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

You need to also bear in mind that the proportion of our trade with the EU versus the RoW is declining quite rapidly, yet our net EU contributions are set to continue rising. 

Where did you read that? On the side of a big red bus?

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14 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Once Merkel's migrants get their EU passports they'll be able to come to the UK, Shengen or no Shengen 

they would only come for the benefits our goverment decide to lavish upon them,remember WE decide this not the EU,one day it will sink in with you.if they were coming for work i doubt they would get anything better than whats available in Germany,wages and conditions are much better there as they have been for 60 years,surely you watched auf wiedersehen pet???? living in the hut was only for the benefit of TV,please dont think it was really like that ????

Edited by bomber
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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

Watched a BBC documentary series recently (I've mentioned it before, so I won't mention it again). The last episode dealt with just that issue. It followed the migrants from Syria to Germany. Why did they go to Germany? Because they wanted to, it was their preferred choice. Not all migrants want to come to the UK, an urban myth, most want to go to other European countries, Germany, Sweden etc.


It takes a good number of years to convert a Shengen passport to a German passport, by that time, they will be settled in Germany, jobs there, kids at school there. They will have zero desire to up sticks again and move to the UK. Why would they?

I don't think the main concerns would be with educated hard working Syrians. It's the animals like those who assaulted around 1200 women in Hamburg and Cologne on NYE 2015. 

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

I don't think the main concerns would be with educated hard working Syrians. It's the animals like those who assaulted around 1200 women in Hamburg and Cologne on NYE 2015. 

a german problem for germans to deal with,iam sure they arent concerned about the grooming gangs in gods county whoops yorkshire,

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I don't think the main concerns would be with educated hard working Syrians. It's the animals like those who assaulted around 1200 women in Hamburg and Cologne on NYE 2015. 

What makes you think that they want to come to the UK? Better social security in Germany, better hospitals, better education system.... UK hasn't actually got a lot going for it when you compare it to the likes of Germany and Sweden.

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

a german problem for germans to deal with,iam sure they arent concerned about the grooming gangs in gods county whoops yorkshire,

Keep up bomber. Once Merkel's migrants get their EU passports they can move to the UK. And if like you keep saying our government treat migrants like kings, then come they will! 

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

I agree with you there. But still a lot of migrants risk their lives to get from France to the UK. And the fact is, while we're in the EU those animals will eventually gain the ability to freely move to the UK. 

asylum seekers get big benefits here thats why they risk it,in france,spain,greece etc they dont,these are not EU migrant workers you need to learn the difference along with the other 17 million,

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8 hours ago, rixalex said:

Why would the "morons" bother to explain to you?


Firstly, your ears are closed. You are blinkered. EU = good. Brexit = bad.


Secondly, they were asked whether they wanted to leave or remain in the EU. They replied that they wanted to leave. They don't have to justify their decision to you or anyone.

Good old predictable Grouse.


No answer for himself yet another insult the the people he considers his "social inferiors" because they dare to challenge his belief that they actually DO know what they want and it isn't more of the immaculate conception that is above all of us. 


The mighty and superior EU.

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

Keep up bomber. Once Merkel's migrants get their EU passports they can move to the UK. And if like you keep saying our government treat migrants like kings, then come they will! 

Be told, it's many years before they're entitled to EU passports and Germany treats them like emperors. You couldn't pay them to come to the UK.

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

asylum seekers get big benefits here thats why they risk it,in france,spain,greece etc they dont,these are not EU migrant workers you need to learn the difference along with the other 17 million,

They do in Germany and Sweden. That's why most of them go there.

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Keep up bomber. Once Merkel's migrants get their EU passports they can move to the UK. And if like you keep saying our government treat migrants like kings, then come they will! 

wont bother me i wont be in the UK ????  migrants and asylum seekers are not the same,it will sink in one of these days

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