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It's the little things (that p__s you off)


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19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Bike parking... now that's one thing that gets my goat...  I have a nice new bike and some tool parks so close that I am unable to tip my bike up enough to kick up the side stand. Instead I have to shimmy their bike across just so I can get my bike upright enough to kick up the side stand and get out of my spot... 


What else gets my goat in Thailand?... lots of things... how do I manage them, just like anyone else, get on with it and don't let them impact my day - its just life and half the people we are surrounded by are below average intelligence... 


Your first paragraph, I would just back the bike straight out then leave it on the road. I have done that so many times when someone blocks me in or parks too close to me.

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19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Bike parking... now that's one thing that gets my goat...  I have a nice new bike and some tool parks so close that I am unable to tip my bike up enough to kick up the side stand. Instead I have to shimmy their bike across just so I can get my bike upright enough to kick up the side stand and get out of my spot... 


What else gets my goat in Thailand?... lots of things... how do I manage them, just like anyone else, get on with it and don't let them impact my day - its just life and half the people we are surrounded by are below average intelligence... 


Is that on this website, or Thailand in general?!?

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3 hours ago, thequietman said:

Students in my Uni do this all the time. Simple answer is to move the motorbike, if it isn't locked, and put it as far away across the car park as is possible. Luckily for me, the car park is full, so I hide it among the other bikes and they can then spend time finding their bike.


If I am at Tesco and some dick does this, the bike is generally locked, so I move it out into the middle where it is blocking everyone else. I then take out my bike and leave theirs out there. Petty, maybe, but that lazy barstewart only parked that close to me because they didn't wanna walk too far.


Selfish, thoughtless on their part. I then go about my day. ????

So, you help the "lazy barstewart" by pulling his bike out for him, but block the way of the other bikers. Yeah, that ought to show that "lazy barstewart"

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2 hours ago, Mavideol said:

seeing my neighbor and his wife doing it a couple times a week bothers me..... I get nothing, zip, zero

You sound like the little old lady who called the police saying that the young couple next door were having sex in front of her window several times a day. When the police got there one officer said, "Ma'am, I can't see the next door apartment out of your window, there is a high fence between you." The old lady replied, "Well, you can if you climb-up on that stepladder and look out the top pf the window." 

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People who get to the supermarket check out, but forgot to get all their fruit and veg weighed/priced. Everyone else in the queue has to wait while a lass on roller skates dashes off to sort it out for them.


On the positive side - those roller skating girls in Big C Extra are quite cute.

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... and, people who get into the checkout queue before they have really finished shopping, and their wife/gf keeps dashing off and returning with extra items to put on the conveyor belt - even while the husband/bf is getting ready to pay.


My missus is one of them - it drives me mad.


(Being British, I consider it as bad as queue-jumping).

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:
22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Bike parking... now that's one thing that gets my goat...  I have a nice new bike and some tool parks so close that I am unable to tip my bike up enough to kick up the side stand. Instead I have to shimmy their bike across just so I can get my bike upright enough to kick up the side stand and get out of my spot... 


What else gets my goat in Thailand?... lots of things... how do I manage them, just like anyone else, get on with it and don't let them impact my day - its just life and half the people we are surrounded by are below average intelligence... 


Your first paragraph, I would just back the bike straight out then leave it on the road. I have done that so many times when someone blocks me in or parks too close to me.

No point going to extra effort to make a point or win with an idiot who’s parked his bike so close to mine. It would aslo make it more difficult for others trying to get past. 


There are too many careless idiots around, we’ll never win trying to re-educate all the numpties around us, its easier just to get on with it, move the bike just enough so I can get my bike out and get on with my day without letting the small stuff stress me... And that’s what I do.... but when a Topic such as this crops up, it gives me a point to make and that’s about as much as I care about it !!!... 



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3 hours ago, shy coconut said:
23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Bike parking... now that's one thing that gets my goat...  I have a nice new bike and some tool parks so close that I am unable to tip my bike up enough to kick up the side stand. Instead I have to shimmy their bike across just so I can get my bike upright enough to kick up the side stand and get out of my spot... 


What else gets my goat in Thailand?... lots of things... how do I manage them, just like anyone else, get on with it and don't let them impact my day - its just life and half the people we are surrounded by are below average intelligence... 


Is that on this website, or Thailand in general?!?


Another little think that p!$$es me off...   lazy questions as above that don’t even offer the courtesy of basic clarity in their question such as which part of the post to which they are responding they are referring... 


Example above: Is that on this website, or...... 


Is ‘shy coconut’ referring to bike parking or being surrounded by people with average intelligence?


Nope: I have to ignore it and accept I’m surrounded by people with below average intelligence, y’know those who are unable to make the most basic of questions clear !!!


(OK, so I didn’t ignore it - that also gets my goat, instead of ignoring it, I didn’t and instead commented about it making my comment about ignoring it somewhat hypocritical !!... Damn you ‘shy coconut’ !!! ????)... 

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4 hours ago, thequietman said:

Students in my Uni do this all the time. Simple answer is to move the motorbike, if it isn't locked, and put it as far away across the car park as is possible. Luckily for me, the car park is full, so I hide it among the other bikes and they can then spend time finding their bike.


If I am at Tesco and some dick does this, the bike is generally locked, so I move it out into the middle where it is blocking everyone else. I then take out my bike and leave theirs out there. Petty, maybe, but that lazy barstewart only parked that close to me because they didn't wanna walk too far.


Selfish, thoughtless on their part. I then go about my day. ????


I’m awaiting the ThaiVisa.com headline... ‘Farang Uni Professor arrested, caught in the process of steeling knackered crapped out motorcycle from Tesco’s parking lot’... of course with lots of photos of people pointing...


Followed up just a couple of days later with another articling showing ‘thequietman’ wai-ing in apology to someone in cut off jeans, flip flops and grubby t-shirt after paying a 20,000baht fine to the BiB... it was all just a misunderstanding.


All of that posted along side other headlines that the guys mate just got fined 500b for kicking the living daylights out of an old lady.. 500b and a wai... 


Cynical old me...  Yes... the indecently disproportionate penalties here get my goat... expecially for what in the West we would consider serious confrontational crime. 



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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

So, you help the "lazy barstewart" by pulling his bike out for him, but block the way of the other bikers. Yeah, that ought to show that "lazy barstewart"

Well yes, cause when he or she returns, they get an ear full from the irate Thais. It's a win-win.

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9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I’m awaiting the ThaiVisa.com headline... ‘Farang Uni Professor arrested, caught in the process of steeling knackered crapped out motorcycle from Tesco’s parking lot’... of course with lots of photos of people pointing...


Followed up just a couple of days later with another articling showing ‘thequietman’ wai-ing in apology to someone in cut off jeans, flip flops and grubby t-shirt after paying a 20,000baht fine to the BiB... it was all just a misunderstanding.


All of that posted along side other headlines that the guys mate just got fined 500b for kicking the living daylights out of an old lady.. 500b and a wai... 


Cynical old me...  Yes... the indecently disproportionate penalties here get my goat... expecially for what in the West we would consider serious confrontational crime. 



Nope, bike stays within the confines of the car park. No theft there, just a relocation. ????

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:

And no point even asking a question:


You like a product.

You ask what colours they have.

Two staff members answer in unison 'see deow, see deow' (one colour only / this colour).

You walk around a bit more and discover there are other colours on the shelves.





Or you ask if they have something, mai mee....walk around the corner and there it is....


I wonder what Rob kaaskop has to add to this thread....he 'll hate you guys and tell you where Swampy is...

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When i had a brand new motocy i came back from shopping and a very young bloke had parked his against mine...his extra low mirror was scratching my paint.


He came to me because he was only sitting there at the parking chatting with some girls so i asked him in thai if he had much money....i added that my bike was brand new and imported and now it was scratched...


He looked very sad suddenly and moved his bike but the scratches were still there...


I just left but felt good to make him sweat

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:

And no point even asking a question:


You like a product.

You ask what colours they have.

Two staff members answer in unison 'see deow, see deow' (one colour only / this colour).

You walk around a bit more and discover there are other colours on the shelves.





I could have sworn they only had one phrase "mai mee ka" ! The number of times I have been told that only to go find it myself on the shelves. Same in Thaiwatsadu, and Globalhouse you cant break up the 6-8 gang no matter what you ask for, too busy chatting, you are just interfering.

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18 minutes ago, poohy said:

Homepro staff!

when you dont want them they are like a rash 

ask a question (in Thai) it beyond their basic comprehension  or ability to answer

Haha... exactly this happened to me the other day....


I had a throng of disciples ready pounce with cunning upselling strategy.. right up until I asked (in Thai), I need a nut that fits this bolt...  all interest lost... staff disappear. One poor young lady is trapped.... I ask again, she walks off... and comes back telling me someone will be along to help (in Thai), I point out, again (in Thai) ‘all I want is a nut to fit this bolt’...I see the relief in her eyes but she’s still confused... she doesn’t understand why the Farang speaks and she can understand him.... The relief grows into a smile as the realisation dawns on her that white people can speak a bit of Thai too.... The ears didn’t believe the eyes the first time...  the nice young lady is helping me find the right sized nut amongst a whole isle of nuts and bolts in various sizes and packages... it took about 10mins... then the Manager arrives and asks in English if she can help me !!!!.... 


Edited by richard_smith237
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