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Why Do So Many Overstay a Standard Visa?

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I know that this is a very open question, with lots of different circumstances attached, but I have seen several posts lately of people on Non O visas, METV, SETV,  and even one on Elite, who have overstayed and not by just few days.  Is this a common occurrence? I just don't get it.  Why incur fines and a possible ban, just because, in some cases, the person just didn't keep track of the days, or couldn't be bothered to leave and reenter, or get an extension.  Obviously, people caught in a medical situation I totally get, it's the apparent  many who  dont; have an excuse that don't understand.  

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1 hour ago, BritTim said:
  • Misunderstanding the rules, and not looking carefully at stamps in your passport. Commonly, not understanding that your visa expiry date has nothing to do with your permission to stay.
  • Accidentally failing to get a re-entry permit, and not realising your mistake even after returning to Thailand..
  • Mental health issues that lead you to simply not care whether you are legally in Thailand or not.
  • The belief that the overstay will have no serious consequences, and is easier than the alternatives. In some cases, this is arguably true.
  • Financial troubles that make being here legally unfeasible, combined with the fact that you have no good alternative.
  • Health issues, combined with a failure to get medical extensions for one reason or another.

One point you didn't mention and which happens quite often, has also happened to me once:

Making a mistake when calculating how many days you will be allowed to stay when booking your flight. Of course this is then usually just an overstay of a day or two.

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There will be a fair few who just simply cannot count to 30, 60 or 90 ... and inadvertently cross the line. Some who do it wilfully, perhaps because they are fugitives with nowhere else to go. A few with genuine mental issues, who can't look after themselves. And some who can't be bothered and believe that they can just pay a fine and move on. A motley crew.

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1 hour ago, dcnx said:

I’ve had plenty of overstays over the years. It’s more convenient to live life on my schedule than theirs.


It’s just money, and having money buys convenience. It’s the same reason I use an agent when I start a new visa or am supposed to go to immigration. I can’t be bothered with those knuckle heads or standing in line so I pay someone to handle it for me. Overstay is the same for me, I leave when I want to leave, not when they say I have to. 


In case you’re wondering, I’ve never stayed more than a month overstay. Never had a problem, just paid the fine. Much easier than wasting time to get an extension or flying out on days you don’t want to or can’t fly on.



i used to tell friends not to worry about a few days overstay and years ago, long before the bans came in i used to overstay regular, sometimes up to a a fortnight and just pay on the way out. reasons? usually just couldn't be bothered and had no worries in paying the fine on the way out.

i wouldn't recommend anyone overstays for even a day anymore if they can avoid it. wouldn't want to have to visit a friend in idc and know they were going to get blacklisted because i said all will be well.

"but mark, you said it would be ok"

ahhh shit, i said it should be ok! you need some bottled water or something?

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In my case, I arrived at the office on my last day of work expecting to pick up my severance and notice period payment just shy of 12 months' compensation, only to be told the company only wanted to give me 4 months. i overstayed in order to take care of my labour court claim. The ex-company caved the next month and paid nearly all of the original entitlement. So yes, I overstayed.

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I've overstayed twice, you can bash me.....Once was maybe nine or ten years ago, had a tourist visa and I remembered the wrong date.  Maybe it was the date that said, "must enter...." i don't know....7 days overstay.  


next time....had to do with a new contract at work and the 90 day check-in date....i remembered one, forgot the other, and i was out of town when my contract ended........ it should have only been 1 day overstay but i think they made me come back with more paperwork and it was a few days more.  


100% my fault...  i have a feeling it won't happen again, but i don't know.  

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11 hours ago, MARK74 said:

i used to tell friends not to worry about a few days overstay and years ago, long before the bans came in i used to overstay regular, sometimes up to a a fortnight and just pay on the way out. reasons? usually just couldn't be bothered and had no worries in paying the fine on the way out.

i wouldn't recommend anyone overstays for even a day anymore if they can avoid it. wouldn't want to have to visit a friend in idc and know they were going to get blacklisted because i said all will be well.

More strict rules are usually introduced because of those who previously abused the more lenient rules.

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3 hours ago, toolpush said:

I kind of doubt that there are many Elite Visa overstayers.

maybe you are wrong.... I know 2 of them living across from me and 1 got expelled

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I dont see the people getting stuck in nightlife meeting a girl falling in love and don't want to go back anymore . Running out of money for the honey . Backpackers loving the cheap charly way of life her more then the country where they come from, and just don't bother to arrange the right visa because they want to spend their money on ganja and beer and forget to think about the conseqeunses .

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15 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

This is all the more true when someone is heavily invested in Thailand with family or gf here, and feel they have nothing to go back to in their home country or elsewhere. Not to mention clearing the overstay fine and a flight out will require money they may not be able to get their hands on. 

True, but it's difficult to feel pity on them.


Yes they need to take care of their extended family, but if they can't even afford a new visa and follow the rules you wonder what kind of poor life they are living and if it's worth it. 



Edited by balo
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We all suffer from oversight and make mistakes. However to purposely screw up with an attitude of 'oh I just can't be bothered' indicates a woeful lack of self discipline in ones life generally. Thailand appears to be the right place to be for such individuals

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14 hours ago, MARK74 said:

i used to tell friends not to worry about a few days overstay and years ago, long before the bans came in i used to overstay regular, sometimes up to a a fortnight and just pay on the way out. reasons? usually just couldn't be bothered and had no worries in paying the fine on the way out.

i wouldn't recommend anyone overstays for even a day anymore if they can avoid it. wouldn't want to have to visit a friend in idc and know they were going to get blacklisted because i said all will be well.

"but mark, you said it would be ok"

ahhh shit, i said it should be ok! you need some bottled water or something?

I wouldn’t recommend it if you fly through swampy. Chiang Mai is incredibly relaxed. 


If ever in doubt, make CNX your entry point. They operate independently from Bangkok when it comes to airport immigration.

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