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Dating advice.....possible, but not obvious "Sick buffalo"

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1 hour ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I know you mean well. But once more, you don't know the facts/misunderstood the story. I was already planning to do this BEFORE I met her. In fact, I bought the house here to rent out, and either use the rental income, or sell to start a business, somewhere else. This is not my first time around the block, sir. 

Huh... Don't you mean an condomium?


Good idea for a income ???? , don't forget the tm30 in case of renting to foreigners and/or paying revenue tax in case of Thais.

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36 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

er American husband, that turned up unexpectedly a month after I moved here.

You barstard I knew I knew you from somewhere....

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Just now, brokenbone said:

theres a minor catch, you live on the other side of the planet,

accept it if she find someone she find attractive here,

sending sms & 6 months waiting still dont cover it all

I already had plans in motion to move to Thailand by next winter before I met her. I would totally accept if she met someone else. We just started dating - my expectations wouldn't be that high yet even if she lived down the street! 

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1 hour ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I already had plans in motion to move to Thailand by next winter before I met her. I would totally accept if she met someone else. We just started dating - my expectations wouldn't be that high yet even if she lived down the street! 

ok, you might want to keep the house,

theres plenty here that are beginning to regret thailand

as the final destination, myself included.

perhaps you can rent it out long term,

you may want to forbid pets,

or at least have someone inspecting it regularly, an animal pissing about indoors

can cause need of repair that just makes it

a net loss, all the while laws strongly favor

those who rent so its not easy to get rid of them either

Edited by brokenbone
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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

i mean this in a helpful way, you are very naive. you really have to learn to appreciate what a Thai will do for 100 baht. Especially one who works in or owns a bar. The female bar owners play all the Farangs. That is how they get the money to be able to open a bar. I would be willing to bet there was originally a Farang partner in the first bar she owned who was forced out.    



3 bars = 3 exes for me. OP is a candidate for number 4 bar. There may well be other candidates.

Leave well alone; there are many more fish in the sea. You have doubts or you wouldn't have started the thread, so trust your instinct. Better safe than sorry.

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1 minute ago, pr9spk said:

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.


And by the sound of things, he's getting a pretty tasty omelette, I say go for it.

yes, i think so too, but i also think he should have an exit plan handy, perhaps when the body start show sign of disability

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1 minute ago, brokenbone said:

yes, i think so too, but i also think he should have an exit plan handy, perhaps when the body start show sign of disability

Well, unless he is the victim of either the Thai highway code, or a jealous partner, he shouldn't have to worry about that for a while yet.

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8 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I’ll supply’s an anecdote. I was sitting in a coffee place in Nimman in Chiang Mai a few years back. In came a western guy and two professional looking Thai people. I couldn’t help but hear the conversation. The guy owned a business with a similar arrangement to you, he puts up the cash but has silent partners. It appeared that the silent partners managed to force his resignation and take over his business. No doubt by foul means. He will spend a lot of money on legal advice but he may get nowhere, another Farang taken advantage of by “clever” Thais. Thais won’t view them as criminals, just smart Thais. My advice is the same as the last guy, either don’t do it or only do it with an amount of money that you can easily lose. Just don’t bet the farm.

If they were silent "shareholders" they have no way at all to push him out of his own business. Sorry, that is a myth. The only way: they were not silent and there was a fault in the share holders contract.

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7 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

and why's that

Because by Thai law all farangs together can only own less than 50% (in a limited liability company). It used to be that thai share holders need to own more than 50% and need to be the majourity in persons, too. (Aka, 1 Farang 49%, two thais tog ether 51%) The latter restriction seems to have been dropped last years (so you can have a company with one farang and one thai, but still can not own more than a bit less than 50%), however not sure about it (if the later restriction got dropped). As an american there is a special law with an exception for you, but that means you have to invest something like 10million Baht.

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13 minutes ago, Enki said:

If they were silent "shareholders" they have no way at all to push him out of his own business. Sorry, that is a myth. The only way: they were not silent and there was a fault in the share holders contract.


Well the guy is sitting in a cafe with two suited and booted Thai lawyers outlining his tale of woe ... maybe I imagined that? I have no idea what mechanism, legal or illegal, was used to extricate him from control of his business, but the conversation was very real and the guy himself looked pretty crushed. Sorry, no myth. And I doubt very much that his is an isolated case. We're not in Kansas anymore Toto! And it's important for anyone thinking of investing through Thai company legal entities to go into that arrangement with their eyes wide open ... and not bet the farm, just to be on the safe side.



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10 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

Thanks! Like I've said, the couple I'm investing with already successfully running one and we've discussed all those things - their lawyer handles everything. They have mentioned that Thai employees is a must and they have those. They also clarified all the rules of work permits, etc. 

I'll do my due diligence. 

you probably need business advice more than dating advice .   but heck,  no advice is ever taken, is it ?

live and learn.... 

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13 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I really would appreciate your input, guys. 

Also, she does tell me all the time that I "look so hansuuum" and that I could get so many younger, better looking girls if I want. .... To me this is somewhat normal behavior, but maybe she's doing that on purpose???

That sounds like normal bar girl talk.

What did she do BEFORE she owned the bars?


Hundreds of farangs own bars and have no money because they are a financial black hole. How much does it cost to stay open ( not bar related costs )?


My input as always is to enjoy the ride till it ends, but don't "invest" any money into her or the bar. The long con can take years to pan out.

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10 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I would say that the girls in her bar are like a "grey area" bar girl.... they attract the guys by being pretty, they serve the drinks and guys buy drinks for them, but as far as I saw and heard from her, they didn't go to anyone's room. There's no "boom boom" area or room either. 

Wasn't much different to when I worked in bars in downtown San Diego. We hired pretty girls for this very reason, and they stand outside and attract men. 


There isn't enough money in lady drinks for a bar girl to live on. They don't normally get a large wage from the bar, assuming it's a bar beer and not a gogo. They expect to make up the difference by being bar fined, plus what they get from the guy.

Bar beers don't have short time rooms and since when did a Thai bar have a "boom boom area"?

What the <deleted> does San Diego have to do with Thailand? It's a different universe.

In lOS, the pretty girl touts outside gogos are also available for rent.

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10 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I have tried to be cordial with you, and respectful. Now I'm done. Take your BS responses to another thread. I don't need someone like you who thinks they know who I am or what I know, to sit here and tell me "how the world works" ok? That's enough. I know a lot more than you think, and I dont have to prove squat to you. Just because you've been ripped off repeatedly doesn't mean I am dumb enough to. 

He was telling you the truth. If you can't see that you will end up like all the other guys that got taken in LOS.

I saw nothing in his post that was BS, and he certainly knows how Thailand works which is presumably what this thread is about.

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14 hours ago, sofreshnsocleanclean said:

I really would appreciate your input, guys. 

Also, she does tell me all the time that I "look so hansuuum" and that I could get so many younger, better looking girls if I want. .... To me this is somewhat normal behavior, but maybe she's doing that on purpose???

That old Asian proverb comes to mind......"Move slowly ......slowly...... to catch the monkey"

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