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Big Joke: Promises easier, faster and more "watertight" Immigration rules


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7 hours ago, Lovethailandelite said:

You have 2 choices. Comply with Immigration or leave. People crying and whinging will not change it. The positive changes are good for those can and will comply and for Thailand in it how intends to move forward and to operate it's immigration policy.
It is 2019, not 1981 any longer.

So in 1998 they grandfathered those under the old financial requirements.  Still in effect I believe.  But now if they move the goalpost it looks like not only the authorities and politician will be willing to break up Male Farang/Female Thai families or Male foreigner / Female Thai families without loosing any sleep over the matter.  Hear anything about 'Grandfathering".  I have not and don't expect to.  How about Female Foreigner / Male Thai - that will probably not see the light of day and will simply be ignored and buried.  Sexist? Yeah.  Xenophobic. Yeah.  Will anyone care?  Yeah, maybe some do-gooder in the UN will write a position paper that will be ignored. Other than that - No.
So, LoveThailandDelite - you're in the 'let's split up Male Foreigner/Female Native Thai families - and who cares.  Right?

Edited by connda
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9 hours ago, Khaeng Mak said:

Easier, faster and more watertight =


  • 1.6 million baht on deposit for 12 months for retirement extension
  • 800K baht on deposit for 12 months for wedding extension
  • 30 day reporting with full finger printing and facial scan on each occassion
  • 10K baht fine for not doing TM30 report (payable by foreigner on next extension application)
  • Compulsory medical insurance payable to agent at each immigration office. No choice of providers
  • New stamps that will burn a full page in your passport, not just half a page like the previous ones.


or perhaps a 12,000 Baht retirement extension fee. the road ahead for Thailand will be rocky.  i see trouble ahead.  i will not deposit money in the bank. too much anxiety

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8 minutes ago, BobbyL said:
The man known as Big Joke even went so far as to specifically mention "people of color and South Africans" as a problem. 

He doesn't appear to me to be a person "not of color."  What's he talking about?

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8 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Big Joke seems to equate poor = bad and rich = good.  I guess it never occurred to him that a successful criminal might have no trouble showing enough money!

Jesus was poor, but rich in grace.  but BJ would not realize this

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8 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Not going to look good for BJ when immigration are chucking 65+ year old people into the IDC. Subsequent deaths could cause him a big problem!

good point. Thailand needs all the good publicity it can get now on CNN

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5 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

10 years ago to get my retirement extension I used to have to deposit 800kB, fill in a form, stick on a photo, provide an electricity bill, pay 1900B and wait for an hour in Immigration.


These days I do exactly the same but I only have to wait about half the time.


On top of that I get paid 2.5% interest for my deposit and I can even claim back the withholding tax paid on the interest.


Should I feel "under siege"?

Yes ....

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It's all coming to an end...just deal with the fact folks that they want us out and they are slowly tightening the screw to make it happen as they can't just throw us all out due to bad PR. I would say most have about 5-10 years, depending on their stats, and then it's only rich people and WP (if you are lucky).

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1 minute ago, connda said:

And again, someone with under a 100 posts schooling those of us who have been here a decade or longer.  Of course, you've been living here from 20 years, but just started to comment on TV.  :closedeyes: 

Always remonstrating with us for not having their empathy and understanding of the Thai.

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6 hours ago, moe666 said:

I keep hearing they have made it harder and I have to ask harder how. Other than tighting up the proof of your income and now requireing it to be shown in a Thai Bank, only for the 4 lazy Embassies, also longer stay of your lumpsum in the bank money. What is harder folks, O forgot only harder for the fools who have been fooling themselves with lies about their income or using a agent to deposit money for them. Many times here on Thai Visa have seen the Brits complaing about the US folks who only had to raise their hand and swear my income. Well, now they are in the same boat even though they showed paper work their Embassy can not be bothered to actually prove it was correct. Get over it boys changes are coming and people do not like it, especially those who have been lying and cheating

i trust U.S. banks period. the political situations here is unstable.  when did you see tanks in the streets in the U.S. last.  get real.  some of us are just playing it smart.  Immigration is not the least interested in statement from my U.S. brokerage accounts.  this is just a windfall for the banks here.  nothing to do with cheating. 

Edited by malibukid
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6 hours ago, Ctkong said:

I think BJ is not thinking about criminals among long stay visa owners. The point is the amount of money these people spend in the local economy. As costs increase, the amount needed in the bank should also increase proportionally. They do not want foreigners living at the edge and resorting to crimes to stay afloat. I believed looking at how thailand treat those criminals with means, I think doing the right thing is not in their mindset. Is it all about money and power. That is why well off criminals are able to stay in Thailand for long periods under the radar and also maybe under the auspicious of the authorities in the area. Criminals targeted Thailand to retire not only because of lax border enforcement but also because they know payoff can work well to leave them well alone. 

I know!  Let's force farang, especially on fixed incomes, to put more of their limited disposable income in a Thai bank which pays 1% interest or less, because then these pensioners who now have less disposable income are less likely to commit crime because they are relatively poorer.    ????  Doesn't matter that 10 or 15 years ago they were supporting the Thai economy.  Now? Hell, screw them.

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I went for my retirement extension yesterday and had no problems (800k in bank). I did, however, ask if there were any new rules regarding this method. The IO said that there were to be several changes but didn't know any detail since, as yet, no one at that office had been briefed. Perhaps it was the content of the OP that the IO was referring to.

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6 minutes ago, Genmai said:

To all the people saying that those who are concerned are overreacting or “just put the bloody 800k in the bank and be done with it”

Ask them about that when it's 3m - see how many can still “just put the bloody 800k in the bank and be done with it”

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