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Big Joke: Promises easier, faster and more "watertight" Immigration rules


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41 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

What hundreds of naff laws are you talking about?

Asking embassies to verify income. All except four can comply. Asking to prove that the money in the bank is real? Only a matter of time for that to happen. If people hadn't been rorting the system there would have been no need for these changes.

Now that some people are having trouble complying, a reasonable person may conclude that they never met the conditions to qualify for an extension of stay in the first place.

Thats two naff laws, can you list the other hundreds?


I guess I'm the only one who can see the irony in these visa related thread. On any given day when there is a car/truck/motorbike accident there a some passionate calls for enforcing laws. Now that the law affects you personally posters whine and whinge how unfair enforcement is.







herein lies the problem.

1. U.S.D. forecast is very good against the baht.

2. the confusion resulting with the recent election here does not

   bode well for investments.

i will gladly submit documents that will support proof that i can meet the current criteria.  the U.S. Embassy could have done this.  Immigration has no interest in doing this, consequently it is easier to have them mandate that money in the Thai bank.  not bad for the banks either, but i stand to loose 8KUSD. with the strengthening dollar.  sorry no forgein bank for me.  just too scary right now.  the smart Jewish guy's who work for me back home agree.  


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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

That's because women have a very short shelf life.

Marry a beauty and five years later she'll most likely look fat and old.

Happened to my (former) Thai wife, from stunning to 'no thanks' in five years.

Didn't happen to my (former) Brit wife, she was always a dog.

Well, that's exactly what they'll think about you, unless it's Thailand and you feed them money (or other parts of the world more money), in which case you are indeed a "handsum man". ????

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28 minutes ago, malibukid said:

herein lies the problem.

1. U.S.D. forecast is very good against the baht.

2. the confusion resulting with the recent election here does not

   bode well for investments.

i will gladly submit documents that will support proof that i can meet the current criteria.  the U.S. Embassy could have done this.  Immigration has no interest in doing this, consequently it is easier to have them mandate that money in the Thai bank.  not bad for the banks either, but i stand to loose 8KUSD. with the strengthening dollar.  sorry no forgein bank for me.  just too scary right now.  the smart Jewish guy's who work for me back home agree.  


No problem, enjoy being back in USA or whatever country you qualify for.

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3 hours ago, NightSky said:



I would guess that truly wealthy westerners don’t come to live in Bangkok out of choice as there are much more luxurious parts of the world to live.





If you’re honestly wealthy and choose to live in a place like Thailand, you’re feeding a habit of some kind unless you have business here.

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On 3/28/2019 at 2:01 AM, Hayduke said:


Yes...absolutely...this will definitely make a difference. People will know instantly, and without doubt, whether they have just entered or have just departed the country



Some people will still not know if they are coming or going ????

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1 hour ago, dcnx said:

If you’re honestly wealthy and choose to live in a place like Thailand, you’re feeding a habit of some kind unless you have business here.

Yes, OR, you're feeding the habit of disliking life in your home country and truly enjoy sun, surf, pretty ladies, laid-back lifestyle and a solid relationship with a woman 15 years younger than you could have at home. Those are my reasons despite having a much more than very comfortable retirement account.


I've not been to every country in the world but enough to know a good thing (for me) when I see it. 


Whatever pulls your trigger I guess. 

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7 hours ago, Thaiarrow said:

Your attention is directed to  the previous response;

Official statements and news for immigration matters can be found here in foreign language; https://www.immigration.go.th/index . The two sections are News and Announcements.

The reliable source of information on immigration matters is the government, not anonymous persons making claims on Facebook, Panthip, Nation Media website. 

You mean the News and Announcements that are in Thai, even though the page is the English option ? Not so useful is it ? Perhaps you (and LoveThailandElite ) could be gainfully employed on government websites instead of trolling here.


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2 hours ago, dcnx said:

If you’re honestly wealthy and choose to live in a place like Thailand, you’re feeding a habit of some kind unless you have business here.

Agreed, Thailand is for the poorer retirees.

The wealthy will be in Mauritius, Seychelles, Montego, Nassau.

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40 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Yes, OR, you're feeding the habit of disliking life in your home country and truly enjoy sun, surf, pretty ladies, laid-back lifestyle and a solid relationship with a woman 15 years younger than you could have at home. Those are my reasons despite having a much more than very comfortable retirement account.


I've not been to every country in the world but enough to know a good thing (for me) when I see it. 


Whatever pulls your trigger I guess. 

You can't be that wealthy if your woman is only 15 years younger.

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5 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Nothing to worry about this is just a warm up for the mico-chip implant on arrival,,,, 

Or maybe a GPS linked ankle bracelet so they would always know where we are. At least we would no longer need to make 90 day reports.

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Just now, DaRoadrunner said:

Or maybe a GPS linked ankle bracelet so they would always know where we are. At least we would no longer need to make 90 day reports.

No the technology here is not up to that level.  They will drill a hole through one of your teeth and then use a length of string to tie you up to a post.  That is how I used to keep track of my pet tortoise when I was a kid.

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11 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Or maybe a GPS linked ankle bracelet so they would always know where we are. At least we would no longer need to make 90 day reports.

Only if I get to put an electric shock collar on all Thai drivers, I'd say that's a good compromise.

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51 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Very little in Thailand can't be fixed with money.


I've mentioned this in another thread. 


Years ago, when I didn't realize that my ฿800K couldn't be in a joint account, lo and behold ฿2000 and everything was 'fixed'


Whole country is corrupt from top to bottom, anyone who tries argue the opposite is either blind or stupid

Correct, just add another zero for today's rate. Corruption has become more expensive since you last experienced it.

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On 3/28/2019 at 10:05 AM, Khaeng Mak said:

Easier, faster and more watertight =


  • 1.6 million baht on deposit for 12 months for retirement extension
  • 800K baht on deposit for 12 months for wedding extension
  • 30 day reporting with full finger printing and facial scan on each occassion
  • 10K baht fine for not doing TM30 report (payable by foreigner on next extension application)
  • Compulsory medical insurance payable to agent at each immigration office. No choice of providers
  • New stamps that will burn a full page in your passport, not just half a page like the previous ones.


Sadly, you are probably close to the mark, I am established in the Philippines now and currently hosting two Aussie friends on prospecting trips, BOTH with Thai wives and children 

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7 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

I really question the intelligence of these kinds of posts.  I'm not eligible for a retirement visa due to my age, but I don't understand why anyone from anywhere would be happy to keep 800,000 locked and sealed in a Thai bank.  Do you not consider exchange rates, emergencies, better investments?  Even if you happen to have x million baht to throw around, others don't or would rather use it for travel, kid's education, fixing the leaking roof, donating to charity, whatever.  I agree with another poster that retirees and married guys are not a big criminal threat.  It doesn't apply to me personally...yet.  But if one had 400,000 in the bank to satisfy retirement requirements and suddenly it doubled all of a sudden, it could sink the ship or at least be a major inconvenience.  I don't see how it helps anyone other than Thai banks.  I feel bad for the guys that already chose to retire here and got screwed.  And if I was 90 years old and had a million baht, I wouldn't want to be forced to keep it in a Thai bank.  What makes you think all of these guys were lying and cheating?

shakedown street

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