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Brexit deadlocked again: British parliament fails to find an alternative


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19 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

To be fair, I think it's only grouse that has suggested that only the more 'educated' should be allowed to vote?

He's not so keen though when it comes to the more intelligent!

Either way the Brexiteers lose out and that's not fair. ????

Edited by SheungWan
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19 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Yeh the remainers/lefties never seem to get banned. Constant trolling, baiting, patronising, condescending, name calling and bigotry are allowed here apparently.

Enemies Of The People!

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17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

It's always about the bus, eh? That's all the Remainers ever had.

When all this was kicking off so many years ago, the Remain camp couldn't come up with any single campaign promise that resonated like the Brexit camp's simple "Let's Take Back Control" which in its brilliant non-specificity, embraced the UK's laws, taxes, immigration, security and borders with only 4 words.

Referenced or your own words?

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

A general election must now be called

Not sure on this one,

1)the potential for getting someone even worse than May (Hard to imagine I know) leading the Tories is considerable.

2) Labour are basically interested in a Stalinist purge, they care about their internal battle much more than they care about the country.

3) Another hung parliament is on the cards and who knows the vile religious nutters or of the DUP could hold the balance of power again - can we afford to bribe them indefinitely.

4) We have a total mess to clean up, and whilst the ability of the pathetic current MPs to compromise is limited, are we going to improve this. 

5) An election is taking up valuable time which should be devoted to sorting out Brexit. 

Ideally that would mean dumping the whole idiotic idea before it ruins our economy, and executing Farage, Banks, JRM, and Johnson for treason...............what are we no longer allowed to do that anymore........highly regrettable.

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30 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Not sure on this one,

1)the potential for getting someone even worse than May (Hard to imagine I know) leading the Tories is considerable.

2) Labour are basically interested in a Stalinist purge, they care about their internal battle much more than they care about the country.

3) Another hung parliament is on the cards and who knows the vile religious nutters or of the DUP could hold the balance of power again - can we afford to bribe them indefinitely.

4) We have a total mess to clean up, and whilst the ability of the pathetic current MPs to compromise is limited, are we going to improve this. 

5) An election is taking up valuable time which should be devoted to sorting out Brexit. 

Ideally that would mean dumping the whole idiotic idea before it ruins our economy, and executing Farage, Banks, JRM, and Johnson for treason...............what are we no longer allowed to do that anymore........highly regrettable.


Ideally that would mean dumping the whole idiotic idea before it ruins our economy, and executing Farage, Banks, JRM, and Johnson for treason...............what are we no longer allowed to do that anymore........highly regrettable.


Could be the next Boles amendment, can't see Bercow having a problem with that one.

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And who will be sorting out the Brexit debacle during the 6 weeks of intense electioneering ? 
The EU will grant a 2 year extension, so there will be plenty of time for the new government to sort it out, with a People's Vote.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, Topdoc said:

It's not a 'nightmare scenario', it's what the British people voted for!

Watch the video and see for yourselves:


but what about now? It's all very well venting one's frustration in a referendum but the sh1t hits the fan once your wishes come true. anger was never a good advisor.

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37 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

You are 100% wrong. But I couldn't care less about the Pound devaluing as long as we Brexit. Something I've waited nearly 45 years to happen. Don't listen to the doom forecasters. 

Oh dear. You wave the union jack in the morning as well?

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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


I support a hard Brexit, 100%. 


I was never conned, nor do I look down upon people with  a differing opinion. 


There's plenty of Brexit supporters here - but it's tiresome being called racists, small minded, stupid, gullible. People come here to have discussions & when the opposition doesn't have a single valid argument and falls back on insults, it's clear there's not much to discuss.

It is also clear that there was never an overwhelming support for this madness either, if there was it would have been done and dusted by now.

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5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

What if you end up with a hung parliament? according to some political observers that is a possibility.

Hung parliament?  I'll bring the rope!


More voting on Wednesday I believe.  


Part of me thinks that behind all the chaos, most of the MP's know where we will end up and all of this is posturing.  Another part of me thinks that they are all pathetic "no idea what to vote for" idiots.  But the biggest part of me thinks that this is all about self preservation for their sorry a*ses and sod what is the right thing for the country.

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6 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

It is also clear that there was never an overwhelming support for this madness either, if there was it would have been done and dusted by now.

Really, the UK is dealing with your lot...Again....????

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All alternatives rejected.
Very distasteful to reject everything but not to find a viable compromise for all.
The government and parliament of the UK is unable to find a yes consensus.
If the parliament and the government are unable to act, the ability to act must be restored.
Either through
- a new referendum or
- by new elections or
- a phased exit from the EU with realistic deadlines.

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6 hours ago, Grouse said:

A general election must now be called


How will that solve the impasse? The Tories and Labor would have to declare their plans for Brexit in their manifesto. And they'd simply lie just like now.

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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Hung parliament?  I'll bring the rope!


More voting on Wednesday I believe.  


Part of me thinks that behind all the chaos, most of the MP's know where we will end up and all of this is posturing.  Another part of me thinks that they are all pathetic "no idea what to vote for" idiots.  But the biggest part of me thinks that this is all about self preservation for their sorry a*ses and sod what is the right thing for the country.


You bring the rope mate. I can tie the right knot!

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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Call a General Elecation now and then the constituents can then decide, if their shambolic Member of Parliament, that is supposedly are representing them, should stay or be shown the door.

It is the only democratic and justifiable thing left to do.

No thanks, that's not the solution. 

A General election would mean to take part in elections for EU parliament. And subsequently staying in EU for at least a year. 

You see your way is a dead end road. 

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