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UK PM May asks EU for Brexit delay until June 30


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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I totally agree if it is true but my belief is the EU presidents do not give a flying f about the member countries and they do as they are told. But here is wishing your correct.????

afaik any decision regarding another delay must be approved by the 27 member states. and apparently it wasn't. The UK may pull a rabbit out of the hat during the weekend... I doubt it.

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well lets see but have you noticed how Donald Tusk tweets or says things instantly without consulting the other 27 member states. He and the other 4 EU presidents pull the strings IMHO.

At least the Hard Brexiteers here consult their nutcase populist websites before setting forth.

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3 hours ago, arithai12 said:

afaik any decision regarding another delay must be approved by the 27 member states. and apparently it wasn't. The UK may pull a rabbit out of the hat during the weekend... I doubt it.

No shortage of Hard Brexiteer rabbit.

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I totally agree if it is true but my belief is the EU presidents do not give a flying f about the member countries and they do as they are told. But here is wishing your correct.????

Its Conspiracy Time!

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Seems clear that the EU are no longer going to be unanimous about another extension of "flextension" - so we'll be left with a simple choice.  "No deal" Brexit on 12 April, Theresa May's deal, or revoke Article 50.  I can't see Parliament or Theresa May going for the former, everyone except TM hates the second one, so thankfully the whole thing may get called off.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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4 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

A member obsessed with Conspiracy Theory?

However, On behalf of the 'SMUGGLERS ASSOCIATION' on

the IRISH BORDER. Would you please make up your minds

as our members want to get back to work.

Do not forget White van man Dave on his weekly Booze Cruise or Fag Ash Lil on her weekly Trip to Tenerife and her ten suitcases of Backy...   

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10 hours ago, bomber said:

banks merging whatever next, we hear from brexiteers on here about all the poverty and youth jobless in spain,yet santander are one of the biggest and best banks (yes iam a customer) in the UK and didnt they buy out/save the abbey national bank,i am sure they did. 

Was not the Abbey fire salvage???

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9 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

It does amuse me when people say things like this - like it's all about the number of people.  It's not a game of soldiers! 

Fyi, the sum of the populations of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria comes to about 580m. 


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