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Police chief orders Big Joke transferred to inactive post

Jonathan Fairfield

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15 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:
33 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

Only US, UK & AU.

And Denmark  

No. Denmark Embassy announced latter that it would in fact continue to deliver documents showing income for Immigration purpose.

Edited by Pattaya46
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Just now, natway09 said:

Somebody in high places has lost all their cheap illegal labour force


actually. one hopes his spin doctors have been told told to pack their bags too, and follow him...

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55 minutes ago, silver sea said:

We are living in a foreign country. Why shouldn’t we be required to check in to Immigration every three months, so they know we are still living where we say we are. Hardly Big Brother.

We have already told them 4 times prior, TM6, Tm28, Tm30, yearly extension, and why not just presume we are still here unless notified.

Edited by Peterw42
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12 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

No. Denmark Embassy announced latter that it would in fact continue to deliver documents showing income for Immigration purpose.

Other 3 embassies could have do the same... but didn't.

Really? I haven't seen that. While Certainly possible  I can't see anything on the embassy website and it isn't listed as an item in the news section. Item 4 is still

14.11.2018  10:02

The Danish Embassy in Bangkok can no longer issue income certificates/pension letters as a supporting document for obtaining a one-year visa through the Thai authorities.


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57 minutes ago, silver sea said:



How is 90 day reporting onerous?! 


We are living in a foreign country. Why shouldn’t we be required to check in to Immigration every three months, so they know we are still living where we say we are. Hardly Big Brother.


And the fine of 2000 baht for being late is hardly a ‘borderline scam’ either. You have 90 days to plan ahead and a ‘window’ of just over 3 weeks within which to turn up at Immigration (15 days before and 7 days after the due date).


If you are so disorganised that not even a financial penalty can get your a** in gear then there’s no hope for you. 


I was sad when I heard about Big Joke. It seemed to me that he had made a genuine effort to make a positive difference, particularly with his crack down on corruption in his department.


As others have suggested, his apparent success and popularity has made others jealous, or has threatened some powerful people’s income streams. He has only been in post a short time. Didn’t take long for these vested interests to kick back at him.


Reminded me of the old legend of Icarus who flew too close to the sun. Although, judging by some of the gloating posts here, others see him as a later day Satan ????





Funny you should mention that.  Was talking to some Chinese students who were doing their 90 report.  They thought it draconian and dumb.  As foreigner living in China, you just need to get your housing contract and some other incidentals and everyone is really nice.  It is just a formality and as long as you try to comply, nothing bad happens.  You do that one time, not every 90 days.  You get more smiles at immigration in China than you do in Thailand

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19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Maybe not reversed but hopefully put in a locked filing cabinet in a storage room somewhere and ignored.

Hmmmhh... I'd be rather pessimistic about that. There is a definite possibility that his removal could be because he wasn't tough enough. 

Think of what could happen if the current army chief took over immigration, among other things..

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4 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

A threat to his superior's positions?

I was thinking maybe something like that - he was being tipped for the top job with Prawit's backing and at age 48 would have 12 years before retirement. So that is 12 senior officers that would not get their 1 year as Chief before retiring. 12 years is along time in Thai politics but maybe 3 or 4 was seen as possible.


If they are going against the Watchman then they must feel his power is on the way out - just like the vendors who have appeared back on the pavement all of a sudden.

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54 minutes ago, silver sea said:



If it can happen in Dallas, when Pammy woke up and found that Bobby wasn’t dead after all, and it had all been one big dream, it can happen here in Thailand too I’m sure! ???? but I guess some of you are are too young to remember Dallas 1986




Dallas was stupid, but Victoria Principal was a babe. Watched it sometimes just for her. Ahh...to be 16 and in love again.



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19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Maybe not reversed but hopefully put in a locked filing cabinet in a storage room somewhere and ignored.

Of course there is always the other alternative...he was too lenient and rules will be further enhanced. Not that I think this will happen but just like to cover the possibilities,????

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1 hour ago, mokwit said:

No, and it is a meaningless amount.

It might be in terms of the total Thai GDP, but it's a useful source of foreign currency from a group of old codgers who cause hardly any problems and provide homes jobs and livelihood to an awful lot of locals.

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1 hour ago, nchuckle said:

The embassies only decided to stop the letters when some jumped up self aggrandising official flexed his muscles. BJ's orders dealing with the aftermath was ill thought through,poorly drafted,ambiguous and caused confusion and uncertainty with expats and IOs both. The alteration of the seasoning period was a later knee jerk afterthought with vague 'leniency ' directives causing further confusion still lasting to this day. The post visa 'seasoning' makes no sense ,achieves nothing, other than maybe preventing spending of those funds in the economy.

If all the embassies had stopped issuing letters then I'd've said that it was probably the fault of TI. However, because only the fab four stopped dishing them out it leads me to believe that it was an embassy choice. Before anyone says it, although some do, I don't believe that all the other embassies check your income all the way back to source.

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