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Police chief orders Big Joke transferred to inactive post

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18 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Something big is happening.......Let see ....

Something is happening he’s being transferred to his next assignment just like they do every year.  Police and military officers at his level are usually transferred to their next assignments within a year or two at the most.  Sometimes less than a year depending on the internal politics.  In this case he is being transferred a little early and it might have something to do with the election or just internal politics because the election results are still being disputed and it’s supposed to be decided on May 6th I believe as far as who the Prime Minister will be and which Party will assume power if that even changes at all.  I would expect to see a lot of personnel changes in the Thai government over the next month.  


His transfer really is not as big a deal as people think it is I’ve lost count of how many Immigration Chiefs have come and gone since I first got here.  Seems like every year I’m reading about a new Immigration Chief promising how tough he’s going to be on illegal aliens and foreign criminals.  The only difference is that this guy was more famous than previous Immigration Chiefs which makes it this so called “big news story”.  Police and other high and low level military officers are routinely transferred to their next assignments all the time usually between 1 and 2 years at the most and quite often less time then that depending on the internal politics.  


At his level this could quite possibly have something to do with the election usually around election time is when high level government officials start getting transferred around the most but the police and their military officers are kind of in the same category here in Thailand.  It could just be a routine transfer it happens here all the time about once a year not everything is a vast government conspiracy.  Although obviously something fishy is going on with the undecided election and it’s possible that this could be a result of that and it probably is.  


But regardless these high and low level police and military officers are routinely transferred to their next assignments all the time.  I mean did everyone really think he was going to be in that position forever?  Obviously not unless you haven’t been paying attention for the last 5 years at least.  


One thing I haven’t thought about till now is the election dispute this could be a result of that because he is being transferred at least 5 months early maybe more.  Now maybe this comment might be speculation like everyone else is doing which is speculating but the finalized election results are supposed to be decided in less than a month around early May so it’s possible that this early transfer could be a sign that a new Prime Minister might be in coming.  That’s just speculating but it’s very possible.  So I wonder how many other Thai government agency officials particularly high level Police and military Generals are also going to be transferred around.  In fact is the Immigration Chief the first and only one so far or have there been others?  Consider that.  And consider the fact that Thailand is currently in a political crisis because of the disputed election.  


Another possibility as to why he’s being transferred early is that he is kind of what’s referred to in the military as a “spot-lighter” in other words he likes attention look at me and look at what I’m doing, I’m better than everyone else.  That doesn’t necessarily make him a bad officer but that’s not a quality that military Commanders like very much in fact they hate it and we all know who’s currently running the government.  


Bottom line it might not be a routine transfer or maybe it was, but him being transferred is not really a big deal it would have happened eventually within at least the next year as it normally does.  It’s inevitable that high and low level police and military officers are routinely transferred to their next assignments all the time, especially during election times.  Regardless of the why it’s just part of the process routine or not especially during this political climate.  I’m sure others will be transferred as well if not already.  I’m trying to recall how many Immigration Chiefs we’ve had over the past 5 years but I remember over the past years at least once a year reading about the new Chief of Immigration, I haven’t really kept up with it because I don’t really care but I do know that there’s been more than just a few in the past 5 years.  But of course every time Surachat takes a pee it’s big news because he’s made such a name for himself because of his own ambition.  The last Immigration Chief never got this much attention but Surachat has been getting A TON of news media attention even before he was appointed as the head of immigration.  So honestly it’s just a good news story because of his fame if it was anyone else the immigration rules would still be the same the same changes would have still been made and this would not be a big story about the Immigration Chief getting reassigned so what.  Surachat just became the face of a lot of things that he didn’t control although he did like to spotlight himself a lot which also may have had something to do with his early transfer.  


Of course it’s possible that maybe he got caught up in some scandal and maybe they are trying to sweep it under the rug because he had the honest cop reputation but that’s just speculation.  It’s probably got something to do with the election because he is being transferred pretty early and Thailand is in political turmoil right now.  So over the next month there’s probably going to be a lot of personnel changes in the Thai government.  



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11 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

If he is responsible for the visa extension havok then it is justified.

Keeping 800,000 Baht in the bank for 5 months without interest is extortion.  //

No such requirement.

Fixed Deposit Accounts - by example - are accepted in many places and give interests.

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1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

The mighty have fallen, hard.  Have NO love for the man, but if I were his friend, I would tell him to take some vacation time to avoid the media feeding frenzy. 


Reports from outside Thailand would suggest, he really doesn't have that option at this point.

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6 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

So over the next month there’s probably going to be a lot of personnel changes in the Thai government.

You need to explore this subject on the web a little further if you think he will be back, there are a few links to the "possible" truth  :wink:

Edited by CGW
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1 minute ago, CGW said:

You need to explore this subject on the web a little further if you think he will be back, there are a few links to the truth  :wink:

"a few links to the truth"... and many rumours!... apparently... :ermm:

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    I can appreciate that efforts where needed to counter illegal's in the country, but maybe his policies where too agressive, and he's been killing the goose that laid the golden egg, ie, stepped on too many toes, and damageing Thailand' economy and reputation.

   I'm sure the real reason will eventually be told as its a serious question on everybody lips.

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How does a rule of law be called crazy? If it bothers self it is crazy and if not it's good? 

The hatred shown to BJ speaks volumes of the type of foreigners trying to live in Thailand long time.

I pity the Thais and admire their patience and tolerance. 

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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

If all the embassies had stopped issuing letters then I'd've said that it was probably the fault of TI. However, because only the fab four stopped dishing them out it leads me to believe that it was an embassy choice. Before anyone says it, although some do, I don't believe that all the other embassies check your income all the way back to source.

I mostly agree - the sensible embassies just ignored it as typical Thai bluster and carried on. The others naively took it at face value and in the pretence  of playing a straight bat (and perhaps to cover their <deleted> at the expense of their own nationals ) stuck 2 fingers up at TI.

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3 hours ago, rexall said:

Highly unlikely! No matter the country, laws are rarely eliminated once they are instated. The best to hope for, in my opinion, is that the more insane ones will simply be swept under the rug and ignored.

were the laws ever instated or was it a proposal ?

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59 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Why would the UK want us ex pats back  ??   They would have to at least double my pension because of no increment increases for me for 12 years.   also they would have to pay for free TV, Hospital, transport for the elderly and housing.......   this seems to contradict your post. 

After 12 years you may have bad surprises, there is also another more political reason that I don't write about which causes moderators ????

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5 minutes ago, ravip said:

How does a rule of law be called crazy? If it bothers self it is crazy and if not it's good? 

The hatred shown to BJ speaks volumes of the type of foreigners trying to live in Thailand long time.

I pity the Thais and admire their patience and tolerance. 

Plenty of Thais commenting on this man who clearly don’t like him either. I guess when you threaten and arrest people for sharing stories, etc, it shows the kind of person you are. 

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42 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Well other countries in the region do not have celebrity police officers that are in the news constantly.  Is Thailand such a basket case they need a super hero cop with his own website and media staff?  That may be why he is out.  Its totally weird the amount of attention he gets over such trivial things.  There are some special people in Thailand that make Thailand special, but he is NOT one of them.   Guessing there is a popularity purge happening in junta land.  He's an obvious target. 

In the United States where I’m originally from in Arizona we had Sheriff Joe Arpaio I know that’s not in this region obviously but just sayin.  I think everyone in the world has at least heard of Sheriff Joe from Arizona. I kind of have to agree with the person you’re responding to although I don’t know Surachat personally so I can’t possibly know or presume what’s in his heart and mind.  

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I take no side in this matter as I know nothing about the workings of the RTP..however..I read a book quite recently about Colonel Tim Collins.
Ist Royal Irish Guards...SAS man..imo he was a wonderful man..very protective to his troops.
Whilst in Iraq..he made no secret of his disgust re..basically..2nd rate military equipment..and other matters.
After that..he was questioned by the military police re various matters..2 years later..NO CASE TO ANSWER..shortly after that..he resigned his commission.
Imo..blair..brown..dr.ha ha john reid and the other scummy charlatans did not like the TRUTH and needed to discredit him.
Read the book!!!
Just thinking how easy it is for establishments to..shall we say..do things to people.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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38 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

If he is responsible for the visa extension havok then it is justified. Keeping 800,000 Baht in the bank for 5 months without interest is extortion. Then a further 3 months with 400,000. Crazy. What are foreigners supposed to live on? They are painting everyone with the same brush. Agents should not be allowed to apply, especially for a retirement visa. It was a simple process. That is why I gave up doing the O family extension, too complicated snd repedative. Not reciprocal, EU and UK countries give you a right as soon as you are married or have children with a foreign national if the relationship is proved genuine. Thailand does not welcome foreign nationals but is happy to take their money and offer nothing in return.


You are right but Europe lives in a democracy, here is all the difference


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WOW. If this is not a late April 1 joke, this can be the best news for expats, and tourists too.

He was excellent from start, very hard working officers that got results.


He might, in his stress for achievements, put his feet where he shouldn't, and maybe gone way too far.


Did Thailand finally notice the high number of expats leaving last 1,5 year?

Do Thailand soon want us expats to stay, and hope for us who already left to return?

Is this the brake expats need?

Will latest requirements for 1 year of extension of stay, be relaxed soon?


I'm not holding my breath, but I wish that this will be the case.

Heck, I might be able to return to the country I love and miss so much, unique Thailand.

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9 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

In the United States where I’m originally from in Arizona we had Sheriff Joe Arpaio I know that’s not in this region obviously but just sayin.  I think everyone in the world has at least heard of Sheriff Joe from Arizona. I kind of have to agree with the person you’re responding to although I don’t know Surachat personally so I can’t possibly know or presume what’s in his heart and mind.  

But Sheriff Joe, to the best of my knowledge, talked about illegal immigration where people from all over the world were flying to Mexico to enter the US illegally.  Then came the Central American Caravans.  Joe speaks to a certain problem.  Joke was all over the place. 


He tried to stamp out "tipping" at immigration.  Perhaps that was his downfall. 

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26 minutes ago, CGW said:

You need to explore this subject on the web a little further if you think he will be back, there are a few links to the "possible" truth  :wink:

I have been exploring the subject for over 5 years even before I retired here actually like the last 10 or 11 years I haven’t paid a lot of attention to who’s appointed to what position because it doesn’t really effect me.  “If I think he’ll be back?” Huh?  He’s gone he’s been transferred maybe read my entire post I’m not sure what gave you the idea that I would think he’d be back.  


Basically my point was that everyone is reading WAY too much into this, it’s definitely not that big a deal.  It’s just another new Immigration Chief that’s going to take over and in maybe another year, 18 months, or possibly longer or shorter there will be another new head of immigration after the next one moves on to his next assignment.  My basic point is that everyone is reading way too much into it as they do a lot of things on this forum.  It’s not like Surachat was gonna be in that position forever everyone is reading way too much into it which was my point summed up.  He’s just another political appointee in charge of a government agency here today and gone tomorrow.  

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8 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

But Sheriff Joe, to the best of my knowledge, talked about illegal immigration where people from all over the world were flying to Mexico to enter the US illegally.  Then came the Central American Caravans.  Joe speaks to a certain problem.  Joke was all over the place. 


He tried to stamp out "tipping" at immigration.  Perhaps that was his downfall. 

Actually that makes Sheriff Joe a better example of this now that you mention illegal immigration.  He was getting really tough to the point of making his deputies ask to see passports anytime they pulled anyone over for a routine traffic stop.  And profiling Hispanics he was heavily criticized and even sued by the Obama Administration but obviously that part is different because America is way different.  Arizona became known as the “show me your papers state”.  

Edited by Jim7777
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