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Biden's rise in 2020 race catches Trump's eye, unnerves his allies


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Biden's dislike of white people of European ancestry( the guys and gals that created America in the first place) might not bode well for his electability. At least not until his goals have been achieved more fully. This clip does leave me feeling uneasy.


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Yes the white resentment / white fear / white nationalist brand totally belongs to the "trump" camp. They can keep it! There was nothing at all wrong with what Biden said. Diversity rocks!

Edited by Jingthing
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Biden's biggest hurdle, if he gets that far, will be in the primaries. In both parties, primary voters tend to the extremes and don't represent the party as a whole. Democratic primary voters tend left and young, both groups that Biden has a lot of trouble with.  If he somehow can survive the primary process relatively unscathed, he would IMHO have a genuine shot at beating Trump. Never mind the merits of his politics, a simple message of "restore sanity to politics" could very well carry the election. 


Trump would have to counter with the economy, some foreign policy triumphs, and hopefully an infrastructure package (now in the works).  


But Joe won't get that far unfortunately. He will die a death by a thousand cuts from his younger and more "woke" opponents.  His record is too long for them to resist picking apart.

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1 minute ago, Hanaguma said:

Biden's biggest hurdle, if he gets that far, will be in the primaries. In both parties, primary voters tend to the extremes and don't represent the party as a whole. Democratic primary voters tend left and young, both groups that Biden has a lot of trouble with.  If he somehow can survive the primary process relatively unscathed, he would IMHO have a genuine shot at beating Trump. Never mind the merits of his politics, a simple message of "restore sanity to politics" could very well carry the election. 


Trump would have to counter with the economy, some foreign policy triumphs, and hopefully an infrastructure package (now in the works).  


But Joe won't get that far unfortunately. He will die a death by a thousand cuts from his younger and more "woke" opponents.  His record is too long for them to resist picking apart.

I love how so many people think they know what is going to happen with Biden's campaign this early, when actually nobody can possibly know. 

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7 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

Have the democrats really nobody better than this creep? 

 Biden is such an embarrassing person and the whole world knows what he’s about. 

Truely a party in disarray.

Just change from democrats to republicans and you have it right

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I love how so many people think they know what is going to happen with Biden's campaign this early, when actually nobody can possibly know. 

The reason we know is history. People like "safe" things, or things they perceive as safe. They somehow want change, but do not know how to get it in actuality because they are paralized by their fear of things actually changing. American society's great paradox. Idk how to spell paralized, i give up. 

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5 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

The reason we know is history. People like "safe" things, or things they perceive as safe. They somehow want change, but do not know how to get it in actuality because they are paralized by their fear of things actually changing. American society's great paradox. Idk how to spell paralized, i give up. 

No. You don't know. Remember Obama came out of nowhere to beat Hillary, who was much more of a "sure thing" than Biden. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's super early. Historically having a big lead this early is usually meaningless in the long run. Biden has already made a major error in a statement about China policy. It remains a very wide open race.

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Here is my reasoning that got left out of the last post.


People like things to stay generally the same, for whatever subliminal reason who cares. 


Biden is white. 

Biden is a man.

Biden is allegedly heterosexual.

Biden is sorta an old dude that looks a lot like many past presidents.

Biden does not come out with his opinions, he waits for poll numbers, then tells us what he thinks (eg healthcare)


People are so scared. It really is a joke. I am sorry but it is. Let us just say Klobuchar and Biden are equally good candidates for the American people for argument's sake. Biden will get the nod every time. You know why... because people feel like if there is a war, they want Biden behind the reigns. Nothing based in facts or experience of course. Just a man, eho is white and old, and that just makes people feel safe. You wont hear people actually say this stuff, but that is the type of stuff people decide the presidency on without any doubt. Totally baseless too. There is simply no hope for America to elect a great leader anymore. Kennedy was it, that was the last one. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No. You don't know. Remember Obama came out of nowhere to beat Hillary, who was much more of a "sure thing" than Biden. 

I do know there will be a what I will call "safe" nominee as the candidate. Biden is the most safe in my eyes. But yeah the runner up could get the nod too... but none of that will make any difference these are all puppets short of Bernie. 

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Just now, utalkin2me said:

I do know there will be a what I will call "safe" nominee as the candidate. Biden is the most safe in my eyes. But yeah the runner up could get the nod too... but none of that will make any difference these are all puppets short of Bernie. 

Oh I see. Purists staying home are what elected "trump" last time. People saying there was no difference. They were 100 percent wrong. I do think electability is the top issue for most democrats but whether Biden is really the most electable (although most democrats think he is now) is still an issue subject to debate.

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Oh I see. Purists staying home are what elected "trump" last time. People saying there was no difference. They were 100 percent wrong. I do think electability is the top issue for most democrats but whether Biden is really the most electable (although most democrats think he is now) is still an issue subject to debate.

Here is the thing that should blow the entire world's minds: people are skeptical when they are buying a trinket for 60 baht!! Everything the salesman says, the buyer is astutely aware they are just trying to sell the item. In turn, they receive the information with absolute skepticism. 


YET, when people are electing a president, they are not skeptical at all! Even though it is obviously the same exact situation... salesmen trying to sell themselves. It does not matter. For some reason people have become comfortable with being told what they want to hear during elections. Probably because it makes them feel safe and secure.


Then you see a candidate like Bernie. He is the salesman who actually says... the 8 cylinder is a great vehicle, but for your needs, with your family of four, I think the 4 cylinder with more safety features is the correct choice. Whatever the situation, he tells the absolute truth. It is his actual opinion, not a contributed position designed based on polls of what people want to hear. America needs to embrace that frame of mind. It is not about Bernie, it is about how he speaks to the people. 


As a politician, Americans reject that truth. They want to hear roses from politicians. No new taxes... whatever. That is what they want. We know all Americans are complete basket cases though, because when they are doing a five dollar deal, they are completely in tune with a salesman's techniques. Yet when the presidency is on the line, all logic goes out the window, and they go into this "keep me safe and secure" mode. There is simply no hope, believe me, and it all recolves around people feeling a subconscious need to stick with the status quo. 

Edited by utalkin2me
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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No. You don't know. Remember Obama came out of nowhere to beat Hillary, who was much more of a "sure thing" than Biden. 

I would argue that was because he was a man who spoke well, and made people feel safer than Hilary did. Same story.


I remember i bought into obama. Never again. That was it for me. That was the time I finally realized it does not matter who wins. they are all puppets. Or almost all. We do get some real candidates who are not just 100% politicians telling us what we wanna hear and controlled by corporations...  and that is a start but it will be 100 years before a real candidate gets elected. 

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2 hours ago, donnacha said:

By definition, each country having its own Overton window means that each country has its own range of acceptable discourse and, within any range, there is a center, a left, a right, and we use the term "extreme" left or right to denote the left-most and right-most positions within that range. It is relative only to itself.

This is basic math. It does not matter how that particular range compares with other ranges. It does not matter how it happens to compare with other ranges that may exist in a global or historical context. It does not matter that you, personally, do not consider their extreme left to be truly extreme left.

Again, within the context of their own range, they have all the relative positions that any range has. Even if all their entire political discourse jumped massively to the right, relative to itself American politics would still have an extreme left i.e. the most left-wing people operating in that sphere, regardless of what may be happening elsewhere in time and space.

I understand that you were trying to say that the American left is not all that left-wing compared to other countries, which is a valid point, but it was a mistake to try dazzling us with your use of the Overton window concept.

Very specifically, the Overton window can only be used to describe the range of acceptable discourse in ONE country. It makes no sense to posit an international Overton window. That particular phrase is precisely the opposite of what you were fumbling for.




An Overton window can be applied to any grouping. By party, nationally, regional, hemispheric or global. It can also be applied in to a particular time frame. It can also be applied to non-political discourse. Nowhere in his definition or writing does Overton limit his insight to “national ranges”.

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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

...the guys and gals that created America in the first place...


Hmmmm, can you really “create” something which already exited?


If so, I’m excited!! I’m heading on over to Phangan to take over and create “Fullmoon Island”!! ????????????????

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43 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I would argue that was because he was a man who spoke well, and made people feel safer than Hilary did. Same story.


I remember i bought into obama. Never again. That was it for me. That was the time I finally realized it does not matter who wins. they are all puppets. Or almost all. We do get some real candidates who are not just 100% politicians telling us what we wanna hear and controlled by corporations...  and that is a start but it will be 100 years before a real candidate gets elected. 

Yup, they all talk the talk, but few walk the walk as well. Kennedy did the walk, but I'm pressed to think of any current ones that do.

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Hmmmm, can you really “create” something which already exited?
If so, I’m excited!! I’m heading on over to Phangan to take over and create “Fullmoon Island”!! [emoji12]????????????

As matter can neither be created nor destroyed, you could use the same argument to claim everything has always existed.

No one has ever really created anything.
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10 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

Have the democrats really nobody better than this creep? 

 Biden is such an embarrassing person and the whole world knows what he’s about. 

Truely a party in disarray.

Trump a thousand times the bigger creep.

Trump ten thousand times the more embarrassing person.


Biden infinitely more experienced, presidential and the better man. 

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3 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Infinity more experienced doing what?

I imagine if Trump claimed he was infinitely more experienced than Biden it would make every news outlet in the county as another one of Trump’s lies, yes?


To be POTUS. Senator for 35 years. VP for 8 versus an extremely successful lifelong con-man. 

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1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

Creepy Joe. No chance.

I am a democrat and i am totally creeped out by those biden videos. That is some creepy <deleted>. I do not see how anyone can watch especially the ones with young children hair sniffing and not be creeped out. I confess i know all too well about the sniffing as i tend to take a good whiff of the air every time a hot thai girl passes. But creepy joe has taken it to extreme levels. 

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24 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I am a democrat and i am totally creeped out by those biden videos. That is some creepy <deleted>. I do not see how anyone can watch especially the ones with young children hair sniffing and not be creeped out. I confess i know all too well about the sniffing as i tend to take a good whiff of the air every time a hot thai girl passes. But creepy joe has taken it to extreme levels. 

So you're a democrat? So if Biden is nominated you would vote for "grab em by the p-y" criminally corrupt unhinged demagogue "trump" because Biden's affectionate nature creeps you out? Some democrat!

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Creepy Joe. No chance.

So which of the DEMOCRATIC choices do you prefer instead? Personally I like (FILL IN THE BLANK DEMOCRAT) over "trump" by a million percent. How to lose to 45? Purists!

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1 hour ago, Skeptic7 said:

Biden infinitely more experienced, presidential and the better man. 

But there is just that small matter of Joe having to win an election. I know, I know, it's so terribly inconvenient. Why can't we just install Joe. For the greater good.

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