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UK PM May looking at second Brexit vote options if talks fail - Telegraph


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15 minutes ago, transam said:

Selling spliffs...?   ????

Smoking them yes (occasionally), selling them? no just sharing them with friends.


17 minutes ago, Loiner said:

So still roaming then?

Not so much but just being a European, as we all are!

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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I’m looking forward to the announcement on a second referendum ... just to read the comments and predictions on here. 

Me too, not least cos the result will be a much bigger landslide ????

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2 minutes ago, nev said:

If the government are to telling you to remain you are better to vote the opposite way, They are only in it for what they can get for themselves and nothing about what the average folk will benefit from staying in the EU.

...or what the average folk will benefit from leaving the EU.

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3 minutes ago, nev said:

If the government are to telling you to remain you are better to vote the opposite way, They are only in it for what they can get for themselves and nothing about what the average folk will benefit from staying in the EU.

Agree partially with you as many of them are solely in it for themselves.   The currency speculators with inside info, or those maybe even within the Tory party,  no doubt made enormous profits after the pounds tumble due to Brexit.  I have no doubt what so ever that those self same people will make further enormous profits once article 50 is withdrawn later this year. I for one am looking forward to an 8 to 10 % appreciation in the pound against the baht.

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20 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I love that ????.  

Several Politicians from all sides have acknowledged to that effect in off-the-cuff comments during interviews in recent months.

Edited by evadgib
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18 minutes ago, nev said:

If the government are to telling you to remain you are better to vote the opposite way, They are only in it for what they can get for themselves and nothing about what the average folk will benefit from staying in the EU.

The one doesn’t necessarily exclude the other, but I guess some Brexiteers would still prefer to shooting themselves in the foot if at least they can also shoot the government in the foot. Against the establishment! Viva la revolucion!

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5 hours ago, bizboi said:

Not true - Corbyn is unelectable for a variety of reasons!! Not the least of which is his tendency to side with terrorist organisations against the country in which he seeks to become Prime Minister!!

I didn't realise he was up for prime minister of Israel?

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22 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Several Politicians from all sides have acknowledged to that effect in off-the-cuff comments during interviews in recent months.

Certainly some months ago that was being said.  But looking at where we are today, do you honestly think people would endorse the chaos we have now, trying desperately to push through a half in, half out deal, still being subject to EU rules and paying billions of pounds to have no seat at the table?  We know that "no-deal" is no longer an option so that would be off the choices. And you think the leave vote would increase?

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3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Of course you will never find that because everybody knows Brexit meant Brexit.

Nope, only the gullible who believed Cameron's lies and completely disingenuous false promises.

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17 minutes ago, Spidey said:



So that's thick, old Tories. The statistics don't lie. 555

old folks living in the past won the vote for leave,probably helped by anyone who ever served in the UK forces,shame the younger generation were nearly forced to pay the price,luckily there are still enough brain cells left in parliament to see that justice is gone.

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11 hours ago, Topdoc said:

On the referendum leaflet handed out by David Cameron, the British people were promised that if we voted LEAVE, we would be out of the Customs Union & out of the Single Market. Now people who want that promise fulfilled are being branded as extremists. There is a deep and dark sickness in the heart of government although we can all be grateful that this episode has blown the lid off it.

Boris The Liar Johnson also promised 350 million pounds per week to the NHS instead to thowing it away to "Brussels". I presume, you will keep him also to this promise ?

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8 hours ago, Dionigi said:

If politicians cannot come to an agreement on something voted for by the population, the wrong politicians have been voted into their jobs. I hope the public make this plain at the next election.

Maybe because the question in the referendum was not clear enough ? "Leave", under which condition ? Hard brexit, and a hard border between N & S Ireland, cancelling the Good Friday agreement of 20 years ago already ?  Or a softy-soft-soft brexit, keepong access to the Single market and free tourist travel ex UK into the EU ? ? 

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33 minutes ago, Spidey said:



So that's thick, old Tories. The statistics don't lie. 555

Any then they complain when they’re being called uneducated. While at the same time not knowing their own laws, believing a PM has the power to change the constitution alone with a leaflet. 

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28 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

Boris The Liar Johnson also promised 350 million pounds per week to the NHS instead to thowing it away to "Brussels". I presume, you will keep him also to this promise ?

Boris ???????? where did he ever go to?  looks like a clown cos he is a clown,the TV documentary that followed him around for a few weeks was an absolute embarrassment to him,couldnt tie Mays shoe laces and thats saying something.

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1 minute ago, Jamesanderson said:

Asking the people to decide would be the only democratic way out of this disaster.

The people will now realize that they were being lied to all along. 


1 minute ago, Jamesanderson said:

Asking the people to decide would be the only democratic way out of this disaster.

The people will now realize that they were being lied to all along. 

I agree with you but even on this forum there are those totally in denial of the facts and/or can not grasp the complexity , both socially and economically, of leaving a union that has prospered and prevented European conflict for decades.

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6 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Not going so well in France is it though, and it would be news to countries like Greece and Italy that they have prospered, impoverished would be more like it.

Perhaps you should check their GDP's from prior to entry as opposed to now. Also I don't recall a European war with France since the Common Market  was conceived, another part of my post that you choose to ignore. . Facts are facts. Please try to understand them please.

Edited by geoffbezoz
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7 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Err, you forgotten the members of Nato . ???????????? And it takes a major consensus to prevent anything. And if you throw the US into the argument then since 1946 they have started more wars then any other nation on earth, so thank goodness that NATO is indeed made up in the main of European nations of whom the majority are in the EU and hence have worked together to prevent major conflict




our true master uncle sam usually drags us along for the ride,great excuse for teddy and the bulldogs to start getting all patriotic but not so good for the dead and the UKs finances.

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