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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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The Tories have forgotten about their pro-EU voters.  


In my hometown, I’ve see how middle-class angst over Brexit is creating an existential threat to the party which could once count on their votes says John Harris


They will pay for this .....




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28 minutes ago, tebee said:

The Tories have forgotten about their pro-EU voters.  


In my hometown, I’ve see how middle-class angst over Brexit is creating an existential threat to the party which could once count on their votes says John Harris


They will pay for this .....




It's a good article and doesn't really have an agenda, it is just comment on an often forgotten problem for the Tories. I liked these two paragraphs in particular.


Everyone knows what will happen, sooner or later. Given the ageing profile of the Tory membership and its attachment to hard Brexit, the party will move even further to the right. Put another way, it will fix its collective sights on the kind of old, zealous, implacably parochial people who have been turning up to all those Farage rallies, while all the demographics continue to move in the opposite direction.


There is a rising Tory fantasy about the party’s immediate post-May future, which seems to be based around victory in a general election, a new leader going back to Brussels full of swagger – and, if need be, Britain stoically going it alone. If that happens, the revolutionary, Brexit-or-nothing school of modern Conservatism will reach peak arrogance, thinking the ghost of the blessed Margaret Thatcher is cheering everything on, and that its moment of destiny has arrived. The truth is the exact opposite: whatever its delusions, hyper-Toryism – and, by extension, the Conservative party itself – is sliding into a elemental crisis from which it may never recover.


"While all the demographics continue to move in the opposite direction." This is what I try to get across here again and again. The future does not belong to old white parochial males. The past certainly did, and they are desperately trying to hold onto control of a world that is changing in ways they can't understand and are afraid of. Like King Canute their chances of success are zilch.

Of course in the short term they may have their bright moments - no doubt the closet neo fascist Fromage will do well in the EU elections - but these events will become increasingly rare. The future may well belong to young females of many colours. I suggest giving the young more respect instead of farting on about the importance of experience, might be a wise move. Their taxes are paying our pensions! 

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

Here's why Farage leads:


Farage is a con man - but like all con men those gullible souls who believe him, will never be persuaded otherwise.


He refuses to name any other policies besides brexit - why? Because it gives people something to disagree with and might lose him votes.  


He claims to be defending democracy.


So why is his Brexit party

-funded by secret donors
-run & controlled by one man

-has no internal democracy 
-answerable to no-one but Farage?



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What does he want in the EU Parliament?

This guy has been only destructive so far.

He has no interest in working for a better EU. A real cuckoo's egg.

The UK does not manage to do its Brexit itself and now sends out its worst knife stabber. A big-mouthed, propagandistic quengler without any substance. 

And the EU organization must also pay him a salary for his intention to destroy the organization, which also has to pay his salary. Crazy times.

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24 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

What does he want in the EU Parliament?

This guy has been only destructive so far.

He has no interest in working for a better EU. A real cuckoo's egg.

The UK does not manage to do its Brexit itself and now sends out its worst knife stabber. A big-mouthed, propagandistic quengler without any substance. 

And the EU organization must also pay him a salary for his intention to destroy the organization, which also has to pay his salary. Crazy times.

What he wants is a good showing in the election. A seat at the table in isolation has little value but after a good showing more important than the seat is the influence it has over those already at the table.

I don't think he want's to destroy the EU...….how people want to live is up to them. Like me and many other Leavers we just don't want to be part of the EU for all the reasons given. Where the EU is concerned you can argue its good, you can argue it's bad but don't say it's not happening or that we can change it.  


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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

Only got involved after the referendum - is that because you predicted to only yourself that Remain would win?

German manufacturers and Italian wine makers have been lobbying their governments for a while. Maybe you missed those?

The EU still does need us as much as suggested - why do you think they try to stitch us up with a bad deal, give extensions and won't easily let us go?


You guys just go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of delusion and denial ... we were told that the EU would be bending over backwards to give us a great deal ... "because they need us more than we need them". 


German manufacturers care more about the single market than the UK market, and that's why Merkel has been under no pressure.



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1 hour ago, tebee said:

Farage is a con man - but like all con men those gullible souls who believe him, will never be persuaded otherwise.


He refuses to name any other policies besides brexit - why? Because it gives people something to disagree with and might lose him votes.  


He claims to be defending democracy.


So why is his Brexit party

-funded by secret donors
-run & controlled by one man

-has no internal democracy 
-answerable to no-one but Farage?



All I can add to the replies of others is a borderline 'Owzat!' which I note you usually steer clear of, & checkout this comment from JH-B:


Edited by evadgib
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27 minutes ago, aright said:

merc ex.PNG

merc ex1.PNG


Would be better if you had provided evidence of the massive pressure they have put on Merkel?


What, they haven't? With so much at stake? 


... perhaps they care more about protecting the much larger single market?


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24 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Would be better if you had provided evidence of the massive pressure they have put on Merkel?


What, they haven't? With so much at stake? 


... perhaps they care more about protecting the much larger single market?


The massive pressure was put on indirectly by the Deloitte report payed for presumably by the German auto industry.

Are you saying a comprehensive report written by the largest professional service network in the world would be dismissed out of hand by the German government. 

If this sort of information pertained to my industry I would be knocking on government doors.

It's naïve to think this sort of info wouldn't put Merkel under pressure and naïve to think that Merkel couldn't modify single market rules. Germany controls the EU economy.


merc ex2.PNG

merc ex3.PNG

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1 minute ago, aright said:

The massive pressure was put on indirectly by the Deloitte report payed for presumably by the German auto industry.

Are you saying a comprehensive report written by the largest professional service network in the world would be dismissed out of hand by the German government. 

If this sort of information pertained to my industry I would be knocking on government doors.

It's naïve to think this sort of info wouldn't put Merkel under pressure and naïve to think that Merkel couldn't modify single market rules. Germany controls the EU economy.


merc ex2.PNG

merc ex3.PNG

 But don't forget that someone in the EU is going to be making the cars that the UK won't be making post hard brexit. So there are losses and gains.

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