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People sick of politicians haggling for posts: poll


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

A majority also suggested that the medium-sized Future Forward, Democrat and Bhumjaithai parties keep their election promises and not lie to the people.

How naive can the general public get.............since when has any politician, anywhere in the World, kept an election promise once they are in power !!!! 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

More than 76 per cent of respondents to the Suan Dusit Poll said they had become “more tired” of Thai-style politics due to the bargaining for power.

With position comes power, with power comes money, with money comes status..

the 3 most important things in Thai culture!

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Maybe a new general election should be held now?

It appears more Thais are in tune with politics than they were before. 


Remove the vote rigging. 

The cash at polling stations to sway voters. 

Allow only people with valid id cards to vote. 


And may the best person win.


Edited by dallen52
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Are “the people” really so naive and think any of these dirty, rotten scoundrels old style politicians give a damn about them or their country?


The apathy and inaction of the Thais and total absence of non violent civil disobedience and peaceful mass protests after these rigged elections and seat allocation is just unbelievable!

Now they are dividing the spoils behind closed doors and what we get is another corrupt bunch that “develops” the country backwards while they fill their deep pockets.

The press is gagged, useless and even complicit for advertising revenue bombarding the masses of zombies with stupid soaps, game shows and brainwashing sessions interrupted only by stupid advertisements.

Thai people I have news for you - you have been scammed - again -and you people get exactly what you deserve - a government of cheating, lying, thieving scoundrels - enjoy and live on with your mai pen rai attitude - or grow a pair and make your voice heard!

But I somehow have the feeling “Mai pen Rai” will win - again.



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


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It's already been said here in different words:


Had this election been free and fair, this dog's breakfast of an outcome wouldn't be happening now.


At this point, the one who engineered this failed sham should be taken to task for this <deleted> up and be tossed in jail or exiled like his predecessors.

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2 hours ago, SuwadeeS said:

Even thought they have all the technology in Thailand.


...... Because of the political behavior and not existing social political developement, ....

its still a third world country!!

I see many posters on this site describing Thailand as a Third World Country.

Thailand does not meet the traditional definition or the definition more commonly used these days.

If you google the term you may be surprised as I was.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

A group led by anti-military activist Sirawich Serithiwat, yesterday held a demonstration at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre calling on junta-appointed senators not to vote for General Prayut to become prime minister again.

Where are the people calling on Thais to grow a pair and protest against the current situation? I hope all the farangs suggesting civil war were at BACC with the locals. Most Thais, that I speak with at least, are sick of the current regime and want change but they don't want to end up in the Mekong or in jail.

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Like too many politicians around the world, Thai politicians seemingly are all about self-aggrandisement and to hell with those they are supposed to represent! ????


In a nest of Vipers it is hard to find the small Python. ????

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

MOST PEOPLE have become fed up with politicians bargaining for Cabinet seats amid ongoing efforts to form a coalition government, a recent survey found.

Most people are getting fed up with Thailand itself full stop. I know of so many aussies who have 

changed travel plans, mostly because we are fooled to believe places like pattaya etc are tropical 

paradises, family friendly with beautiful crystal clear beaches, but thanks to internet media and other

world news services, plus facebook etc, thailand and its corruption, carnage and false smiles and how farangs are percieved in thailand is being globaly recognised as a place to avoid. You only have to see how many places from pattaya to jomtien have closed because of a lack of farang tourism. 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

MOST PEOPLE have become fed up with politicians bargaining for Cabinet seats amid ongoing efforts to form a coalition government

Party coalitions are the nature of parliamentary government systems that in turn elect the Head of Government who forms the Cabinet versus a republic government system.1


However, the way that the Prayut junta has organized the election/selection of the current parliamentary system (Senate & House) takes chaos and ineffectiveness of government to new lows.


In some ways Prayut's newly created government system ("MMA" electoral system never used anywhere else in the world, unelected full Senate, pro-military political parties) makes a communist government and electoral system run by a permanent junta-like "politburo" look much more honest, efficient and organized - albeit undemocratic about as much as Thailand. Thailand is now identified graciously as a "Hybrid Government." https://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index

1The are exceptions where there is a hybrid government system such as Venezuela that has separate popular elections for members of the parliament and popular election for the president.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

A group led by anti-military activist Sirawich Serithiwat, yesterday held a demonstration at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre calling on junta-appointed senators not to vote for General Prayut to become prime minister again.

The junta goons beat up Sirawich bad. First they rigged the election and now they beat up those who spoke out. Pity there are those who still speak well of this junta in this forum. 

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

People sick of the haggling - - - how do you think the poor pollies are haggling to ensure the best position at the trough, they must be devastated with this ongoing impasse. 

I do think the impasse will last for the next 5 years.... next week another delay will be requested, same for next month and so forth... never ending impasse, in the mean time they are (somehow) governing 

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3 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Australia recently had an election, done and dusted in 1 day!

What about all the in-fighting and backstabbing when you change your Prime Minister ... yet again?

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LOL ! Statists fed up of politicians, bit like a alcoholic bing fed up of beer sellers. 


Both sell crap that in the long term will keep damaging them, but live in denial of the core nature of what authoritarianism by the government controlling masters actually is happening. 

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1 hour ago, champers said:

What about all the in-fighting and backstabbing when you change your Prime Minister ... yet again?

Yes, but not appointed by a junta for their benefit. 

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Bad mouthing politicians plays into the anti-democracy, unconstitutional power usurpers hands. 


In my experience here, EVERY elected government has been better in EVERY regard than EVERY unelected group of oppressors.


Thai politicians aren't perfect, but they're a hell of a lot closer to perfection than the coalition of ultra right wing nationalists, plutocrats and Generals opposing them.


The other certainty is that the only way to get better politicians is to have faith and stick with democracy.

Carry on with the current merry-go-round and you'll see the same old crowd again and again (the current army chief is the offspring of a previous coup leader), hold true to democracy and the likes of Future Forward's Thanathorn enter the scene.


Thaksin getting taken out, in an election by Thanathorn, instead of unconstitutionally by coup after coup would have served this country so much better than what we have seen over the past 15 years.


To repeat, bad mouthing politicians without directly comparing the results of their imperfections against those of coup regimes who continually overthrow them plays into the hands of thugs.


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I doubt the average joe really has any political ideology.  Food on the table and some change is probably more important so at the end of day all this political haggling is nothing more then an annoyance unless it causes REAL economic hiccups.


For me its just a power struggle between a bunch of political mafioso hiding behind the legitimacy of pro-democracy versus military power looking after their personal vested interests.


I've been praying for them to all convene parliament on a ship someday which hopefully sinks.


Wishful thinking at best.

Edited by smileydude
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