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6 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Amazing how many TV threads get converted to threads about bar grls / marrying bar girls etc. 



thats cos this thread is titled why do thai people ask how much i send my g/f

if the women g/f was a real women with a real job why would anyone be sending any money unless she is either coning her b/f , bar girl or just a very poor farm girl.

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10 hours ago, steven100 said:

They want to know how much money you have so they can be ready to jump in when she's had enough of you.

If anyone asks Mrs Possum how much money I give her every month, the answer would be nothing.

  • Haha 1
8 minutes ago, Tomahawk21 said:

thats cos this thread is titled why do thai people ask how much i send my g/f

if the women g/f was a real women with a real job why would anyone be sending any money unless she is either coning her b/f , bar girl or just a very poor farm girl.

So because the OP said gf she's automatically a bar girl?


You need a hobby.


Put it this way, if you want to get rid of her stop sending her money.

tell her it’s all love only and you will find out there isn’t any without your money.

  • Haha 1

She is different than anyone I met. Good in some ways but also stubborn and set in her ways like some have expressed over 40 women can be.  Could I have fun with 25 yr olds on my visits?  Maybe but I never sought out such young. I rarely went in any bars in Thailand.  When I did go into crazy house of course I saw some beautiful young women and mothers.  but just like my home country I don't date those kind of women.  


The main point I thought that this thread would make is that Thai people only value foreigners  for 2 things: their money and if they can get them out of Thailand to their home country where they think life is like candyland. 


Not sure why I'm getting any resentment here.


I had no way of knowing that my girl was a prostitute or a swindler until it was too late.  If you read closely you will see that my girl was working in a factory.  English was limited but that was due to laziness not low exposure to farang.  She played the dumb factory girl who would never pull romance fraud very well.


I'm just trying to help you out.  I was blindsided after it was too late by someone who wasnt who she said she was.  I am VERY well versed in Asia.  I've been in Thailand since 2005.  I left the last time this year.


Anyway my best friend died today so now I really am alone in the world.  Forgive me for trying to give constructive advice.  Bad Girls in ph?  Absolutely.  Wam bam thank you mam.  Ive given up on this "life partner" bs.  I've just had it with the land of scam.  I'd never go back to thailand even if my bad experiences didn't happen there.  Corrupt police, crazy military government, unfriendly to Hispanics, too expensive, I could go on.  Maybe thailand is still working for some but not me.

1 minute ago, FredGallaher said:

Go to a Thai temple in the US at Songkran and listen to the conversations. Mostly the Thais talk about being homesick and when they can return. If they are looking for a ticket out, they soon want to return.

How many American or European women want to marry someone poor or a deadbeat? It's the same everywhere. 

To be fair if you're making . between 60-80k baht a month, which is what I'm making, you're not poor or a deadbeat by any standards in Thailand.  That's middle class basically in most areas.  Anyway the issue is not that they're looking for security, it's that so many of these women are looking to blatantly scam bfs and even their husbands.  Like mine were.  That's the issue.

4 hours ago, rumak said:

are you bitter ?   are you now single?     or have you learned and made a better choice when choosing a gf ?  i think many of us posting have had the bargirl  gf  experience ,  then moved on to finding a better alternative

I'm over it.  Temporary gfs is my fix.  I'm old and ugly.  They just want me for money.  Everybody.  All of them.  So I don't want them.  Pay for play.  Anyway as I said my best friend died today so beating on a dead horse that I got swindled isn't going to help my grief.  I'm going back to bed.  Good luck everyone.  Bitter?  No.  I just don't care anymore.  But if my story helps anyone, then good.

  • Like 2
13 hours ago, Elkski said:

Been dating a Thai woman for over a year now.  her co-workers and friends only asked how much money do I send her each month.

Very polite friends your girlfriend have, they give your girlfriend a chance to make face, by telling how much money you send her every month.


Were we Westerners consider pay-cheque, and income, and other money matters very private, its polite to ask that kind of questions in Thailand, so people can make face; however, you'll of course not ask such a question when people might loose face when answering.


If you wear some expensive dress. or necklace, or bag or... –polite friends will normally ask »how much?« – better get used to the Thai-way-of-thinking, and also make sure your girlfriend don't loose face...????

11 hours ago, Awinkl said:

Just ask your TGF, how much money her LAST Thai Boyfriend gave them each month ..... or better, how much money SHE had to give ....him??

My gf just got back from a trip back ‘home’ to Issan. She comes from a middle class family based in Bangkok. 

When she arrived it was all show and tell about her new farang boyfriend (I’m the first farang bf. And yes she legit. I know I’m gonna get slaughtered ????????‍♂️)

The first thing that was discussed is ‘how rich is he, how much does he give you, why are you still working? She didn’t have the stomach to tell them the she gives me 5000 a month the poor bugger. 

Normal for family friends to ask but definitely not always the case the farang is the one making payments 


Her friends ask how much you send her for two reasons. Because they are nosey and want to know and then they turn on her and convince her it's not enough and she will never be able to go to the USA and she should find someone else.

At least that's my story. She listened to her "friends" went out on a date and I dumped her. 

Now she continually texts me to come back she made a mistake and will never do it again. Good or bad I was a week away from sending in the $500 and paperwork for the fiance visa and it would have cleared. Seems Thai women from Issan (37) have the mentality of a 12 year old and can't think for themselves. I keep in touch only for the two step kids that I helped raise while I lived there in Thailand for 3 years. Too bad their mother is an idiot and got greedy, we had a good thing going but trust is gone. And how much? 15,000 baht a month is what I was sending, plus she worked and made 13,000 baht at her job. Plenty and she always ran out by the 20th of the month because she and most are terrible with money, spend spend spend.


8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

How much?

Are there really guys giving this sort of money to their 'girlfriend' every month - just to support them?

Shirley you cannot be serious?


Having run a GoGo Bar in the past, I'm well aware of the money guys were sending, but never had a dancer saying they had anywhere near that amount sent by a guy.


We had stories from broken hearted customers of how they'd sent large amounts to build a house - which were supported by photos of the house being built as the monthly payments were received. Once the house was completed was when the girl moved her Thai husband in and told the sponsor to eff off.

No I'm talking about my own salary range.  I lived in Thailand.  They had access to the money because I was living with these women in a long term, committed relationship.  My advice to anyone unmarried who goes back home is not to send a dime and pay a few people to watch her.  Excellent test of fidelity.  If you're married give support but also hire a few eyes to keep an eye out.  You can't trust people in Thailand in my experience.  Not even spouses.


someone i know dated a female thai physician and the first time they met she let it be known how much her income was and she had the entire top floor of a condo. 

  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, SenorJorge said:

No I'm talking about my own salary range.  I lived in Thailand.  They had access to the money because I was living with these women in a long term, committed relationship.  My advice to anyone unmarried who goes back home is not to send a dime and pay a few people to watch her.  Excellent test of fidelity.  If you're married give support but also hire a few eyes to keep an eye out.  You can't trust people in Thailand in my experience.  Not even spouses.

Can you trust the eyes you rent, and f sake, why not give your wifey the money and trust her! G sake grow some balls, 


I don't want to start sending her any monthly amount.  We have already talked about a prenuptial agreement. We have talked about sin sod and of course all Thai women must dream of the moon for face. she mainly wanted so much to make her mother happy but when her mother said she did not want any then we settled on something that would look respectful but not bother me very much.  But this thread isn't really about my relationship or if this woman is good or not. 


SenorJorge , I can see how you were scammed by a factory worker many men have been scammed.  sorry about your best friend tomorrow is a new day and maybe someday you will get back on the horse and find a wonderful woman for the rest of your days don't give up.  My thinking is enjoy each day and hopefully they are good and if things go bad you find something better. 

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Your girlfriend may be exaggerating how much her friends and family ask about how much you send her. Telling you that everyone is interested creates social pressure that you are being compared to other foreigners, and that you need to measure up.  Telling you that people are asking about this is a form of manipulation on her part. That the people in her immediate circle are so focused on money is also a red flag.



  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

"Been dating a Thai woman for over a year now.  her co-workers and friends only asked how much money do I send her each month.  And when I'd she moving to USA." - seems like her co-workers & friends are a bunch of whores. What type of work does your Thai gf do? Seems like she doesn't have good friends or co-workers...



i like your post but even higher levels of society share the "money worship" style.  i know a farang that rents a condo to a thai gal with a good management position with a japan multinational company. she has car, big bike, house, etc etc, nosy uni grad juristic office women ask her how much farang pays her every month in addition to providing car and bike.

1 minute ago, atyclb said:



i like your post but even higher levels of society share the "money worship" style.  i know a farang that rents a condo to a thai gal with a good management position with a japan multinational company. she has car, big bike, house, etc etc, nosy uni grad juristic office women ask her how much farang pays her every month in addition to providing car and bike.

As far as I know, my gf has never been asked that by her co-workers or her friends. If she was asked then she would tell them truthfully that it's absolutely nothing, zilch, nada, zero. ????

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Can you trust the eyes you rent, and f sake, why not give your wifey the money and trust her! G sake grow some balls, 

Well with my ex-wife in particular I would trust the old Thai men I know and my farang buddies way more than I'd ever trust her.  I mean I trust these dudes well enough to watch my kids if I had any.  Hold onto a few thousand baht for the day, you name it.  I've just seen too much.  I guess my mind is broken by everything I've seen in Thailand.  Women with secret husbands and an amphur farang husband, I mean, really, you name it.  I'm just of the very strong opinion that for purposes of "true love" Thailand is just not a good option for foreigners.  You may get a little fairer of a shake with the women if you're Chinese or at least Lao.  However, when dealing with us, it seems that Thais operate on a totally different moral compass all together.  Sad but true.  Its like, we're not Thai, so we don't matter.  Anyway, this is not a good thread for me right now.  I need to take it easy, my heart is really broken, after the last marraige fell apart, then my best friend just died.  my life just sucks

17 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Your girlfriend may be exaggerating how much her friends and family ask about how much you send her. Telling you that everyone is interested creates social pressure that you are being compared to other foreigners, and that you need to measure up.  Telling you that people are asking about this is a form of manipulation on her part. That the people in her immediate circle are so focused on money is also a red flag.





i've seen that focus on money even amongst some middle class educated gals. thai image/status thing


my educated internationalized thai friends dont act that way and even mock that style.

5 minutes ago, bbi1 said:
8 minutes ago, atyclb said:



i like your post but even higher levels of society share the "money worship" style.  i know a farang that rents a condo to a thai gal with a good management position with a japan multinational company. she has car, big bike, house, etc etc, nosy uni grad juristic office women ask her how much farang pays her every month in addition to providing car and bike.

As far as I know, my gf has never been asked that by her co-workers or her friends. If she was asked then she would tell them truthfully that it's absolutely nothing, zilch, nada, zero. ????


no worries, none of my business

4 minutes ago, SenorJorge said:

Well with my ex-wife in particular I would trust the old Thai men I know and my farang buddies way more than I'd ever trust her.  I mean I trust these dudes well enough to watch my kids if I had any.  Hold onto a few thousand baht for the day, you name it.  I've just seen too much.  I guess my mind is broken by everything I've seen in Thailand.  Women with secret husbands and an amphur farang husband, I mean, really, you name it.  I'm just of the very strong opinion that for purposes of "true love" Thailand is just not a good option for foreigners.  You may get a little fairer of a shake with the women if you're Chinese or at least Lao.  However, when dealing with us, it seems that Thais operate on a totally different moral compass all together.  Sad but true.  Its like, we're not Thai, so we don't matter.  Anyway, this is not a good thread for me right now.  I need to take it easy, my heart is really broken, after the last marraige fell apart, then my best friend just died.  my life just sucks

We are here to live every day, and the price we have to pay, is risking our feelings when we meet women and friends. 


I believe the women we meet, who seek out Farangs, is a different category than other women, and have other standards, goals, and expectations. 


I was hearthbroken when I was 16, that was painful, after that I got used to it, and also learned how to live tha game myself. Now, I take one day at the time, and if I am at the plusside when go to bed, I will keep my lady for another day. Its soon 3 eyars now, and its only  gets better day by day. I had no expectations at all when meeting her, and together we learn the slow way. Life is not a Hollywood lovestory, it is what it is, and up to us. 


Well, sorry to hear about your friend. 

  • Thanks 1

Mine they think she pays for me cuz she’s older than me and the boss ????. More like the opposite most of time, but yes we share rent and she buys me gifts from time to time. 


Her staff thinks I work for her. Funny cuz I earn 10x more than her ????


And I agree with post above. I trust more my close friends than any Thai gf. When you break up your close friends still help you, as for your exes usually they try to steal from you. 


Tip for everyone here:

Don’t buy into the bullshit you need to pay everything just because you earn more. If a girl tries that with you find a better one. A relationship shouldn’t be about money. And if income diff is too much do not marry without a prenuptial if at all. 


Oh and there’s many unmarried rich Thai women actually and they often have similar believes. It’s not easy for them to find a partner in Thailand that doesn’t want their money. Just try to date people with better standards. 


Sorry for your poor choices. Look at the number of divorces in the US and how many left at least one partner in distress. Seems like you married a winner (sic). There are plenty out there but just as many sincere women. It's hard to meet really nice girls but you can if patient. If a girl is too forward beware. Most nice Thai girls are very reserved and difficult to date.

Don't paint all Thai girls with the same brush. 

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