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New Online Visa Process

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I have been trying all morning to apply for a long stay visa online, the service started today. The website is very glitchy and does not seem to be working properly. It wont accept my id photo and when you try to check it with their online verification that doesn't work, when i e-mailed them for help through their message service the mail bounces back as not available so clearly a few things to iron out. Has anyone yet managed to navigate this site successfully?


I am in Bangkok in a few days and wondered if anyone had managed to obtain an "O" visa from there? I know technically you are supposed to do this from your home country but its worth asking.

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I just tried to start my application for an OA from London. Couldn’t get passed first page, reason for visit .. all options apart from tourist come up with an error box saying invalid reason. So could not progress to type of visa OA. Hopefully they will sort it out soon, as I was just trying it out before my real application in two weeks time.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

Where do you plan on getting your visa at? You have to submit your passport and pick it up with the visa inside at the embassy,

It is only available for the embassies in London and Beijing.

And Paris from Juni, 17 ...

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4 hours ago, markt42 said:

I am in Bangkok in a few days and wondered if anyone had managed to obtain an "O" visa from there? I know technically you are supposed to do this from your home country but its worth asking.

It might be possible for you to convert your existing visa-exempt or tourist visa entry into a single-entry non-immigrant "O" visa at Chaengwattana Immigration. Google "non-o visa conversion" for further info on how to go about doing this (including from a number of previous Thaivisa threads). 

Edited by OJAS
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11 minutes ago, mstevens said:

I hate to sound negative and cynical but seriously, did anyone expect this new system would actually work the way it is supposed to?



They haven't even arrived in the country and already they are experiencing tearing their hair out. Wait till they actually get here!:cheesy:

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I have managed to get to the end section of the form this morning after repeated attempts. The supporting documents ask for;

 Certificate of criminal record clearance from the country of nationality or the country where the application is submitted - I have never seen this before and was not required for O visas in the past, has anyone ever obtained this and if so where from?

A medical certificate issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months) - Again this is a new requirement going on my past applications, anyone done  this?


I am surprised that there are no questions regarding why you want a long stay visit ie wife, kids etc just financial questions.

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8 minutes ago, markt42 said:

I have managed to get to the end section of the form this morning after repeated attempts. The supporting documents ask for;

 Certificate of criminal record clearance from the country of nationality or the country where the application is submitted - I have never seen this before and was not required for O visas in the past, has anyone ever obtained this and if so where from?

A medical certificate issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months) - Again this is a new requirement going on my past applications, anyone done  this?


I am surprised that there are no questions regarding why you want a long stay visit ie wife, kids etc just financial questions.

Which Visa are you trying to apply for?


The information you posted are requirements for the Non Imm O-A Visa.

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9 minutes ago, markt42 said:

I have managed to get to the end section of the form this morning after repeated attempts. The supporting documents ask for;

Those are required for a OA long stay visa for those 50 or over.

You would be applying for a non-o visa if it is for being married to or the parent of a Thai.

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On 6/16/2019 at 6:48 AM, Tanoshi said:

Which Visa are you trying to apply for?


The information you posted are requirements for the Non Imm O-A Visa.

Yes you are right, i have had several non im O multi entry visas in the past by post from the embassy in London. When i select this visa again on the new website multi entry is not an option, i am currently on hold to the embassy in london to see if this visa is no longer available....on hold for 52 mins so far by the way

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1 minute ago, markt42 said:

Yes you are right, i have had several non im O multi entry visas in the past by post from the embassy in London. When i select this visa again on the new website multi entry is not an option, i am currently on hold to the embassy in london to see if this visa is no longer available....on hold for 52 mins so far by the way

The Non O and the Non O-A are different Visa types.

The Non O-A is ME but requires a Police record check and Medical certificate.


The Non O is now only available as a single entry Visa according to the website.

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On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 4:29 AM, mstevens said:

I hate to sound negative and cynical but seriously, did anyone expect this new system would actually work the way it is supposed to?

Out of curiosity, I tried to register today.




If I didn't know any better, I'd say the sight is down, or been brought down.

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I have read the application guide process cos I intend to apply for a new O-A here in London, does one have to upload and send all asked for online ,then take the same documents personally after making an appointment ( or posting)...or is it one or the other...but confused

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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5 minutes ago, patinchis said:

I have read the application guide process cos I intend to apply for a new O-A here in London, does one have to upload and send all asked for online ,then take the same documents personally after making an appointment ( or posting)...or is it one or the other...but confused

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Report back.  You're the guinea pig ???? 


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11 minutes ago, patinchis said:

I have read the application guide process cos I intend to apply for a new O-A here in London, does one have to upload and send all asked for online ,then take the same documents personally after making an appointment ( or posting)...or is it one or the other...but confused

You unload all the required documents.

Then take the original notarized documents and your passport on the appointment date or mail them them with a return envelope plus 10 pounds for the return postage unless you send a prepaid envelope for the return.

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There's another thread running on this subject 

@ubonjoe Could you possibly combine the 2 threads and lock one of them?  (Preferably this one as it's shorter)


And might the open one be pinned, do you think?

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7 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

The Non O and the Non O-A are different Visa types.

The Non O-A is ME but requires a Police record check and Medical certificate.


The Non O is now only available as a single entry Visa according to the website.

Yes correct, I spoke to the Embassy in London finally and she was actually quite helpful. She recommended to apply for single entry O Visa then covert it into a Spouse visa in Thailand, she said all future renewals could be done while in Thailand. I am not sure how correct this is but will check it out when i get back to Phuket later this week.

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10 hours ago, markt42 said:

Yes correct, I spoke to the Embassy in London finally and she was actually quite helpful. She recommended to apply for single entry O Visa then covert it into a Spouse visa in Thailand, she said all future renewals could be done while in Thailand. I am not sure how correct this is but will check it out when i get back to Phuket later this week.

If you enter on a SE Non Imm O Visa, you don't convert anything or apply for a Spouse Visa.

You extend your permission of stay from the 90 day entry based on marriage.

The financial requirements are min monthly 40K BHT transferred from overseas into a Thai bank account, or 400K BHT deposited in a Thai bank account for 2 months prior to the date of application.

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2 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

f you enter on a SE Non Imm O Visa, you don't convert anything or apply for a Spouse Visa.

You extend your permission of stay from the 90 day entry based on marriage.

The financial requirements are min monthly 40K BHT transferred from overseas into a Thai bank account, or 400K BHT deposited in a Thai bank account for 2 months prior to the date of application.

The actual purpose of having the Non O multiple for married people is to allow multiple visits to see one's spouse or chils during the year.  What has happened is that it is being used to reside in Thailand with one's wife in  lieu of the financial considerations.   Some people just don't have the 400K to put in the bank.  It appears- they are trying to close this loophole but for those who work abroad and visit their families  several times a year they now have to apply for the Non O each time-  


I looked at the Paris Website- same situation.  It appears Paris; Beijing and London have eliminated the multiple option.  Thailand is just determined to get that money into a Thai bank. 


There is no reciprocity.   the 400K gets one a year extension with no other rights while a Thai who marries a Westerner and goes to Europe or the USA gets access to healthcare and all other social benefits and can stay forever without nonsensical yearly extensions and reporting.

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On 6/15/2019 at 5:39 PM, taninthai said:

Yep I’m getting exactly the same as poster above.....lol

it seems you can’t apply for visa on this new system????????????????????

not surprising at all, we are talking about Thailand here 555

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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

  What has happened is that it is being used to reside in Thailand with one's wife in  lieu of the financial considerations.   Some people just don't have the 400K to put in the bank. 

I don't think it's due to people not having 400k or equivalent in home currency to put in a bank.  A lot of people just don't want to play immigrations games.

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45 minutes ago, patinchis said:

I tried to register but can’t get the sign in in email address box to accept @.....tried on many different appliances ,the letters type in no probs but the @ will not do so!

This may be because the key mapping in use does not match the symbols on the keyboard. If your keyboard does not have the '@' as upper case '2', see what happens if you try using Shift-2. You may magically see the @ appear.

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