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Paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair but Thaivisa's top poster is "still standing" in Thailand


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Jeez Colin

you have had a nightmare Mate. I was born in Birkenhead 1941 went to Preston quite a few times. 

Good joke for you.

2 owl ladies bit deaf go into the local RSA in Birkenhead. They go to the desk and Mary says to the guy, ow much. A pound, ow much, A POUND, in a Lowder voice. They pay it and walked to the hall entrance door and Her mate, Dorris says, OOOO's on tonight, Mary said don't know, Dorris says go an ask im. So she goes back and says OOOO's on. The guy says "Country an Weston" 

Mary says again in a Lowder voice OOOOO's on. The guy shoughts .

"CUNTRY AN WESTON"  Mary says again. "OOOOO's on. The guy's a bit pissed off and shoughts, ""CUNTRY AN <deleted>WESTON" 

mary say, ok ok no need to swear.

Goes back to Dorris who ask's her who is on and and Mary say's

" Nothin much, just some <deleted> from Preston.

i had bit of a story like yours Colin. We moved to New Zealand in 1987. My Liverpool wife of 56 yrs died of cancer there. I looked after her for 1 yr bed ridden before she died. My best friend in NZ was from Birmingham and his wife died 1 week before mine with cancer. We were both very depressed and after 5-6 monthscwecwere still depressed and becidedvto go on a holiday and picked Thailand and ended up in Pattaya. We both met a lady and they ended up as a nite are. I managed to get away at a low cost but he was stuffed in a way. I happened to frequent thus bar in  north pattaya, the Bamboo Bar, I got on well with the Mamma Sam who introduced me to her under manager she was 38 I was 55. She was really nice took her to my hotel at the end of the nite but she would not let me get anywhere. She had family in Khon Kaen and had been in Pattaya for 2 months. We have been married 11 yrs now. My sole mate. 

Take care Colin.


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3 minutes ago, blazes said:

I've long admired you, Colin.  You are a proud son of Preston (North End?)
I suppose you have seen this video of Tom Finney, but just in case you haven't, here is the link:



When i was 16 i had the hots for Toms daughter Barbara, she came to our house many times, pals with my younger sister

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Two thumbs up to you Mr. Colinneil.  You are indeed an inspiration!  As an old crusty curmudgeon myself I always look forward to your comments.  Hope to meet you in person one day here in old Isaan.


Take care and please continue to stay vigilant to protect yourself, and your wonderful dog, from those stinkin' "outlaws".   ????

Edited by Jimbo in Thailand
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4 minutes ago, colinneil said:

When i was 16 i had the hots for Toms daughter Barbara, she came to our house many times, pals with my younger sister.

When i was 16 tried my hand with Toms daughter Barbara, and got my face slapped for it.

She visited our house many times, pals with my sister.



Well, if you "tried your hand" with her, you deserved to get your face slapped!! 

{Of course, these days you would get a visit from the local constabulary as well as the slap.....}

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3 hours ago, petermik said:

They breed them tough in Preston......keep smiling Colin and give the missus a kiss from me (hansum prince) as she is a diamond :thumbsup:

Yes, Colin’s wife is a real Gem, a genuine and caring Lady.

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Congratulants Colin, an inspiration that keeps on chugging on. I just looked at your tally the other night and thought there won't be many that could beat that. Plus I know many of us have experienced what you have (except that accident) when being in contact with the Thais.

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With his severe medical condition, he could enjoy a much higher quality of life, care and benefits if he moved back to the UK, and no doubt a much longer and healthier life, yet he prefers to stay in a country where, according to own his detailed account, he has been treated despicably like a second-class citizen. I can never understand that mentality.

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34 minutes ago, Crossy said:


The original is in this thread https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/913668-wow-there-is-life-outside-my-gate/



And for those who don't want to follow the link :-




I can't believe you managed to track down the photo Crossy, well done.

I see you're now bringing beer into the conversation: "The original is in this thread" - is that Everards Old Original (abv 5.2%)?


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