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Question about thai gf, I want to know opinion from others.


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Im a  young European man, living in Thailand. I dont have work but have money to stay in Thailand 3-4 years. This is not the "classic story" about the girl from Isaan that I met in a bar who wants my money. Not like that, she's educated and has a high salary by thai standards.


She wants to leave Thailand and go to other country. Before I met her she had already started to plan to go to USA with her friend. She think she gonna make more money there. I want her to follow her dream but at the same time I want to know what is important for her: Make a lot of money or stay with me? Does she care about me or she care about new experience? Is it normal to be sad because of this or am I being a baby about this?


She has used a lot of money and time for this, her visa was denied the first time, second time she got it ("tourist visa" TEN <deleted> YEARS)....


I cannot go there with her because its expensive compared to SEA. I cannot help her with fiancee/marriage visa  to Europe because I dont have a job and even if I got one the salary wouldn't meet the embassy's requirements to take her here. All the money I have now came from illegal activities back home. 


My friend in europe has a girlfriend from Phillipines, been staying there with him for three years on student visas (which I'm most likely able to help her with). I feel sad because my gf spent so much energy, time and money on US visa but she never researched about Europe.  What should I do?







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3 minutes ago, Swedenlars said:

Get a life and a job. Then we talk again.

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Because it was easy for you doesnt mean its easy for everybody else. Have a nice day <deleted>

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All the money I have now came from illegal activities back home. 


So you, a professed criminal, wonder what could go wrong if an educated Thai lady with visa to the US stays with you instead of following her dream? 


Add "selfish"...to criminal to describe yourself in the future.

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2 hours ago, Lulu95 said:

She has used a lot of money and time for this, her visa was denied the first time, second time she got it ("tourist visa" TEN <deleted> YEARS)....

That visa is worth the equivalent of a $100,000.00 lottery ticket. Would you tear up something like that for her ?

Take a trip down to the American Embassy one day and look at all of those desperate souls waiting to get ripped off by the U.S. government in non refundable application fees because they will neither now  nor ever qualify for a tourist visa to the United States. Unlike expats elsewhere (hint.. hint)  There is a Thai community in the U.S. that will do their best to help her try to realize her goals if she gets there. I'm sure she already knows this. What you are asking her to do comes across as a purely selfish venture that continues to guarantee your access to her resources as opposed to allowing her access to her own resourcefulness . 


Lulu95: said

                                     ["I want her to follow her dream"]



You say you have a dirty financial past history....why not at least allow her a chance for a clean future. If she comes back to Thailand unsuccessful at least she knows for sure that the opportunity was not wasted. 


The best analogy of what you are doing  is the story of the guy who found 

an owl who laid golden eggs. One day he got so hungry, he ate the owl.



Edited by Seth1a2a
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4 hours ago, ianezy0 said:

I dont have a job and even if I got one the salary wouldn't meet the embassy's requirements to take her here. All the money I have now came from illegal activities back home. 


This has to be a troll. 

If not then you have to be one of the worlds biggest losers.

Provide us her details so we can steer her away from you.

Why you think Im trolling?

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4 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

She has used a lot of money and time for this, her visa was denied the first time, second time she got it ("tourist visa" TEN <deleted> YEARS)....

A 10 year <deleted> VISA? to the USA? not sure what that means....tourist type visa's are 90 days for foreigners traveling to the USA

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4 hours ago, simon43 said:




Care to explain?


2 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

This says it all. 

I'd rather not, I already said enough. For those who think im trolling, I never said I was some gangster kingpin, nobody cares about what I do because im not the big fish. Even if I were to get caught I'd get community service + a fine... or maximum 6 months. I dont care, ok?


Oh yeah well unfortunately for you she already wanted to go there before we met



Edited by Lulu95
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2 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

A 10 year <deleted> VISA? to the USA? not sure what that means....tourist type visa's are 90 days for foreigners traveling to the USA

This is called a B-1 visa I think. Google it. Its valid for 10 years but they have to exit the country within 6 months after entry or something like that. Idk how long they have to wait to come back. I think they for example can cross the border to mexico/canada and go back the day after but im not sure

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Just now, Lulu95 said:


I'd rather not, I already said enough. For those who think im trolling, I never said I was some gangster kingpin, nobody cares about what I do because im not the big fish. Even if I were to get caught I'd get community service + a fine... or maximum 6 months. I dont care, ok?


Oh yeah well unfortunately for you ahe already wanted to go there before we met



But you're connected, eh blud?


“I respectfully decline to answer because I honestly believe my answer might tend to incriminate me” ~ Joey Gallo


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Im not trolling you guys. I swear on my mom and my life. Its not like its a big deal for me to talk about illegal acitivities but I dont wanna specify. Our jails are not like in the US, SEA etc... my chance of getting caught are very low, been doing this since I was 14. If I were to get caught its not a big deal because I'd probably just get community service 200-300 hours. 

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Just now, scorecard said:

And does his gf know this?



Yes she knows. I told her about how I got my money after we had been together around two weeks. She wasn't positive but I told her I'd stop and get a job. She also wanted me to stop smoking. This was in the beginning, she's my biaatch now. I can do what I want. She says she supports me and will stay with me whatever I do

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